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Production Order Types#

The Production Order Types are available in KUMAVISION factory365.


For general information about the functionality, see Order Types. This article only describes the additional pages, functions, and fields available for it in factory365.

Field Description
Calculation Order Description to follow.
Master Order Description to follow.
Duration Precision Assigns the field of the same name in the E+D order with the option: millisecond, second, minute, hour or day before.
Calculate routing Pre-fills the field of the same name in the E+D order with the selected option. The following options are available:

• No
• Hide Sec. Rtng. Lines
• Show Sec. Rtng. Lines
Structure Explosion


If a production order type is assigned to the production order, the fields: Duration Precision, Calculate routing and Structure Explosion in the E+D order are filled with the stored values of the production order type. Otherwise, the default values come from the Engineering & Design Setup.

See also: