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Project planning#

Project planning is presented below. It shows how a project can be structured and organized and how planned values can be stored.

Project (card)#

The structure of the project card is identical regardless of the status: Planning, Offer, Open, Completed. Depending on the status, some functions cannot be executed.

KUMAVISION factory365 extends the project(s) card of Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central1 with the fields and functions described below:

General information register#

Field Description
Project type Specifies the type of project.

If the following data has already been stored in the project type, it is adopted when
the project type is assigned to the project:

- Project booking group
- Project number series
- Template project no.
- Project type dimension code
- Dimension code
- Dimension value prefix
- Task structure
- Reserve
- Order type

See project types
Task breakdown Specifies the task structure to be used for the project.

The project task structure helps you to record and maintain your project tasks quickly and efficiently with predefined numbering.

See project breakdown.

Information register Tasks#

See project tasks.

Information register Invoice and shipping#

Field Description
Storage location code The field is pre-assigned from the Projects setup by the standard project storage location (if available). If no default project storage location is stored in the setup, a selection list of the regular storage locations appears here.

If "Create project storage location" is active in the Projects setup, the newly created storage location is entered in this field.

The field is used when creating a project plan line of type "Article" to fill the "Storage location code" field in the project plan line.
Stock transfer from storage location code The field is pre-assigned with the field of the same name from the Projects facility (if available). If no "Stock transfer from storage location" is stored in the setup, a selection list of all regular storage locations (no project storage locations) appears here.

The field is used when changing the procurement method to "Stock transfer" in
a project plan line to fill the "Stock transfer from storage location" field in the project plan line.

Information register Dates#

Field Description
Display forecast by Options:

- Day
- Week
- Month
- Quarter
- Year
- Accounting period
WIP date End date of the WIP evaluation. Later project bookings are no longer taken into account.

Functions in the ribbon#

Function Description
Start area
Project task lines Displays the task lines including the forecast matrix.
Project scheduling Executes the "Project scheduling" function.
Duplicate project tasks Starts the dialog for selecting the project tasks to be duplicated.
Project Gantt Viewer Opens the Gantt Viewer and displays the visualization of the project tasks including the stored predecessor/successor link and project plan lines.

See Project Gantt Viewer
Project chart of accounts Displays the project chart of accounts.
Project chart of accounts Displays the overview of the project account schemes.
Create activity Starts the "Create activity..." dialog.
Receipts Displays the list of project documents per document type and their number.
Update commitment items Updates the commitment items.

See commitment itemsUpdate.
Register forecast item project Registers the forecast items.

see Forecast registration.
Project area
Project plan lines Displays the project plan lines of all project tasks.
Navigate area
Project plan lines Displays the project plan lines of all project tasks.
Project plan lines Dispo Displays the project plan lines of all project tasks, filtered to the line type "Budget" and "Budget and billable" of the project plan line.
Project plan lines Sales Displays the project plan lines of all project tasks, filtered by the line type "Billable" and "Budget and billable" of the project plan line.
Project plan lines Purchasing Displays the project plan lines of all project tasks, filtered to the "Budget" line type of the project plan line.
Actions area - Copy
Insert outline structure This function inserts a new outline structure at the end of the structure details.
Insert outline structure to bookable This function inserts an outline structure up to and including the first bookable outline structure.

See project outline.
Area Belonging
Shipping unit Opens the shipping units.
Cross-country articles overview Opens the cross-country skiing article overview.

See cross-country skiing articles overview.
Tasks Opens the overview of tasks (task list).
Postponed activities Shows an overview of the activities on hold.
Project team Opens the overview of the project teams.

See project team.
Create project storage location For the procurement and logistics processes, you use this to specify whether the system should create a project storage location for each project.

The project storage location represents the place of performance of the

See project storage location.
Risk management Opens the risk management lines.

See Risk Management.
Inventory overview Opens the stock overview with filtering to the storage location of the project.
Time sheets Opens the working time items filtered to the respective project.
Activity log Opens the activity items filtered to the respective project.
Project Forecast Opens the project forecast items filtered to the respective project.
Commitment items Opens the commitment items filtered to the respective project.

Project task#

The project tasks that are/will be planned in the project are first defined on the "Tasks" information tab of the project card. This is where the "rough planning" for the project takes place for the first time.

KUMAVISION factory365 extends the project tasks of Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central1 with the fields and functions described below:

Field Description
Type of service In this field, assign the activity type for the project task in the case of an account.

You use the activity type to influence project account determination and have the option of influencing the maintenance of the project plan lines.

See activity type.
Status Indicates the current status of the project.

The following options are available:

- Planning
- Offer
- Open (order)
- Completed

These are pre-assigned from the project (header) and can be changed at project task (level). The status of the project task is inherited by the project plan lines.

A change to the project task status "Open" requires that the project status is "Open".

When the project status is changed, all project tasks with the same initial status are changed to the new status of the project (header).

If the status in the project is set to "Completed", the status of all project
tasks is also set to "Completed".
Cross-country articles A project task is identified as a task for cross-country items by the "cross-country item" label.

See cross-country items.
Project task for forecast This field enables account assignment of the forecast items to a project task with the type: "Posting". This allows forecast values to be entered on global totals lines and differentiated later.
Forecast cost price See Forest post table.
Forecast sales amount See forecast item table.
Remaining order amount See remaining order amount (order commitment)
Stock cost amount (expected) See warehouse cost amount (expected) (warehouse commitment)
Stock cost amount (actual) See warehouse cost amount (actual) (warehouse commitment)
Production Cost amount (expected) See production Cost amount (expected) (production commitment at target costs)
Production Cost amount (actual) See production cost price (actual) (production commitment at actual cost)
Assembly Cost price (expected) See assembly Cost amount (expected).
Working time Cost price (expected) See working time commitment.
Total exposure Sum of the above individual exposure values grouped according to the respective exposure type with drill-down to the exposure items.
Number of previous tasks Shows the number of predecessors of the current project task(s), as several predecessors can be defined for a project task in order to organize the project tasks chronologically.

The predecessors/successors are displayed in the "Project task dependencies" info box.
Number of subsequent tasks Displays the number of successors of the current project task(s), as several successors can be defined for a project task in order to organize the project tasks chronologically.

The predecessors/successors are displayed in the "Project task dependencies" info box.
Planned start date Indicates the planned start of the project task and represents a target for the detailed planning in the planning lines.

The field can be calculated using the "Project scheduling" function.

See "Project scheduling".
Planned end date Indicates the planned completion date of the project task and represents a target for the detailed planning in the planning lines.

The field can be calculated using the "Project scheduling" function.

See "Project scheduling".
Duration Duration of the planned activity of a project task.
"Fixed" milestone Indicates the "Planned end date" of the project task as a milestone (fixed point).
Statistics area
Initial commissioning Amount (MW) Represents the sales amount of the initial order.

Filtering the project plan lines according to the order type: "Initial order".
Follow-up order(s) Amount (MW) Represents the sales amount of the follow-up order.

Filtering the project plan lines according to the order type: "Follow-up order"
Deviation(s) Amount (MW) Filtering the project plan lines according to the order type: "Deviation" Allow synchronization from VK
Only the marked project tasks can be selected / linked in the sales document.
Default line type When linking from a sales document, project plan lines of the default line type ("Budget and billable" or "Billable") are automatically created.
Task Description will follow shortly.
Tasks Status Description will follow shortly.

Functions in the ribbon#

Field Description
Project task statistics Displays the project task statistics by resource, article, G/L account and total.
Project task card Opens the project task card.
Project chart of accounts Opens the project chart of accounts.
Project charts of accounts Opens the project chart of accounts.

See Project chart of accounts and Project account setup.
Engaging/disengaging The "Move in/out project tasks" function only works with a defined task structure in the project card and project task type account.

You can call up the "Indent/outdent" functions via the "Tasks" info tab using the "Line" menu selection.

When the "Indent" function is called up, the current line is indented one level down and bracketed by a from-total and a to-total line.

The description of the indented line is assigned to the from/to total line.

The new project task receives the description from the default. The plan lines already entered are also assigned to the new line.

When the Outdent function is called up, the current line is moved up one level. If it is not the last position of the task block, the next number of the
upper area is used. If it is the last position, the task block is deleted and the task number is assigned to the "from total".
Register forecast item project See Forecast registration.
Task numbering Task determination is based on the outline structure and depends on the current item and project task type of the line.

If a line is inserted between existing items, the system inserts a continuation line for the top line.

If a line is inserted at the bottom, the next project task number is inserted based on the top line.
Tasks Opens the overview of tasks (task list).
Create tasks You can use "Create tasks" to create tasks or Outlook tasks such as a meeting invitation.

When you create a task, a project task is created for you in the background. The project task is created within the From task you have selected.

You can create the tasks in the project area via "Tasks" in the project card, project tasks and from the project team.

Please note that the creation of an Outlook task is only possible with the corresponding setup. Further information on the connection / setup can be found in the Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central1 online help.

The plan lines can only be changed via the CRM task (contact tasks).

In the "Projects setup", use the "CRM task increment", "CRM task separator" and "CRM task counter" fields to define how the project task number is created. Further information can be found here.

Alternatively, you also have the option of creating
a task directly from a contact card by entering a project number.
Create sales offer You can create a sales quotation directly from the project using the project plan lines.

See sales offer.
Create sales order If the customer has already commissioned the project, you can also create a sales order directly from the project via the project plan lines.

See sales order.
Display sales documents Displays a sales document linked to the project.
Receipts Displays an overview of the documents associated with the project.
Postponed activities Displays an overview of the activities on hold.
Activity log items Opens the activity items filtered to the respective project.
Project forecast items Opens the project forecast items filtered to the respective project.
Overview of requirements Opens the requirements overview.
Cross-country articles overview The "Long-running item overview" is used to display the links of the available quantities to the long-running item project plan lines for the FA components.

See Long-running items.

Project plan lines#

KUMAVISION factory365 extends the project plan lines of Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central1 with the fields described below:

Field Description
Type of assignment Initial order
When the first sales order is created, the order type is set to initial order.

order When a follow-up order is created, the order type is set to follow-up order.

When maintaining the forecast, the project plan lines created during the forecast release (archiving) are marked as a deviation.

Plan line
Initial value when creating a new plan line.
Duration Represents the duration in days, calculated from the start date/planning date.
Start date Represents the start date of the project plan line.

The start and planning date is pre-assigned from the project task.
Planned delivery date Specifies the planned delivery date of the item linked to the project planning line. For a resource, the planned delivery date is the date on which the resource is used for the project.
Cross-country articles If the "Long-running item" indicator is active for the project task to which the project plan line belongs, the items of the "Item" type are automatically assigned the "Long-running item" indicator.

See Cross-country items.
Long-running article Linked quantity (basis) Shows the linked quantity (base) and links to the cross-country item link items.

See Handling of cross-country article links.
Article Version code If you are working with article versions, define the article version for procurement here.
Stock transfer from storage location code Is taken from the "Invoice and shipping" information tab if the procurement method in the planning line is set to "Stock transfer".
Reserved by Displays the document reserved for the project plan line.
Vendor no. For the rapid procurement of your project requirements, the option has been created to transfer items directly from the project plan lines to the planning proposal, inquiry, order, invoice and credit note.

Use this field to specify the vendor from whom you would like to procure this item.
Type of service This field shows you the transferred activity type from the project task.

See activity type.
Sales account no. You will see the sales account determined by the system in this field.
Consumption contr. You will see the consumption account determined by the system in this field.
Procurement method If you set the procurement method to "Stock transfer", the system creates a stock transfer route from the standard storage location to the storage location of the project planning line, if this is different; if a stock data card already exists, it is updated based on the specification. With the "Simulation" procurement method, a costing production order is created in the background.

If you want to trigger a purchase order for the item, set the procurement method to "Purchasing" and the inventory data for the item and storage location will be updated.
Sales document Document type Specifies the document type of the sales document.
Sales document no. Specifies the sales document number of the sales document.

Functions in the ribbon#

Function Description
Create sales offer You can create a sales quotation directly from the project using the project plan lines.

See Project - Sales offer
Create sales order If the customer has already commissioned the project, you can also create a sales order directly from the project via the project plan lines.

See Project - Sales order
Create sales complaint If a customer complains about the delivered goods, the complaints process can be started from within the project.

See Project - Complaint.
Create purchase request You can use the "Create purchasing request" function to send the request to the supplier directly from the project plan line.

See Project - Purchasing complaint.
Create order You can use the "Create order" function to directly create a purchase order for the project plan line.

See Project - Purchase order.
Create purchase invoice You can use the "Create purchase invoice" function to create a purchase order directly from the project plan line.
Create a purchase credit note You can use the "Create purchase credit note" function to create a purchase order directly from the project plan line.
Receipts The "Project vouchers" overview shows an overview of the vouchers associated with the project.
Pre-text / post-text You can describe a project plan line in detail using a long text.

See Project plan line document texts.
Cross-country articles overview The "Long-running item overview" is used to display the available quantities for the long-running item project plan lines for the FA components for the links.

See Long-running items.
Create activity You can use "Create activity" to create activities and/or communications from Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central1
to create activities and/or communications and store associated documents.

The Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central1 online help provides you with further information on the topic of "Creating activities".
Display sales document Displays a sales document linked to the project.
Display purchase receipt Displays a purchasing document linked to the project.

Project Gantt Viewer#

In KUMAVISION factory365, a Gantt Viewer is available to you within a project.

The functions within the Gantt Viewer are described below:

Function Description
Zoom (+) Zooms into the image section of the Gantt Viewer.
Zoom (-) Zooms out of the image section of the Gantt Viewer.
Full screen Shows the Gantt Viewer in full-screen view.
Go to Today Moves the display so that the current date is within the display.
Refresh Re-imports the data from the project.
Expand totals rows / collapse totals rows You can use this toggle function to expand and collapse the totals rows of the Gantt.
Expand plan lines / collapse plan lines This toggle function allows you to expand and collapse the plan lines of the Gantt.

Project Document texts#

Document texts project header#

You can describe a project in detail using a long text.

To define a document text for a project, select "Pre-text" or "Post-text" in the ribbon.

The project document text card opens.

Call up the "Format Editor" via the ribbon and enter your desired text in the editor text field. After confirming your entry with "OK", your text will be displayed in the "Preview" field.


Please note that pre- and post-texts on the project header and project tasks are not passed on to subsequent documents. This is only possible with texts on project plan lines.

Document texts Project tasks#

You can describe a project task in detail using a long text.

To define a document text for a task, first select the desired task line from the "Tasks" info tab.

Then select the menu item "Document text" via the "Line" menu selection on the "Tasks" info tab.

You can now decide whether you want to enter a prefix or suffix for the line.

The project document text card opens.

Call up the "Format Editor" via the ribbon and enter your desired text in the editor text field. After confirming your entry with "OK", your text will be displayed in the "Preview" field.


Please note that pre- and post-texts on the project header and project tasks are not passed on to subsequent documents. This is only possible with texts on project plan lines.

Document texts Project plan lines#

You can describe a project plan line in detail using a long text. This long text is printed on the documents you have defined.

Call up the project plan lines via the desired project task using the call of the same name on the "Tasks" info tab.

Select the project plan line for which you want to enter a document text. Then call up the "Document texts" menu selection via the ribbon. You can now decide whether you want to enter a pre- or post-text for the line.

The pre- and post-texts are entered in the same way as the tasks. Further information can be found in the "Task document texts" section.

The reports listed here print the project texts depending on the "Show additional text" button:

  • Project plan lines
  • Project analysis
  • Budget comparison project
  • Account proposal project
  • Project offer

Cross-country items#

Long-running items can be used for long-running planning and management. Article items with a long procurement time are created as project plan lines in the project. These items can later be used as components in project-related production orders. In this way, the requirements for these long-running items are triggered directly from the project, even if a production order does not already exist or the position of the component in the production order is not known. If the production order is then created and the components are defined in the order, the requirements coverage of the component can be linked directly to the long lead time article in the project.


Cross-country items are set up in the project via the project tasks. Separate tasks should be created in the project for cross-country items. A project task is identified as a task for a cross-country ski item by ticking the "Cross-country ski item" box.


Checking the "Cross-country item" box in a project task means that only project plan lines of the type "Item" and "Text" can be created for this project task. The lines with the type "Article" represent the cross-country items. The lines with the type "Text" can be used for groupings or notes.

If project plan lines are now entered for the project task, the items with the type "Article" are automatically assigned the "Long-running article" indicator.


The transfer of project plan lines that are marked as "long-running items" to project book sheets or the posting of these lines is not permitted and is intercepted by corresponding error messages.

After creating the project plan lines for the corresponding long-running items, procurement documents / procurement processes can be triggered for these project plan lines in order to achieve corresponding requirements coverage for these long running items.


The procurement documents created should always be reserved for the project plan lines. On the one hand, the quantity in the procurement document is then considered reserved, and on the other hand, only reserved procurement quantities can be transferred from the project plan line "Long-running item" to the corresponding FA component. Only the quantity that is already covered by the procurement documents can be assigned to an FA component, regardless of the quantity of the project plan line itself.

Cross-country items as components in the production and E+D order#

If a long lead time article has been defined in the project, it can also be viewed in production orders belonging to the project. The "Long-running item" label is managed in the FA components in the "Long-running item" field itself.

The following criteria must be met for a component to be recognized as a long-running item in the production order and in the E+D order:

  • Project number must be set as the project reference in the FA component.
  • The article number, variant code and storage location code must match between the project plan line marked as a long run item and the FA component.

In addition, the quantity that has already been linked / used for this FA component by a long-running article project plan line can be viewed in the "Long-running article linked quantity (basis)" field.

The fields "Long-running item" and "Long-running item linked quantity (basis)" can also be viewed accordingly in the lines of an E+D order.

Although it is possible to directly display whether an FA component or E+D order line is a long-running item, the available quantity of the long-running item cannot be displayed directly. This is due to the fact that this is calculated on the basis of the reservations for the long-running project plan lines, taking into account the due date of the FA component and the planning date of the project plan lines. In addition, a long-running item project plan line can serve several FA components, but there can also be several long-running item project plan lines for one item. The available quantity of a long running item is therefore always calculated at runtime. This is done in the "Long-running item overview" screen. This overview can be called up from the FA components and E+D order lines.

To do this, call up the cross-country ski article overview via the "Line" > "Line" > "Cross country ski article overview" info tab.

The "Long-running item overview" screen is not only used to view the quantity available for assignments. This screen is also used to set or cancel links between FA components and long-running item project plan lines. As a result, the procurement quantity already reserved for the project plan line is transferred to the FA component or written back from the FA component to the project plan line when it is canceled.


The "Long-running item overview" screen can be called up not only for FA components or E+D order lines. It can also be displayed for the entire production order / E+D order. The overview can also be used from the project. Here it can be called up for project plan lines, project tasks and the entire project. The information and handling of the "Long running item overview" screen is described in the following sections.

Cross-country articles Overview#

The "Long-running item overview" shows the quantities available for links to the long running item project plan lines for FA components. This page also offers the option of setting direct links between FA components and long-running article project plan lines and thus transferring the already reserved quantity from the project plan line to the FA component. It is also possible to delete these links here.

The structure of the cross-country article overview, the individual calls and functions of the screen are described below.

Address of origin#

The "Called from" field at the top of the cross-country skiing article overview shows the location from which the cross-country skiing article overview was called up.

The long-running item overview can be called up for FA components and project plan lines. It can also be called up for FA lines, production orders, project tasks and the entire project.

The calls are described below and the structure of the overview items for each call is explained.

Call Description
FA components / E+D order lines of the MRP type "Stock item" The "Long-running item overview" can be called up for FA components and
E+D order lines of the MRP type "Stock part" using the "Long-running item overview" action.

In both cases, the long run item overview is called up for the respective, referenced FA component.

Here you can now view the possible, requirement-covering long-running
item project plan lines for the component and create or delete a link between the FA component and the project plan line.
FA components / E+D order lines of the MRP type "Stock item" The "Long-running item overview" page can be called up for FA components and E+D order lines of the MRP type "Stock part" using the "Long-running item overview" action.

In both cases, the long run item overview is called up for the respective referenced FA component.

Here you can now view the possible, requirement-covering long-running item project plan lines for the component and create or delete a link between the FA component and the project plan line.
FA lines / E+D order lines of the MRP type "Production part" The "Long-running item overview" page can be called up for FA lines and
E+D order lines of the MRP type "Production part" using the "Long-running item overview" action.

In both cases, the long-running item overview is called up for the referenced FA line.

In this call, the MRP components of the respective MRP line that have
been identified as long run items are displayed as main items.

The project plan lines are displayed as sub-items for the respective FA components, which can be used as requirement cover if necessary.

If the "Set link" or "Delete link" actions are used when calling up an FA line, the displayed FA components are run through one after the other and the selected functionality is carried out for each individual FA component.
Production order / E+D order The "Long-running item overview" page can be called up for an entire production order or an E+D order.

In both cases, the long run item overview is called up for the referenced production order. In the case of the E+D order, it is the production order that is listed in the header of the E+D order.

All FA components of the production order that have been identified as
long run items are displayed as main items in this call.

The project plan lines are displayed as sub-items for the respective FA
components, which can be used as requirement cover if necessary.

If the "Set link" or "Delete link" actions are used when calling up the entire production order, the displayed FA components are run through one after the other and the selected functionality is carried out for each individual FA component.
Project plan line The "Cross-country item overview" page can also be called up for a project plan line. To do this, the respective project plan line must be marked as "Cross-country item".

The corresponding project plan line is displayed as the caller in the called
up cross-country ski item overview.

The corresponding project plan line is displayed as the main item in this overview. The FA components that could be covered by this project plan line are displayed as sub-items for this project plan line.

If the "Set link" or "Delete link" actions are executed from this view, they do not refer to the project plan line as the main item, but to the individual FA components as sub-items. This means that the individual FA components are run through one after the other and the selected action is executed for each individual component. The assignment of the long-running item therefore always takes place from the component's point of view.
Project task The "Cross-country item overview" page can also be called up for a project task. To do this, the respective project task must be marked as a "Crosscountry item".

The corresponding project task is displayed as the caller in the crosscountry item overview.

The corresponding project plan lines for this task are displayed as main items in this overview, which are marked as "Cross-country items". The respective FA components that could be covered by this project plan line are then displayed as sub-items for each main item.

If the "Set link" or "Delete link" actions are executed from this view, they do not refer to the project plan lines as main items, but to the individual FA components as sub-items. This means that the individual FA components are run through one after the other and the selected action is executed for each individual component. The assignment of the long-running item therefore always takes place from the component's point of view.
Project The "Cross-country article overview" page can also be called up for an entire project.

The corresponding project is displayed as the caller in the cross-country ski item overview.

All project plan lines for this project that are marked as "Cross-country items" are displayed as main items in this overview. The respective FA components that could be covered by this project plan line are then displayed as sub-items for each main item.

If the "Set link" or "Delete link" actions are executed from this view, they do not refer to the project plan lines as main items, but to the individual FA components as sub-items. This means that the individual FA components are run through one after the other and the selected action is executed for each individual component. The assignment of the long-running item therefore always takes place from the component's point of view.

Overview entries#

The overview items are displayed in the line area. The overview items are created on the basis of FA components and project plan lines and are created as main items and sub items. If the long-running item overview is called up from a production order or E+D order, the main items are created on the basis of FA components. The associated sub items are created on the basis of the project plan lines, which are possible requirements coverers for these long-running items. If, on the other hand, the long-running item overview is called up from a project, the main items are created on the basis of project plan lines and the sub-items are created by the FA components as possible requirements originators.

Note text#

In this area, a short note text is displayed for the selected item. (If a note is available for this item).

Post details#

The details of the respective item are displayed in the info box area. The item origin (FA line / project plan line), the item type (main item / sub-item), item and variant information as well as the due date and the storage location where the item is required are displayed. The quantity information and whether the item is to be regarded as "available" are also displayed here. The quantity display in the overview items is explained below.

Quantity display in the cross-country article overview#

The aim of the long-running item overview is to show how FA components can be covered by the long-running item project plan lines already in the MRP. For this purpose, the quantities of the long-running items must also be displayed accordingly. The presentation of the quantities in the long-running item overview depends on whether they are main items or sub-items. In addition, there are separate fields for each reference (FA component, project plan line) that display the quantities. In principle, the sum of the sub-items is also formed for each main item.


If the main item is an FA component, the sum of the quantities of its sub-items (project plan lines) that can be used to cover the requirements of the FA component is also formed for this main item. If, in turn, the main item is a long-running item project plan line, the FA components that could be covered by this project plan line are shown as sub-items.

The quantity fields basically have the following meaning:

Quantity fields FA component

Field Description
Residual quantity (basis) Displays the remaining quantity of the FA component line for the base unit. The remaining quantity represents the unused portion of the expected component quantity.
Reserved quantity (basis) The quantity in base unit that has already been reserved for the component line from procurement documents or warehouse stock is displayed here.
Linked quantity (base) This field displays the quantity in base unit that has already been linked to project plan lines for long run items.
Open quantity (basis) The "Open quantity" for the base unit is displayed here. The open quantity is the quantity that still needs to be covered by reservations or links to long-running item project plan lines in order to ensure procurement for the remaining quantity of the
FA component.

Open quantity = remaining quantity - reserved quantity

Quantity fields Project plan line

Field Description
Quantity (base) This field displays the quantity of the project plan line as a long run item for the base unit. This field is purely informative and shows the planned quantity of the project plan line.
Linked quantity (base) This field displays the already linked quantity of the project plan line with FA components.
Available quantity (base) This field displays the quantity of the project plan line available for links to the base unit. The available quantity is the reserved quantity of a project plan line, as only the quantities that are reserved for procurement documents or warehouse stock can be transferred to an FA component.


Sub-items can be displayed for a main item (FA component or project plan line) that have the "Unavailable item" checkbox ticked. These items cannot be covered or used to cover requirements.

An item is marked as "not available" if there is a date conflict between the FA component and the planning line. This means that the FA component cannot be covered in time on the basis of the planning date of the project planning line. Another reason would be if the quantity of the FA component is already completely covered (the remaining quantity is completely reserved) or if there is no available quantity in the project planning line. Although these items are then no longer used to cover requirements, they are still displayed to provide an overview of the existing links between the project plan lines and FA components and to indicate date conflicts. These items are marked accordingly and provided with a note text.

Functions in the ribbon#

The "Cross-country item overview" screen has actions that can be used to control the view of the screen, but also to create or delete links between cross-country item project plan lines and FA components.

The individual actions are described below:

Action Description
Recalculate This action is used to recalculate and display the data in the screen. This action is used to update the screen.
Set link This action sets links between the long-running item project plan lines and the corresponding FA components.
Delete link This action deletes the links between the long-running item project plan lines and the corresponding FA components.
Show posts This action can be used to display the existing links between the project plan line and the FA component for an item/item.

Setting and deleting cross-country item links

The setting and deletion of links between cross-country item project plan lines and the corresponding FA components is triggered from the cross-country item overview. The "Set link" and "Delete link" actions are used for this purpose.

The setting and deletion of links is explained below using the cross-country ski item overview for an FA component. The reason for this is that the setting and deletion of links always starts from the FA component, regardless of how the "Cross-country article overview" screen was called up. Depending on the call, only the corresponding FA components are filtered, which are then processed one after the other by setting or removing the links accordingly.

Setting links

When setting a long-running item link for an FA component line, the system checks whether this component corresponds to a long-running item in project plan lines. To do this, the system checks whether the component has a project reference and whether these project plan lines marked as long run items have the same item / variant / storage location combination. If this is the case, the corresponding project plan lines are used as possible default lines. The planning date of the project plan lines is filtered so that it is before or matches the due date of the component. The date filtering is important so that the demand-covering documents for the project plan line can also be used for the FA component line. The link can now be set until the "open quantity" of the FA component is 0 (zero) or there is no more available quantity in the filtered long-running item project plan lines.

The link is set using the "Set link" function for the FA component line.

Once the link has been set, a corresponding "Long-running item link item" is also created. This item records which FA component was linked to which project plan line with which quantity. The "Linked quantity (basis)" fields in the FA component and the project plan line are also calculated on the basis of these items.

The linking items can also be viewed in the cross-country skiing article overview.

The link transfers the reservation (proportionate to the linked quantity) from the project plan line to the FA component. This also creates a direct link between the demand covering document (e.g. a purchase order) and the FA component.

However, the link also has a direct effect on the project plan line. To reduce the requirement for the long-running item for the project accordingly and to minimize redundancy of the requirement between the FA component and the project plan line, the quantity of the project plan line itself is also reduced.


links Deleting link items has two integrated steps. The first is to reset the existing link according to the cross-country item link item. The second is to transfer the reservation without the cross-country article link.

In the first step, the link is undone using the long run item link items by moving the reservation in the amount of the linked quantity from the FA component to the project plan line listed in the item.

In the second stage, the system checks whether there is still a reserved quantity for the FA component beyond the link. This means that after deleting the link, there is still a "reserved quantity" for the FA component, which may have been set by manual reservations. If this is the case, the reservation is also transferred to the first suitable project plan line. The aim of this transfer is to always concentrate the existing requirements coverage for the long-running items of a project on the long-running item project plan lines. If the surplus reservation quantity were only to be canceled in this way, it would then be available for other projects/consumption. However, the transfer ensures that the requirements cover remains reserved for the project.

The link for the FA component is deleted again using the "Delete link" function.

By deleting the link, the long-running item link item is deleted and the linked quantity in the FA component and the corresponding project plan line is reduced / set to 0 (zero).

Furthermore, the "Open quantity (basis)" is also set high again in the FA component, as there is no longer any requirement coverage for the remaining quantity of the FA component.

On the other hand, the quantity and the available quantity in the project plan line and the available quantity in the project plan line are increased. As a result, the reservation for the requirement cover is transferred from the FA component to the project plan line and the requirement cover is still available to the project.

Handling of long-running article links#

This section describes the handling of long-running article links for different actions in the processing of production orders / E+D orders and in the project.

As part of the production order / E+D order processing#

Outsourcing and reintegration of separate production orders

In E+D orders, individual sub-assemblies can be outsourced to separate production orders or reintegrated from a separate production order. The noted requirements coverage (reservations) is also outsourced or reintegrated. Therefore, the long-running article link items are also outsourced or reintegrated with the separate production order.

Deleting an FA component

When a FA component is deleted, the system checks whether it is a long-running item. If this is the case and there are reservation items for the FA component, the reservation is transferred to the corresponding long-running item project plan line before the component is deleted.

Further information can be found in the section "Deleting cross-country article links".

Deleting a production order/individual FA lines

When deleting the entire production order or individual FA lines, the system checks whether the entire production order or the corresponding FA line contains components that are marked as long-running items. If this is the case, the reservations are transferred to the corresponding long-running item project plan lines before these components are deleted.

Further information can be found in the section "Deleting an FA component".

Reducing the quantity in an FA component

If an FA component is marked as "long-running" and a quantity reservation exists for this component, the existing reservation is converted to a long-running item project plan line before the quantity is reduced. After reducing the quantity, the system restores the reservation for the FA component according to the following scheme:

If the new "Expected quantity (base)" is smaller than the originally reserved quantity, then the reservation is only made according to the new "Expected quantity (base)". If, on the other hand, the new "Expected quantity (base)" still exceeds the originally reserved quantity, the reservation is set back to the originally reserved quantity.

This ensures that after the quantity reduction, the portion of the reservation that is no longer required is assigned to a corresponding project long runner and the component retains its reservation up to the maximum previously reserved quantity.

Cancellation of the reservation from an FA component

If an FA component is marked as a "long-running item", it is not possible to cancel the reservation for this component manually (call up the reservation cancelation directly from the FA component). This is due to the fact that the reservations for slow-moving items in the production order are not simply canceled and made available again for all consumptions, but are moved to the corresponding slow-moving item project plan lines. As a result, the reserved requirement covers remain linked to the project.

Cancellation of the reservation for an FA component that is marked as a long-running item is therefore canceled with an error message. Instead, the "Delete link" function in the "Long-running item overview" should be used to transfer the existing reservation to a corresponding long-running item project plan line.

If the reservation has been transferred to the project plan line, it can be canceled there for the respective project plan line. This then represents a conscious decision, so that the reserved requirement cover for the long run item is to be decoupled from the project.

Cancellation of the reservation from the demand checker

If a FA component is marked as a "long-running item" and has a reservation for the requirement cover, the reservation cannot be canceled directly from the FA component.

However, it is possible to cancel the reservation from the demand-covering document. This is due to the fact that it must be possible to make changes to the demand-covering document. For example, if the planned delivery date cannot be met.

If a reservation is canceled in a demand-covering document that refers to a FA component for a long-running item, the long-running item link for this component is also adjusted accordingly.

Consumption booking of a FA component

After booking the consumption for a FA component that is marked as a "long-running item", the long-running item link is adjusted to the reserved quantity again. This is due to the fact that the reserved quantity may be consumed with the consumption booking (reservation on stock). The long lead time article link must therefore also be reduced accordingly.

Status change in the production order

When status changes are made in the production order, the long-running article links for this production order must also be taken into account accordingly. There are two options that must be taken into account:

Change from "Firmly planned" to "Released":

With this status change, the long-running article link items must also be moved from the firmly planned production order to the released production order in parallel with the reservations.

Change from "Released" to "Finished":
if a production order is finished, all existing (unused) reservations for long-running items linked to the production order are redistributed to the corresponding long-running item project plan lines and are therefore still available in the project.

As part of the processing of project plan lines#

When processing project plan lines that are marked as "long-running items", the system must carry out corresponding checks and actions in relation to long-running item links (long-running item link items). These are described below.

Creating book sheets for long-running items project plan lines

It is not possible to create project book sheets for project plan lines that are marked as "long-running items". This is prevented by a corresponding error message. The purpose of this is to prevent project plan lines for cross-country items from being posted. A project plan line for slow-moving items offers the option of generating requirements in advance for parts that are required for production and have a long procurement time. It only serves as a trigger for procurement, the actual consumption takes place as a component in the production order.

Posting long lead time items project plan lines

Posting project plan lines that are marked as "long lead time items" is not permitted. A project plan line for long lead time items offers the option of generating requirements in advance for parts that are required during production and have a long procurement time. It therefore only serves as a trigger for procurement; the actual consumption of the component takes place in the production order.

Deleting long-running article project plan lines with link items

If a project plan line that is marked as a "long running article" is deleted, the long-running article links of this project plan line to the corresponding FA components are also deleted. However, the reservation that has already been transferred to the requirement cover remains in the FA components. If it was the only long-running item project planning line for the item / variant / storage location combination, then the "long-running item" checkmark is also removed from the corresponding FA components, as there is no longer a reference to a long-running item in the project.

Project scheduling#

With the help of project scheduling, you have the option of creating a rough schedule at any point in the project. Scheduling can be defined both at project level and at project task and project plan line level. Forward, backward and midpoint scheduling is possible.

Project tasks using predecessor and successor structure#

Project tasks can be related by means of predecessors/successors. To create a predecessor/successor structure, click on the number in the "Predecessor/successor" field of the respective project task line. The "Project task dependencies" page opens on which you can assign the predecessors/successors to the project task via "New" in the "Project task dependencies" selection field.

Set project task duration#

Enter the expected duration of the respective project task in the "Duration" field. You can enter this information in the following fields:

  • T = Tag(s)
  • WT = Weekday(s)
  • W = week(s)
  • M = month(s)
  • Q = Quarter(s)
  • J = Year(s)
  • L = the current time unit based on the date


Using the "Project scheduling" function in the ribbon, you can calculate the planned start date and the planned end date of the project tasks based on the predecessor and successor structure and the duration of the project task.

When the function is executed, the "Project scheduling" option window opens.

Field Description
Termination direction You can use the field to specify the termination direction. The following options are available:

- Forward
- Backward
- Center point scheduling
Termination type The scheduling fixed point is selected in the field. The options "Project" or "Project task" are available. If you select the "Project task" option, the additional "Scheduling task" field appears, which you can use to select the corresponding task.
Scheduling task The field is visible as soon as you have selected the "Project task" option in the "Scheduling type" field. You can select the corresponding task here.

Confirm your selection to perform the calculation.


Scheduling does not shift any existing planned start or end date of project tasks with the "Milestone" indicator.


It is a good idea to create a project template for similar projects, which you can use to transfer a project task structure, a predecessor and successor structure, as well as the project task duration to a new project. Only a fine adjustment is then made in the project. Only predecessors and successors that exist in the original project template are transferred. New relationships to existing project task lines are not taken into account.

Procedure Termination direction#

Forward scheduling

Starting from the scheduling fixed point, all project tasks are scheduled as follows:

Project task planned start date + duration = planned end date Planned end date of predecessor = planned start date of successor tasks

Backward scheduling

Starting from the scheduling fixed point, all project tasks are scheduled as follows:

Project task planned end date - Duration = planned start date Planned start date successor = planned end date of predecessor

Center point scheduling

Starting from the scheduling fixed point (only possible for project tasks), all successors are scheduled forwards and all predecessors are scheduled backwards.


When scheduling on the basis of the project, the planned start date of all project tasks without predecessors is set to the project start date.

Project tasks of the From total type receive the earliest planned start date of the subordinate tasks of the Booking type as the planned start date and the latest planned end date of the subordinate tasks of the Booking type as the planned end date.

Only the self-contained predecessor and successor structure is calculated for a midpoint termination.

Project location#

For the correct presentation of the transfer of risk, goods are transferred from their production site to the construction site or to the customer and not delivered directly and thus consumed. The project is then debited upon acceptance through a deliberate consumption posting.

A project storage location is always created for a project. This can be a storage location for several projects or a storage location explicitly for one project.

In the latter variant, a new storage location is created based on the "Sale to customer no.".


In the "Projects setup" you can control whether you want to create one project storage location per project or use one storage location for several projects.

Project storage location per project:

If you opt for the automated creation of project storage locations for each project, you also have the option of storing a storage location template from which the necessary facilities for the newly created project storage location are pre-assigned. The following facilities are copied from the template storage location:

  • Storage locations,
  • Warehouse booking facility,
  • Stock transfer routes,
  • Storage location map (register)


An event is available for project-specific extensions, which can be used to copy additional points such as dimensions or warehouse employees if required.

It is recommended to create a storage location only for the templates and not to use the template storage location as the actual storage location.

Field Description
Create project storage location For the procurement and logistics processes, you use this to specify whether the system should create a project storage location for each project.

The project storage location represents the place of performance of the project.
Standard stock transfer-from storage location The field is a selection list of all regular storage locations (not project storage
locations). It specifies the stock transfer route and is transferred to the "Stock transfer from storage location code" field on the "Invoice and shipping" info tab of the project card.

Project storage location for multiple projects:

If you decide against the automated creation of a project storage location, you have the option of storing an existing storage location that is to be used by default for the projects.


This option is only available to you if you have decided against one project storage location per project.

Field Description
Standard project storage location The field is a selection list of the storage locations available in the system.

It specifies the default project storage location for all projects and is automatically transferred to the "Storage location code" field on the "Invoice and shipping" info tab.

The field is only used if "Create project storage location" is deactivated.
Standard stock transfer-from storage location The field is a selection list of all regular storage locations *(not project
storage locations)*.

It specifies the stock transfer route and is transferred to the "Stock transfer from storage location code" field on the "Invoice and shipping" info tab of the project card.
Project storage location Number series Is used when manually creating a new project storage location.

Manual system#

In addition to the automatic creation of a project warehouse, you also have the option of manually creating a project warehouse location for each project.

To create a project storage location, click on the project card in the "Related" > "Setup" > "Create project storage location" ribbon.

When the function is executed, a query opens where you can decide whether you want to use the number for the storage location from the number series from the Projects facility or whether you want to assign a manual number.


Please note that this function is only available if the "Create project storage location" switch is deactivated in the Projects setup.

Inventory data#

When creating an article item in the project plan line, if a storage location is found, a storage data card is created directly in the background for the article and the corresponding project warehouse.

In the project plan line, the procurement method can then be defined directly on the stock data card via the "Procurement method" field.

If the "Stock transfer" procurement method is selected, a stock transfer route is created directly in the background for the standard warehouse in accordance with the settings in the "Projects setup".

Project team#

A project team can be defined for each project. The definition takes place on the project card in the ribbon under "Project team".

Create the project team members using the table below:

Field Description
Project no. Specifies the number of the project to which the project team is assigned.

This field is filled in automatically.
Kind Here you specify the type of project member. You can choose between resources (internal and external employees) and contacts (project members of the customer or further project participants).

If you select Type=Contact, the "Company no." field is filled by the system using the customer number of the project card, from which the company name is also derived.
No. Here you can select depending on the type of member.

Type=Resource: Selection of the respective resource no.
Type=Contact: Selection of the respective contact no.
Type=User: Selection of the respective user ID
Roll code Specifies the role of the project team member.

To assign code to the roles, the roles must first be set up in the
table of the same name.
Role Specifies the name of the roll.
Start date Specifies the start date for the use of the resource. The start date is automatically preset with the start date of the project
and can be changed manually.
Name Specifies the name of the resource, contact or user.
e-mail Specifies the e-mail address of the resource, contact or user.
Telephone no. Specifies the telephone number of the resource, contact or user.
Cell phone no. Specifies the cell phone number of the resource, contact or user.
End date Specifies the end date for the use of the resource. The end date is automatically preset with the end date of the project and can
be changed manually.
Company no. Specifies the company number of the contact as soon as the field Type=Contact
Company name Specifies the company name.
Business relationship Indicates the business relationship.
Seller code Indicates the seller of your company.
Persons Contact no. Specifies the person contact no.
Planned quantity Specifies the planned quantity of the project team member.
Quantity of plan lines Specifies the number of plan lines for the project team member.
Remaining quantity Plannable Indicates the remaining quantity that can be planned for the project team member.
Time quantity Indicates the amount of time already recorded for the project by the project team member.
Project quantity Specifies the project quantity for the project team member.
Total consumption Indicates the total consumption of the project team member.
Remainder of plan lines Specifies the remaining quantity of plan lines for the project team member.
Rest plan Indicates the remaining plan quantity of the project team member.


If the "Responsible" and / or "Project manager" fields are maintained on the project card, the project team data records are also created with the Responsible / Project manager role.

If you maintain a resource in the project plan lines, project team data records are also generated for this.

Please note that when creating from the project plan line, the team record is not deleted when the resource is changed or the record is deleted.

Archive project versioning and project status#

The project planning in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central1 is always updated and corrected so that it is not possible to compare different planning statuses. In the plant engineering solution, you can version the project planning in order to have access to older planning statuses and to compare two planning statuses with each other.

Project version#

To create a project version, execute the "Release version" function in the respective project via the ribbon. The current version of the complete project status has thus been archived and can be viewed via the number of the "Archived versions" field on the "General" info tab or via the ribbon under the "Project archive" menu item.

The archived project statuses contain a complete copy of the project map with the following additional information on the "Version" information tab:

Field Description
Version no. Specifies the version number of the archived project status.
Archived from Indicates who created the version.
Archived on Indicates the date when the version was created.
Archived at Indicates the time when the version was created.
Archiving note If an archiving note has been stored during archiving, this will be displayed here.
Last consecutive no. Project item Specifies the number of the last project item at the time the version was created.
Last article items Lfd. No. Specifies the number of the last article item at the time the version was created.
Last consecutive no. Value item Specifies the number of the last value item at the time the version was created.
Last consecutive no. Resource item Specifies the number of the last resource item at the time the version was created.
Last serial no. Capacity item Specifies the number of the last capacity item at the time the version was created.

Project structure version#

The project structure version can be viewed via the "Project structure" menu item in the project version ribbon. This corresponds to the project structure at the time of archiving with the additional identifier of the version number.


When archiving from the project structure, the project card is also always archived.

Shipping preparation#

When manufacturing complex items, the situation can often arise in shipping that the manufactured item needs to be disassembled and packed for shipping. In connection with the plant engineering solution, it is also possible to use shipping units across all FAs within a project. This requires that the production orders have a project reference, e.g. by being generated by the requirements planning in the project.

Project-specific shipping units can now be assigned to these production orders by checking the "Project-specific shipping unit" box in the component lines. This is set for all component lines of the production order.

Shipping units can now be assigned. They are no longer FA-specific, but can be assigned in all FAs that have the corresponding project number.

The assignment can also be assigned from the "Material structure" in the project. All FAs linked to the project plan lines are directly visible here. If the corresponding lines are transferred to a sales order, the shipping units can be used in the goods issue. The "Insert project-specific shipping units" function is used for this in goods issue. To do this, all lines belonging to FAs that use project-specific shipping units are selected.

The goods issue can then be posted normally. Once the shipping units have been posted in full, the original lines are automatically posted in the background and the sales delivery is completed. When inserting the project-specific shipping unit, the system checks whether each production order that uses one of the shipping units is also linked to this goods issue. If this is not the case, the system terminates with an error and refers to the FA. You can find basic information about shipping units here.

  1. Microsoft, Microsoft Dynamics, and Microsoft Dynamics 365 are trademarks of the Microsoft group of companies.