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Scheduling Agreement Management#

The module "Delivery schedule management" includes the areas: "Sales delivery schedule" and "Purchasing delivery schedule".


The scheduling agreement management is an unlock module, the use of which is only possible with additional licensing and activation.

Sales delivery schedule

For series production, delivery schedules with preview quantities and production-related JIT delivery schedules are sent to the suppliers, mostly electronically. On the other hand, the suppliers send delivery note data to the manufacturers, which in turn are already available to the customer at the time of physical goods receipt. Payment can then be settled either via invoices or via the credit memo procedure.

Delivery schedules serve as the central core for processing. They form a symbiosis between sales orders and sales planning. Together with master scheduling agreements, they also form an extension of order control. They offer similar functions to orders, but when order quantities and deadlines change dynamically, special functions come into play. The dynamics results from the so-called delivery schedules or JIT delivery schedules, which are usually received periodically.

The quantities and dates mapped in the scheduling agreements are taken into account in inventory planning and logistics for shipping. The quantities and dates are entered in the scheduling agreements via the "Incoming documents". All group-wide scheduling agreements with price information can be displayed in the outline scheduling agreements.

Purchasing delivery plan

With the "purchasing scheduling agreement" a functional extension of the procurement process in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central1 was realized.

While the standard of Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central1 knows the processing of purchase orders with or without recourse to blanket purchase orders, it does not know the processing of scheduling agreements (often also known as "call orders") so.

In the case of scheduling agreements, a framework agreement is agreed between the customer and the supplier for each article. Based on a fixed framework agreement, which describes the general contract modalities and must not be confused with the framework order in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central1, the current date and quantity information is exchanged between the customer and the supplier in day-to-day business. Here, an essential difference to the "normal" purchase orders is that the latest transmission of date and quantity information always replaces the last information and only the latest information is valid. All known date and quantity information is also always exchanged, so that, as a rule, dates from today to dates that are only several years away can be transmitted.

In order to be able to map this process in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central1, the "purchasing scheduling agreement" has been created. With this, the so-called scheduling agreements can be defined and managed. There is always exactly one valid purchasing delivery schedule in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central1 for each master agreement. The recurring transmission of the date and quantity information is called a forecast delivery schedule. The "Purchasing scheduling agreement" can be used to generate and send these forecast delivery schedules.

As described before, the schedule and quantity information is updated and transmitted from time to time and then the current delivery schedule always applies. Due to the usual transport times in goods traffic, it can happen in practice that deliveries from the supplier still refer to the previous delivery schedule, but the new delivery schedule is already active at the customer. For a correct allocation of quantities on the schedule line, the management of cumulative quantities is used. A cumulative delivered quantity is managed on the supplier side and the cumulative received quantity is managed on the customer side. The "purchasing scheduling agreement" supports users in managing these cumulative quantities.

Sales delivery schedule#


Roll Center#

A corresponding role center was designed for managing the scheduling agreements. This gives users a direct overview of their worklist and allows them to conveniently navigate to the corresponding overviews.

The role "Delivery schedule editor" can be assigned via "My settings". The role center is available after confirming with "Ok".

Scheduling Template#

Using the scheduling template, it is possible to define which type of call-off quantities are to be taken into account in logistics or production.


The combination of JIT delivery schedule with preview or delivery schedule is not possible. JIT delivery schedules dominate over delivery schedules and preview quantities. JIT call quantities within the same date range replace preview quantities.

Field Description
Type The following selections are available:

Planning code
With the selection "Planning code" you define a scheduling template for production. You use the selection in the "Production Code" field in the scheduling agreement to control which quantities in the scheduling agreement are relevant for production.

Logistics code:
With the selection "Logistics code" you define a scheduling template for logistics. You use the selection in the "Logistics code" field in the scheduling agreement to control which quantity in the scheduling agreement is relevant for logistics.
Code At this point, assign a meaningful abbreviation for the scheduling template.
Description Provide a brief description for the scheduling template.Planned Check the box if you want the planned quantities ("Quantity preview" field) to be included in the delivery schedule.
Retrieval Place a check mark if the released quantities ("Delivery schedule quantity" field) are to be taken into account in the scheduling agreement.
Daily call-off Place a check mark if the quantities finely called off (field "Quantity finely called off") are to be taken into account.
Disposition method You use the MRP method to specify how "Floating Goods" (goods that are on their way to the customer) are determined when a new forecast delivery schedule is copied into a scheduling agreement. The following options are available:

This option only applies to the production code. For logistics code, one of the other three options must always be selected.

Date basis without residual quantity allocation:
The quantities of the new delivery schedule replace the previous values. Quantities already delivered on a date are not taken into account and are omitted.

Date offset with residual quantity offsetting:
The quantities of the new delivery schedule first the previous values. But delivered quantity to a date remain and are added to the new delivery schedule quantities corresponding.

Cumulative Quantity:
The quantities of the new forecast delivery schedule replace the previous values. The difference between own cumulative quantity and customer cumulative quantity is considered as "floating goods" and is deducted from the first forecast delivery schedule quantity accordingly.

Article reference#

The customer article numbers are mapped via the article references. Under Reference type referring numbers for vendor as well as customer can be entered. The reference type barcode can be used to define barcodes, e.g. for the EAN number.

To set the article references, call up the desired article card. You can access the article references via the ribbon by selecting "Related" > "Articles". For more information on article references, see the Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central1 Helpsite.

Delivery schedule facility#

In the "Delivery schedule setup" the basic setup of the delivery schedule management is made, which will be explained to you in more detail below:

Inforegister General#
Field Description
Min. diff. Cumulative quantity for zero setting Specifies the minimum difference that must be reached for zeroing the cumulative quantities.
Progress ct. Proposal Name for zero position In this field you define a default sheet, which will be preset for zeroing in the cumulative quantities proposal.
Default In Transit Code In this field, a transit storage location must be specified as the default for consignment processing.
Hierarchy type code Group assignment Defines a hierarchy type code for the group assignment.
Mandatory field check The use of the mandatory field check for scheduling agreements can be activated separately at this point. Further information on setting up mandatory field checks can be found here.

The number series for the delivery schedule management are defined on the "Numbering" info tab.

Group hierarchy#

The master scheduling agreement is primarily used for a corporate group and the conventional scheduling agreements for plants. Therefore, it is essential for the system to know which customer (as a plant) belongs to which customer (as a group).

For this purpose, a group hierarchy is used via the hierarchies in the system. Which hierarchy type is used for the group assignment. Specify in the Hierarchy Type Code Group Assignment field in the scheduling agreement setup. A hierarchy type can be used with the customer as the origin and destination.

The group assignment itself is made via the customer and the here archie relationship..

Scheduling Agreements#

Contrary to a sales order, a scheduling agreement always refers to a customer and an article or an article variant. Therefore, the article number is not in the lines, but in the header.

To create a new scheduling agreement, call up the "Scheduling agreements" via the user search. The following table explains the fields of the scheduling agreement in more detail.

Inforegister filter representation#

Using the filter area, you can change the display of the delivery schedule for clarity:

Field Description
Display details The quantities preview, forecast delivery schedule, JIT delivery schedule, PUS are displayed summarized in the lines as daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly or annual quantities, depending on the selection.
Preview / Retrieval You can filter the display to a specific version of the type=preview.

Only the versions of the type=preview are available in the selection.
Daily call-off You can filter the display to a specific version of the type=fine call.

In the selection, only the versions of the type=fine call-off are available.
PUS You can filter the display to a specific version of the type=PUS.

Only the versions of the type=PUS are available in the selection.
Rounding factor This allows you to display the quantities (preview, forecast delivery schedule, JIT delivery schedule and PUS) rounded. The following selection options are available:

The quantities are displayed without rounding

The quantities are displayed rounded to whole numbers

The quantities are displayed to you /1000.
Optimized display Activate the switch if you only want to display lines with actual quantity values. Otherwise, depending on the display details filter, you will also be shown days, weeks, months, quarters or years for which no requirement quantities are available.

Inforegister General#

Field Description
No. This field is used to identify the scheduling agreement. The number must be unique and can be up to 20 characters. The number field can be set to the default value by using the number series option in the delivery schedule setup. However, it can also be created manually.
Sales to customer no. This field contains the customer number that you have assigned for it in your system.
Delivery to code Indicates the address to which the products will be delivered. With this field you can enter a different delivery address.
Item no. This field contains the article number of the customer article that you have assigned for it in your system.
Variant code This field contains the code of a variant of the item, if any.
Article description Indicates the description of the selected item.
Item description 2 Specifies an additional description for the selected item.
Customer item no. This field contains the customer item number. For this purpose, it must be created as an article reference beforehand in order to be selected here (see Setting an Article reference).
Supplementary part number Indicates a supplementary part number. This field serves only as an information field.
Customer item no. export option Indicates the customer item no.
Accept incoming document Use this field to specify how Incoming Receipts can be accepted. You can choose from the following options:

The incoming receipts must be accepted manually. Typically, when an electronic processing is newly set up, and each receipt must be tested again beforehand to be on the safe side.

Incoming documents are processed automatically when they are processed electronically. Typically, when the electronic processing is running securely and user intervention is no longer required.

An incoming document cannot be accepted and leads to an error message there. Typically, when there are problems in the delivery schedule and further reading of incoming documents must be prevented.
Locked This field controls the possible use of the scheduling agreement in stock planning (also called MRPII run) or logistics. This can prevent further processing in the event of incorrect data within the scheduling agreement. The following options are available:

This option is the default value. Here the scheduling agreement is visible and usable in the inventory planning as well as in the logistics.

Inventory planning
The scheduling agreement is not visible in inventory planning (both purchasing and production) and no longer triggers any requirements there. However, stocks can still be delivered via logistics.

This option is the strongest lock. The scheduling agreement does not trigger requirements in stock planning, nor can stock be delivered via logistics.
Status A scheduling agreement can assume the following statuses:

Is the initial status for new scheduling agreements. It indicates that not all fields are correctly defined yet. Therefore, it is neither demand-triggering nor can a logistics document be created for it. Likewise, no incoming documents can be accepted yet.

After a scheduling agreement has been completely set up, this status is necessary for each change of modifiable fields. As with a sales order, this only affects the creation or posting of logistics documents. For this, the status must be set to Released.

In this status, the delivery schedule is read-only.

Once a scheduling agreement has been completed, it can be archived via this status. It then also no longer triggers any requirements, no logistics document can be created for it, and no incoming documents can be accepted.

If the status of a scheduling agreement is changed from "New", a check is carried out to see whether an incomplete scheduling agreement already exists for the uniqueness criteria. This is important so that only one scheduling agreement can be found via the incoming documents. The criteria are thereby:

- Sales to customer no.
- Delivered to code
- Item no.
- Variant code
- Usage key
- Status [Open to Released]
Outline delivery schedule no. If the scheduling agreement was created from an outline scheduling agreement, this field contains the outline scheduling agreement number.
Logistics code This field is used to define a scheduling template for logistics. It controls which quantities are relevant for logistics.
Production code This field is used to define a scheduling template for production. It controls which quantity is relevant for production.
Cost center code Specifies the code for the cost center (dimension 1) that you have set up in the "Financial accounting setup".
Cost unit code Specifies the code for the cost object (dimension 2) that you have set up in the "Financial accounting setup".
Plant Indicates a possible plant at the customer. This field is an information field.
Unloading point Indicates a possible unloading point. This field is an information field.
Point of consumption Indicates a possible consumption point. This field is an information field.
Storage location at customer Indicates the storage location at the customer. This field is an information field.
Usage key This field is used to define which use the item has. It is used to distinguish uniqueness when the same item is sent to the same customer to the same delivery address, e.g. once as serial parts and once as spare parts. The following options are supported:

- blank
- Series
- Replacement general
- Series and use
- Try
- Pilot
- Additional requirements
- Initial sample
- Pattern
- Other

This field is an information field.
Contract/Order No. This field corresponds to the document or order number. It is entered in the "External document number" field in the created sales order when a delivery is made.

Inforegister lines#

The lines of a scheduling agreement do not really exist. Rather, the different quantity types from the items are displayed to the user at runtime similar to the sales lines. However, there is not only one quantity column, but four and the actual quantity field, which represents the relevant quantity depending on the logisitkcode.

Field Description
Delivery date Specifies the date on which the goods are to be delivered.
Planned goods issue date Specifies the date when the goods are to be shipped from the warehouse.
Goods issue date As in the sales order, this date corresponds to the due date in the warehouse as a requirement and is therefore relevant when creating the logistics documents.
Outgoing Stock cycle time Specifies the time needed to prepare the goods from the storage location for goods issue.
Transport time Specifies the time required for delivery of the goods to the customer.
Quantity preview These quantities are used as preview e.g. in monthly rhythm.
Quantity delivery schedule These quantities correspond to a finer subdivision of preview quantity. Therefore, they replace preview quantity within the same date period. E.g.: this quantity is made on days.
Quantity JIT call-off These quantities are usually sent on a daily basis. They do not replace any preview or delivery quantities, but exist in parallel.
Quantity PUS This quantity is filled in the special call-off PickUp Sheet. For this purpose, sales order lines already exist before delivery in exactly the same quantities. PUS quantities do not replace each other in new call-offs, but are always additive.
Target cumulative quantities Starting from the cumulative quantity received from the customer, the target cumulative quantity is determined here using the relevant forecast delivery schedule quantity.
Quantity This quantity depends on the logistics code and shows the actual relevant quantities.
Quantity supplied This field indicates the quantity delivered from the set.
Remaining order quantity This field displays the remaining delivery schedule quantity as the difference between the quantity and the quantity delivered.


If an overdelivery takes place, this is offset in the remaining delivery schedule quantity and the next quantity is already reduced.

Inforegister delivery#

Field Description
Delivered to code Specifies the address to which the products will be delivered. With this field you can enter a different delivery address.
Delivered to Name Specifies the name of the recipient of the delivery.
Delivered to name 2 Specifies additional name information of the recipient of the delivery.
Delivered to address Specifies the delivery address.
Delivered to address 2 Specifies additional address information.
Delivered to zip code / city Specifies the postal code of the associated city of the delivery address.
Delivered on site Specifies the location of the associated delivery address.
Location code Specifies the storage location from which stock items are to be delivered to the named customer by default.
Storage bin code Specifies the bin location from which stock items are to be delivered to the named customer by default.
Delivery code Specifies the code for the delivery agent transport type used for this customer.
Carrier transport type code Specifies the code that represents the default carrier shipment type code that you use for this delivery schedule.
Transport time Indicates the time between the delivery of goods from the warehouse to the delivery.
Outgoing Stock cycle time Specifies a date formula for the time required to make items from this storage location ready for delivery.
Ames-T This switch serves as information. With the help of AMES-T (Advanced Mobility Engineering and Services for Transportation), the procurement process within the Volkswagen Group is improved. You receive this information from your customer via the incoming documents.
Consignment processing Specifies that the scheduling agreement is consignment processing.

Framework delivery schedule#

Outline scheduling agreements are a combination of several scheduling agreements. Therefore, it is well suited for later evaluations, since all existing scheduling agreements with the respective plant are mapped for one article. For this reason, an outline delivery schedule is primarily created for corporate groups.

The master scheduling agreement takes on another important meaning when the agreed prices and planned quantities are determined. Therefore, one and the same scheduling agreement can occur several times in a master scheduling agreement with different prices and planned quantities. The fields "From date" and "To date" are used to determine which line is then valid.

To create an outline delivery schedule, call it up via the user search. Via "New" in the menu ribbon you can define a new framework scheduling agreement with the help of the table below.

Inforegister General#

Field Description
No. This field is used to identify the framework delivery schedule. The number must be unique and can be up to 20 characters. The number field can be set to the default value by using the number series option in the scheduling agreement setup. However, it can also be created manually.
Customer no. (Group) This field contains the customer number that you have assigned for it in your system.
Delivered to Name Specifies the name of the recipient of the delivery.
Item no. This field contains the article number of the customer article that you have assigned for it in your system.
Variant code This field contains the code of a variant of the item, if any.
Article description Indicates a description of the item.
Item description 2 Indicates a further description of the item.
Customer item no. This field contains the customer item number.For this purpose, it must be created as an article reference beforehand in order to be selected here (see Setting an Article reference).
Status A master scheduling agreement can assume the following statuses:

Is the initial status for new framework scheduling agreements. It indicates that not all fields are correctly defined yet.

After a master scheduling agreement has been completely set up, this status is required each time modifiable fields are changed.

In this status, the delivery schedule is read-only.

Once an outline delivery schedule is complete, it can be archived using this status.
Logistics code This field is used to define a scheduling template for logistics. It controls which quantities are relevant for logistics.
Production code This field is used to define a scheduling template for production. It controls which quantity is relevant for production.
Cost center code Specifies the code for the cost center (dimension 1) that you have set up in the "Financial accounting setup".
Cost unit code Specifies the code for the cost object (dimension 2) that you have set up in the "Financial accounting setup".

Inforegister lines#

Field Description
Delivery schedule no. Specifies a scheduling agreement number associated with the master scheduling agreement.
Customer no. (plant) Specifies the customer number (plant) defined in the associated scheduling agreement.
Delivered to code Specifies a possible alternate address for the associated scheduling agreement.
From date Specifies the date from which the plan line is valid.
Until date Specifies the date until when the plan line is valid.
Planned quantity Specifies the agreed quantity for the framework scheduling agreement line.
Price origin Which price is actually used for the scheduling agreement is determined by the Field Price origin fixed:

Invoice to debtor
The standard pricing for the invoice debitor from the Delivery schedule.

Sales to debtor

The standard pricing for the sales debitor from the scheduling agreement applies.

Framework delivery schedule
The price from the Price (MW) field is valid, for the from date and Until date valid frame delivery schedule line.
UK price (MW) Indicates the determined sales price.

Inforegister delivery#

Field Description
Delivered to Name Specifies the name of the recipient of the delivery.
Delivered to name 2 Specifies an additional name of the recipient of the delivery.
Delivered to address Specifies the delivery address.
Delivered to address 2 Specifies additional address information.
Postcode code / place Specifies the postal code of the associated city of the delivery address.
Delivered on site Specifies the location of the associated delivery address
Creation of scheduling agreements via master scheduling agreements#

To create a scheduling agreement from an outline scheduling agreement, call up the "Create scheduling agreement" function in the menu ribbon of the outline scheduling agreement.


The system determines all plants and their delivery addresses via the group hierarchy. In the "Unloading point selection", all combinations of these are displayed for which there is not yet a scheduling agreement.

Assignment of existing scheduling agreements to master scheduling agreement#

To assign an existing scheduling agreement to a framework scheduling agreement, first call up the corresponding framework scheduling agreement. Enter the scheduling agreement number in a new line in the "Scheduling agreement no." field. This assigns the scheduling agreement.

Incoming documents (Incoming call-off)#

The incoming documents are transferred to the concrete documents, the scheduling agreements, in this area. They can be transferred manually or directly via EDI interface. EDI is the technical Basis for the transfer of incoming documents. Since setting up the EDI interface is not part of this section, the manual transfer of the documents is explained here. In this process, the delivery schedules are transferred to the scheduling agreements and scheduling agreement items. The document for the Pick Up Sheet (PUS) is the sales order. Credit memos and stock reports can be processed without documents. The shipment data represents the entry of consignment material.

Incoming documents are:

  • Call-offs
  • Daily call-offs
  • Credit note display
  • Transport data.

After receipt of a forecast delivery schedule, it must be entered in the system. For this purpose, you have on the one hand the possibility to enter the entry directly via the scheduling agreement using the function "Item direct entry" or usually to generate a corresponding incoming document (forecast delivery schedule / JIT delivery schedule etc.).

Incoming call off#

In the incoming call-offs, you are informed of the customer's requirement quantities over a longer period of time, so that you can plan these requirements accordingly in your procurement / production.

Via the user search, you can call this up by entering "Incoming call-off" and manually enter a new one or, if you are working with an interface, open a call-off transmitted by the interface.


A forecast delivery schedule always refers to a scheduling agreement. The delivery schedule concretizes the delivery plan.

The fields of the call-off card are explained in more detail below:

Inforegister General#
Field Description
No. This field is used to identify the incoming call-off. The number must be unique and can be up to 20 characters. The number field can be set to the default value by using the number series option in the delivery schedule setup. However, a manual number can also be created.
Delivery schedule no. Selection of the associated scheduling agreement. In this view, only the scheduling agreements with the status "Open" and "Released" are displayed. However, you can only select scheduling agreements with the status "Released".
Debtor no. This field contains the customer number that you have assigned for the customer in your system. Usually this data is filled automatically from the related scheduling agreement.
Delivered to code Specifies the address to which the products will be delivered. You can use this field to enter a different delivery address. As a rule, this data is automatically filled from the associated delivery schedule.
Delivered to Name Specifies the name to which the products are to be delivered.
Item no. This field contains the article number of the customer article that you have assigned for it in your system. As a rule, this data is filled automatically from the associated scheduling agreement.
Variant code If necessary, this field contains the code of a variant of the item. As a rule, this data is automatically filled from the associated scheduling agreement.
Article description Specifies the description of the selected item. As a rule, this data is automatically filled from the associated scheduling agreement.
Item description 2 Specifies an additional description for the selected item. Usually this information is filled automatically from the related delivery schedule.
Customer item no. This field contains the customer item number. For this purpose, this must be created beforehand as an article reference. As a rule, this information is automatically filled from the associated scheduling agreement.
Error description If you execute the "Change status" or "Complete and check" function and the document contains incomplete or incorrect data, these errors will be displayed in the text field.
My supplier no. Indicates the supplier number that your customer has assigned for you. This information is communicated to you via the incoming documents. This field serves only as an information field.
Call-off no. New Specification of the current forecast delivery schedule. This field must be filled for the transfer of the delivery schedule into the scheduling agreement.
Call date new Specification of the current call-off date. This field must be filled for the transfer of the delivery schedule into the scheduling agreement.
Plant Indicates a possible plant at the customer. This field is an information field.
Unloading point Indicates a possible unloading point. This field is an information field.
Point of consumption Indicates a possible consumption point. This field is an information field.
Warehouse customer Indicates a possible customer warehouse. This field is an information field.
Usage key This field is used to define which use the item has. It is used to distinguish uniqueness when the same item is sent to the same customer to the same delivery address, e.g. once as serial parts and once as spare parts. The following options are supported:

- blank
- Series
- Replacement general
- Series and use
- Try
- Pilot
- Additional requirements
- Initial sample
- Pattern
- Other

This field is an information field.
Contract/Order No. This field corresponds to the document or purchase order number. It is entered in the "External document number" field when a delivery is made in the created sales order.
Status An incoming call can take the following statuses:

The incoming call-off can be edited / recorded.

The incoming call-off is confirmed. With the status change, the requirements are taken into account in the associated scheduling agreement.

The incoming call-off is not confirmed and is deleted with the status change.
Incorrectly documented If you execute the "Change status" or "Complete and check" function and the document contains incomplete or incorrect data, the switch is activated and you can get detailed error information from the "Error description" field.
Inforegister lines#
Field Description
Type Specifies the type "item" of the demand. The selection "empty" is not accepted.
Quantity Indicates the number of demand.
Requirement type blank
The quantity is regarded as a call-off quantity and is transferred to the Delivery call-off quantity column in the scheduling agreement.

No need
This is an informational quantity only and will no longer be included in the delivery schedule.

If no requirement date is entered, the current date is used as the requirement date.

Instant demand
If no requirement date is entered, the current date is used as the requirement date.

The quantity is viewed as a preview quantity and transferred to the Preview quantity column in the scheduling agreement.
Requirement date Specifies the date when the customer needs the goods. KW call-off Specifies a call-off period from which calendar week the goods are required.
Call off until KW Specifies a call-off period by which calendar week the goods are required.
Demand month Indicates the month when the goods are needed.
Demand year Indicates the year in which the goods are required.
Requirement status The status "B" indicates that FAB data must be taken over from previous transfers as constant from you as supplier until this date. This field is an information field.
Inforegister delivery#
Field Description
Delivered to code Specifies the address to which the products will be delivered. You can use this field to enter a different delivery address. As a rule, this data is automatically filled from the associated delivery schedule.
Delivered to Name Specifies the name of the recipient of the delivery.
Delivered to name 2 Specifies an additional name of the recipient of the delivery.
Delivered to address Specifies the delivery address.
Delivered to address 2 Specifies additional address information.
Zip code / Place Specifies the postal code of the associated city of the delivery address.
Delivered on site Specifies the location of the associated delivery address.
Delivered to country/region codes Specifies the country code of the associated delivery address.
Delivery interval Specifies a possible interval for the delivery. This field is an information field and has no effect in the system.

The following options are available:
- According to expiration date
- Daily
- Weekly
- Monthly
Appointment key Specifies a possible appointment key. This field is an information field and has no effect in the system. The following options are available:

- blank
- Arrival date customer
- Shipping date supplier
- Arrival date PAB
- Planning preview
- Daily scheduling
- Short term information
Kanban no. Indicates a possible Kanban number. This field is an information field.
Production release Specifies a date for the production release. This field is an information field and has no effect in the system.
Production release end date Specifies an end date for the production release. This field is an information field and has no effect in the system.
Material release Specifies a date for the material release. This field is an information field and has no effect in the system.
Material release end date Specifies an end date for the material release. This field is an information field and has no effect in the system.
Information register cumulative quantity#
Field Description
Progress number customer Indicates the cumulative quantity that the customer has listed for this transaction.
Last delivery quantity customer Indicates the last delivered quantity that the customer has listed with him for this operation.
Last delivery note no. Customer Indicates the last delivery note number that the customer has listed for this transaction.
Date last delivery bill customer Specifies the date of the last delivery bill that the customer has listed for this transaction.
Arrival date customer Indicates the arrival date that the customer has listed for this transaction.
Zeroing date cumulative quantity received Specifies the zeroing date of the cumulative quantity received, which the customer has set for this operation.
Cumulative quantity reached for zeroing Indicates the number of cumulative steps reached, which the customer has listed for this transaction.

With the accept the lines are taken over into the scheduling agreement and become scheduling agreement items. The function call offers two further functions, on the one hand the call can be checked for completeness and on the other hand there is the possibility to have a suitable scheduling agreement identified. After acceptance, the delivery schedule with quantities and dates is available to logistics and production for further processing.

Incoming daily call-off#

The entry of a daily call-off is analogous to the incoming call-off. JIT delivery schedules dominate call-offs and previews. The JIT delivery schedule must be set in the logistics code and/or production code. The codes are stored in the scheduling agreement.

Via the user search, you can call this up by entering "Incoming daily call-off" and manually enter a new one or, if you are working with an interface, open a daily call-off transmitted by the interface.

The fields are analogous to those of the "Incoming call-off".


Depending on the base calendar, the individual JIT delivery schedule quantities are combined in the date. This always ensures timely demand triggering and delivery.

Incoming Pick Up Sheet (PUS)#

The "Pick Up Sheet" (PUS) is also recorded in the same way as a call-off or JIT delivery schedule. In contrast to the call-offs, each PUS is a separate binding order, i.e. a PUS does not replace a previous PUS, but supplements the whole. Pick up sheets may not be combined. Only the notified quantities in the corresponding packaging are picked up at the time of collection or delivery.

Therefore, when accepting incoming PUS, not only the delivery schedule is updated, but also a corresponding sales order is created.

To create a Pick Up Sheet, call up the "Incoming PUSes" via the user search. Via "New" in the menu ribbon you can create a new PUS.

Inforegister General#
Field Description
No. This field is used to identify the incoming PUS. The number must be unique and can be up to 20 characters. The number field can be set to the default value by using the number series option in the delivery schedule setup. However, a manual number can also be created.
Delivery schedule no. Selection of the associated scheduling agreement. In this view, only the scheduling agreements with the status "Open" and "Released" are displayed. However, you can only select scheduling agreements with the status "Released".
Debtor no. This field contains the customer number that you have assigned for the customer in your system. Usually this data is filled automatically from the related scheduling agreement.
Delivered to code Specifies the address to which the products will be delivered. You can use this field to enter a different delivery address. As a rule, this data is automatically filled from the associated delivery schedule.
Delivered to Name Specifies the name of the recipient of the delivery.
Item no. This field contains the article number of the customer article that you have assigned for it in your system. As a rule, this data is filled automatically from the associated scheduling agreement.
Variant code If necessary, this field contains the code of a variant of the item. As a rule, this data is automatically filled from the associated scheduling agreement.
Article description Specifies the description of the selected item. As a rule, this data is automatically filled from the associated scheduling agreement.
Item description 2 Specifies an additional description for the selected item. Usually this information is filled automatically from the related delivery schedule.
Item code Specifies the unit code used when selling the item.
Customer item no. This field contains the customer item number.
For this purpose, this must be created beforehand as an article reference. As a rule, this information is automatically filled from the associated scheduling agreement.
Error description If you execute the "Change status" or "Complete and check" function and the document still has incomplete or incorrect information, the error descriptions will be displayed in this field.
My supplier no. Indicates the supplier number that your customer has assigned for you. This information is communicated to you via the incoming documents. This field serves only as an information field.
Call-off no. New Specification of the current PUS. This field must be filled for the document to be accepted.
Call date new Specification of the current call-off date. This field must be filled for accepting the document retrieval.
Plant Indicates a possible plant at the customer. This field is an information field.
Unloading point Indicates a possible unloading point. This field is an information field.
Warehouse customer Indicates a possible customer warehouse. This field is an information field.
Point of consumption Indicates a possible consumption point. This field is an information field.
Usage key This field is used to define which use the item has. It is used to distinguish uniqueness when the same item is sent to the same customer to the same delivery address, e.g. once as serial parts and once as spare parts. The following options are supported:

- blank
- Series
- Replacement general
- Series and use
- Try
- Pilot
- Additional requirements
- Initial sample
- Pattern
- Other

This field is an information field.
Contract/Order No. This field corresponds to the document or order number. It is entered in the "External document number" field when a delivery is made in the created sales order.
Status A PUS can assume the following statuses:
Is the initial status for new PUS. It indicates that not all fields are correctly defined yet. Therefore, it is neither demand-triggering nor can a logistics document be created for it.

By changing the status to "Accepted", the incoming requirements are accepted. The status change creates the corresponding sales order.

Changing the status to "Rejected" deletes the incoming document.
Document incorrect If you execute the "Change status" or "Complete and check" function and the document still has incomplete or incorrect information, the switch is activated. Further information is displayed in the "Error description" field.
Inforegister lines#
Field Description
Type Indicates the type of demand.
Quantity Indicates the number of demand.
Requirement type blank:
The quantity is considered as a release quantity and is transferred to the quantity PUS column in the scheduling agreement.
No need:
This is an informational quantity only and will no longer be included in the delivery schedule.

If no requirement date is entered, the current date is used as the requirement date.

Immediate Need:
If no requirement date is entered, the current date is used as the requirement date.

The quantity is viewed as a preview quantity and transferred to the Preview quantity column in the scheduling agreement.
Requirement date Specifies the date when the customer needs the goods.
KW call-off Specifies a call-off period from which calendar week the goods are required.
Call off until KW Specifies a call-off period by which calendar week the goods are required.
Demand month Indicates the month when the goods are needed.
Demand year Indicates the year in which the goods are required.
Requirement status The status "B" indicates that FAB data up to this date must be taken over from previous transfers as constant from you as supplier. This field is an information field.

Proposal Incoming call-off documents#

The proposal incoming call-off documents shows you all call-off documents of the type "Incoming call-off", "JIT call-off" as well as PUS in an overview. By means of the filters you can filter this overview individually.

Field Description
Status filter This filter allows you to filter on a specific status of the documents. You can choose from the following:

All document statuses are displayed

All documents of the "Open" status are displayed to you

All documents of the status "Accepted" are displayed to you

All documents of the "Rejected" status are displayed to you
Document filter This filter allows you to filter on a specific document type. You can choose from the following:

All document types are displayed

All documents of the "Incoming calls" are displayed.

Daily call-off
All documents of the "Incoming JIT delivery schedules" are displayed to you

All documents of the "Incoming PUS" are displayed to you
Debtor filter With this filter you can filter on documents of a specific customer.
Document actions#

With the "Voucher actions" function, you can quickly process incoming vouchers by accepting or rejecting them via the action. To do this, first check the "Selected document" box in the lines for which the function is to be executed. Then execute the desired action.


With the action "Open" the respective document is opened

Incoming credit advice#

The credit advice note is a possible settlement type to settle delivered quantities from scheduling agreements. Here, no invoice is sent to the customer (manufacturer), but the manufacturer creates a so-called credit advice based on all delivery bills. This is entered in the system in the same way as the other documents against the corresponding delivery bills, scheduling agreements and completed by setting the status to Accepted.


Please note that the self-billing document in the system is a kind of "information document" and does not replace the billing document of the traditional sales process. Nevertheless, the posted sales amount should match the credit advice amount.

Incoming transport data#

This area is used to enter the documents for consignment material. The following document types are available:

  • Incoming message
  • Damage/Loss
  • Return
  • Stock
  • Departure notification
  • Delivery notification

A corresponding scheduling agreement number is recorded as a reference. If a document Incoming transit data is accepted, the system creates a new sales invoice for delivery of the quantity from the consignment warehouse and later billing.

Delivery schedules and logistics#

Deliveries cannot be made directly from a scheduling agreement as in a sales order. Logistics documents are always necessary for this. Normally, however, these are not posted directly either, but are transferred to a shipping order. There, the packaging regulations come into play and, depending on the delivery quantity, the number of load carriers and packaging materials is shown as a regulation.

Shipping & Load Carrier#

The Shipping & Load Carrier Management module in KUMAVISION factory365 provides the possibility to process packaging. The packaging can be recorded unspecifically or specifically in the shipping processing order. In addition to the logistics documents warehouse picking, goods issue and / or picking, posted documents such as posted sales delivery bills, posted stock transfer outgoing goods and posted return delivery bills can also be transferred to the shipping processing order. When posting a shipping order, the logistics documents are posted and the interfaces are addressed, e.g. a sales order is automatically generated by the posting. The load carriers themselves can be disposable or reusable packaging and can therefore be managed with or without inventory management. In addition, the load carriers can be stored as packaging instructions for the articles. The packaging instructions are transferred to the shipping orders.


Please note that the Shipping & Load Carrier Management module is an activation module that requires additional licensing.


For the scope of functions, some settings must first be made in advance, which will be discussed in more detail below.

Shipping & Load Carrier Setup#

The number series must be stored in the shipping & load carrier setup. To do this, call up the "Shipping & load carrier setup" via the user search.

Field Description
Shipping order number In this field, a series is entered from the number series for the numbers of the dispatch processing orders.
Output existing shipping Activate this switch if you want to receive a message when selecting a logistics document in a shipping order if it already exists in a shipping order. Otherwise nothing will happen.
Shipping processing parameters#

The dispatch processing parameters are used to decide which interface is used with which deliverer or their transport type. In addition, other important control parameters can be set here.

Field Description
Interface This field defines which interface is addressed during shipping. For scheduling agreements only the option "EDI" is to be used.
Delivery code This field defines the deliverer to which the parameters and interface apply.

The delivery agent and the delivery agent transport type are used to define the shipping processing parameters and thus the interface together with all other sterilization parameters.
Carrier transport type code If different transport types are used, these can be specified here.
Sticker only After booking, the shipping label is generated. (Only possible in conjunction with a shipping cut).
Do not create file No file should be created when posting the delivery.
Invoice After posting the delivery, invoicing is also carried out immediately.
Print deliveries When sending, not only the sales order or stock transfer order is created, but also the document is printed after posting the delivery.
Print invoices After invoicing, the receipt is also printed.
DHL Product ID Parameterization DHL as a deliverer.
DHL Services Parameterization DHL as a deliverer.
DPD Services Parameterization DPD as a deliverer.
DPD export parcel type Parameterization DPD as a deliverer.
DPD Collection type Parameterization DPD as a deliverer.


From version 14.0 on, all interfaces are delivered without additional licensing, but are not further supported or updated. This is due to the fact that the interfaces were changed spontaneously in the past and KUMAVISION was often not informed about this change on the part of the deliverer. In order to be put into operation, each feeder is now tested individually and project-specifically. This may require some effort in terms of customization. A project-specific connection to Beo or ecovium (Vlog) is possible.

Thanks to these control parameters, employees in the shipping department no longer need to worry about how the posting is to take place. They simply select the carrier and, if necessary, the mode of transport and press "send".

Load carrier#

Load carriers are all packages in which articles can be shipped. Via the user search you can call up the "load carriers" and define them.

Field Description
Code Enter a code for a load carrier here. A number series is not available.
Description Enter the description of the load carrier here.
Load carrier type Specify a type of load carrier. You can choose from:
- Single
- Master
- Addition single
- Addition master
Reusable load carrier Activate the switch as soon as a returnable load carrier (e.g. Euro pallet) is involved.
Label ID This field is the same as the report selection in sales or purchasing. It controls which report will be printed for the load carrier.
Stock Indicates, if the load carrier is inventory managed, the current stock level of the item.
Item no. Indicates the article number, if the load carrier is inventory-managed.
Item Template Code Specifies, if the load carrier is inventory managed, the appropriate configuration template for the associated item.
Unit Specifies the unit of the charge carrier.
Field Description
Length Specifies the length dimensions of the load carrier
Wide Indicates the width dimensions of the load carrier
Height Indicates the height dimensions of the load carrier
Weight Indicates the weight of the load carrier
Inventory managed load carriers#

Load carriers that are inventory managed must be created as articles. To create a load carrier as an article, select the appropriate article category code and unit and then execute the "Create article" function in the ribbon.

Packing instruction group#

Similar to the suppliers of an item, several different packing instruction groups can also be defined for the instruction types:

  • Internal
  • Debtor
  • Vendor

To define the packing instruction group, call it up via the user search. Via "New" in the menu ribbon you can create a new packing instruction group with the help of the table below.

Field Description
Packaging specification group This field defines the code for the group.
Packing instruction type There are the options:

This group is used internally. There is currently no use for it.

This group is used for debtors.

This group is used for creditors
Packaging instruction code Depending on the packing instruction type, this field defines a concrete customer or vendor.
Item no. This field defines the article for the regulation group.
Start date This date can be used to define from when this group is valid.
End date This date can be used to define until when this group is valid.
Standard One group per packing instruction type can be defined as the default. This is then automatically used when transferring logistics documents to a shipping processing order.
Description Here the group can be described.
Packing instruction#

The actual regulations, i.e. which load carriers are to be used in what quantity, are defined in the packaging regulations.

To define the packing instructions, call them up via the user search.

The "General" area initially contains, among other things, filter options which you can use to filter for specific packaging regulations.

Field Description
Item no. Filter This filter allows you to filter on a specific item number.
Packing prescription type filter This filter allows you to filter on a specific packaging prescription type. You can choose from the following options:
- Internal
- Debtor
- Vendor
- None
Packing instruction code filter This filter allows you to filter on a specific packing instruction code.
Packing instruction group This filter allows you to filter on a specific packing instruction group

According to the filtering in the "General" section, the corresponding records will be displayed in the rows.

Field Description
Packing instruction type Specifies the packing instruction type. The following are available for selection:

This group is used internally. There is currently no use for it.

This group is used for debtors.

This group is used for creditors
Load carrier type Specifies the type of load carrier. The following option types are available:

Corresponds to a charge carrier and is used either individually in a group or several times in combination with a master.

Corresponds to a load carrier that represents the lowest unit, such as a pallet. Is defined only once for a group.

Addition single
Corresponds to additional packaging for a single such as a lid on a KLT (small load carrier).

Addition master
Corresponds to additional packaging for a master such as a false bottom or wrapping the entire pallet.
Quantity This field contains the quantity of the charge carrier for the group.
Rounding factor quantity This field can be used to round the load carriers.

The quantity is 4, because 4 singles are placed on one pallet. However, up to three levels can be placed on one pallet. To ensure that each level is always filled with 4 load carriers (and possibly also empty load carriers) for stacking, the rounding factor Quantity is also set to 4. This means that there are either 4.8 or 12 single load carriers on a pallet.
Item quantity per load carrier This field defines the quantity of items that a load carrier contains.
Label ID This field can be used to define the report for the label for exactly this regulation, in contrast to the "Label ID" field of the load carrier.

Consignment processing#

If the "Consignment processing" field is set on a scheduling agreement, a transfer order is created instead of a sales order when a delivery is made via Logistics. The following facilities are required in advance for this:

Delivery schedule facility#

For this purpose, a transit storage location must be specified as a default in the "Default in Transit Code" field in the scheduling agreement setup. Call this up via the user search.

Origin storage locations#

Origin storage locations define different storage locations such as consignment stores. They are defined for debtors, creditors and possibly for work center groups for external work and articles for the different business transactions.

Create logistics documents#

Logistics documents are always required for an outbound delivery on scheduling agreements. Depending on the settings of the storage location, these are:

  • Warehouse picking
  • Outgoing goods
  • Outgoing goods and picking

The only difference from the standard is that the scheduling agreement is another source document for selecting origin documents.

Shipping processing order#

The shipping order does not replace the logistics documents goods issue and warehouse picking, it supplements them. It primarily serves to enable a clean recording and presentation of the load carriers for a goods issue. Different load carriers can be recorded and displayed for each item listed.

A new shipping order is entered by calling up "Shipping order" via the user search. After creating a new order, the logistics documents can be transferred either via the function "Get goods issue" or "Get warehouse picking".

Then the delivery condition code is entered. The "Delivery code" and "Delivery transport code" selections are used to define the shipping processing parameters. The "Pickup date" and the "Pickup time" can be entered under the "Additional information" info tab.


The field "Pickup date" is used on the EDI labels for the goods tag. If this field is empty, it will also be empty on the labels.

If the quantity of the articles is corrected here again, the packing instructions must be recalculated and taken over via the function "Determine packing instructions".

The actual dispatch then takes place via "Send order". The system first checks whether all requirements have been met. With the EDI interface, the necessary numbers of package tracking numbers are now drawn from the number series for each load carrier. If a label has a label report stored in the "Label ID" field, the label is printed out.

The logistics documents are then posted. If the source origin is still a scheduling agreement, either a sales order or, in the case of consignment processing, a stock transfer order is created and posted as a delivery.

Finally, the shipment processing order itself is archived and, if necessary, the reports for the goods receipt/issue slip and bill of lading/shipping order are printed.

Cumulative Quantity Management#

Cumulative Quantities Management is used to manage cumulative quantities and thus extends the scope of delivery schedules. The cumulative quantity management enables a transparent display of the current processing status of scheduling agreements. Logistics can thus be controlled on the basis of the difference between the company's own cumulative quantity and the customer's cumulative quantity. A reset or correction can be made at any time or periodically.

Progress figures Proposal#

The cumulative quantities proposal shows the current statuses of scheduling agreements. The displayed scheduling agreements can then be corrected or zeroed out. You can limit the display accordingly by using appropriate filter criteria. You can call up the cumulative quantities proposal using the search term of the same name via the user search.

You can assign your own proposal names to indicate what type of proposal it is. The name will appear later in the journal. After selecting the template, the actual proposal window appears.

Using the "Generate proposal" function, you can now filter out the scheduling agreements that need to be corrected. For this purpose, another window is available in which you can set defaults accordingly.

On the "Options" tab, you can set a date filter. This takes into account all customers who have entered a zero date cumulative quantity on the customer card under the "Scheduling agreement" info tab in the period entered.

After corresponding input and acceptance with "OK", the scheduling agreements are displayed.

After editing the scheduling agreements, they must be registered. You can perform the registration via the menu item "Register".

Progress Notes Journals#

All registered cumulative quantities are listed in the journals. You can access the individual cumulative quantity items by using the LookUp function in the "From current no." and "To current no." fields.

Purchasing delivery schedule#


Purchasing delivery schedule setup#

In the Purchasing Supply Schedule Setup, the basic setups are made.

field description
Plant In this field the plant number of the client can be stored. The value is used as default for the new creation of a purchase delivery schedule.
Unloading point In this field the unloading point of the client can be stored. The value is used as default for the new creation of a purchasing scheduling agreement.
Information register numbering#
Field Description
Supply plan numbers This field can be used to store the number series for the supply plans on the purchasing side.
Delivery schedule numbers This field can be used to store the number series for the delivery schedules on the purchasing side.

User setup#

In the user setup, the following settings related to the purchasing delivery schedule can be maintained per user:

Inforegister General#
field description
Purchasing delivery schedule changed reset If this facility is activated for a user, the user can manually override the "Changed" check mark in the purchasing scheduling agreement.
Delete active purchase scheduling agreement items In the purchase scheduling agreement, the function "Delete purchase scheduling agreement lines" can be used to control whether all active purchase scheduling agreement items for this purchase scheduling agreement should be deleted. This function can only be executed by users who have been authorized to do so at this point.

Master data#


On the vendor card, the following must be defined for the processing of purchase scheduling agreements on the "Purchase scheduling agreement" info tab:

field description
Purchasing scheduling agreement preview quantity week In the standard of Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central1, requirements are always defined exactly to one day. In the preparation of delivery schedules, it is common to provide more distant requirement dates with the specification of calendar weeks or month specifications. In the field can be defined therefore with a classical date formula, starting from which date the requirements are represented summarized on week level in the forecast delivery schedule.

The value of the field is inherited with the new creation of a purchase scheduling agreement after selection of the vendor number and can be changed in the purchase scheduling agreement, if desired, manually.
Purchasing Scheduling Agreement Preview Quantity Month In the standard of Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central1, requirements are always defined exactly to one day. In the preparation of delivery schedules, it is common to provide more distant requirement dates with the specification of calendar weeks or month specifications. In the field can be defined therefore with a classical date formula, starting from which date the requirements are represented on month level summarized in the forecast delivery schedule.

The value of this field is inherited with the new creation of a purchase scheduling agreement after selection of the creditor number and can be changed in the purchase scheduling agreement, if desired, manually.
Production release period When delivery schedules are transmitted to a supplier, a so-called production release period is specified.

The specification in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central1 can be defined with a classic date formula.

The value of the field is inherited when a new purchase scheduling agreement is created after the vendor number is selected and can be changed manually in the purchase scheduling agreement if desired.

The value of the field is inherited when a new purchase scheduling agreement is created after the vendor number is selected and can be changed manually in the purchase scheduling agreement if desired.

The value of the field is inherited when a new purchase scheduling agreement is created after the vendor number is selected and can be changed manually in the purchase scheduling agreement if desired.
Material release period When transmitting delivery schedules to a supplier, a so-called material release period is included.

The specification in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central1 can be defined with a classic date formula.

The value of the field is inherited when creating a new purchasing scheduling agreement after selecting the vendor number and can be changed manually in the purchasing scheduling agreement, if desired.

The value of the field is inherited when creating a new purchasing scheduling agreement after selecting the vendor number and can be changed manually in the purchasing scheduling agreement, if desired.

The value of the field is inherited when creating a new purchasing scheduling agreement after selecting the vendor number and can be changed manually in the purchasing scheduling agreement, if desired.


On the item card, the following must be defined on the "Stock" info tab for the processing of purchase scheduling agreements:

field description
Quantity in Purchase Scheduling Agreement In this field it is possible to see on the item card if there are purchase scheduling agreement lines for this item. The field displays the total of all purchase scheduling agreement lines with a view to the "Remaining scheduling agreement quantity" field.

Purchasing scheduling agreement#

When creating a purchasing scheduling agreement, the following fields can be maintained or are visible.


field description
No. The number for a purchasing scheduling agreement is taken from the stored number series when it is created. If it is defined in the facility, the number can also be entered manually or overwritten manually.
Depos. from credit no. In this field the vendor number is selected, with which a corresponding contract is defined.
Article no. This field is used to select the article number for which a corresponding contract is defined.
Article Description This field displays the article description from the article card.
Article Description 2 This field displays the article description 2 from the article card.
Article No. 2 If a second article number is maintained for the article, this number will be displayed here.
Purchase unit code The purchase unit code from the article card is displayed in this field.
Variant Code If variants are defined for the article, the appropriate variant for this purchasing delivery schedule can be selected in this field.
Credit item no. In this field, the vendor article number required for this purchasing supply plan can be stored. In this case it is necessary to refer to the article reference overview. I.e. only numbers defined in the table can be selected.
Storage location In this field, the storage location can be stored for which the determined requirement is to be assigned.
Storage bin code In this field the storage bin code can be stored, on which the goods receipt or the stock placement is to be booked in. This value is only a template and can be overwritten in the respective logistics documents.
Vendor Order No. The order number of the scheduling agreement on the supplier side can be stored in this field.
Plant The field "Plant" is preset when creating a purchasing scheduling agreement based on the purchasing scheduling agreement setup. The value can be changed manually.
Unloading point The "Unloading point" field is preset based on the purchasing delivery plan setup when a purchasing delivery plan is created. The value can be changed manually.
Status A purchasing delivery plan can have the following statuses:

The status "New" is automatically preassigned if a new purchasing delivery plan is created.

The status "Open" must be selected manually using the "Change status" function. This is necessary, for example, if subsequent changes are to be made to the purchasing scheduling agreement.

The status "Released" must be selected manually via the "Change status" function. This is necessary because only purchasing scheduling agreements with the "Released" status are processed.

In the "Released" status, the fields in the purchasing scheduling agreement cannot be changed. Two exceptions apply here. The "Locked" and "Problematic" fields can also be changed in the "Released" status.

Purchasing scheduling agreements that are no longer to be processed by the system can be set to the "Exited" status.
Language Code In the field, the language code "DEU" or "ENG" can be used to control whether the report for the forecast delivery schedule is to be output in German or English.
Blocked A purchasing scheduling agreement can be manually set to "Blocked".

A purchasing scheduling agreement that is marked as blocked will not be considered in the order proposal.

No forecast delivery schedule can be generated for a purchasing scheduling agreement that is marked as blocked.

Requirements from a purchasing scheduling agreement that is marked as blocked will not be included in the item availability.
Changed This field keeps track of whether there has been a change in the requirements after the last delivery schedule creation. If so, the field is enabled.

This field can be manually changed, provided that a corresponding facility is enabled for users in the user facility.

Manually overriding the field should only be done in exceptional cases and with caution.
Changed by This field keeps track of which user created a change for this purchasing scheduling agreement.
Changed on This field keeps track of the day on which a change was created for this purchasing scheduling agreement.
Problematic A purchasing scheduling agreement can be flagged as problematic.

A purchasing scheduling agreement marked in this way will also receive a corresponding marking in the processing in the order worksheet.
Production Release Period The value of the field is inherited when a new purchasing scheduling agreement is created after the vendor number is selected and can be manually changed in the purchasing scheduling agreement, if desired.

It is specified in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central1 using a classic date formula.
Material Release Period The value of the field is inherited when a new purchasing scheduling agreement is created after the vendor number is selected and can be manually modified in the purchasing scheduling agreement, if desired.

The specification in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central1 is made with a classic date formula.
Date of Last Outbound Delivery Schedule This field records the date when the last delivery schedule was changed from "Shipped" to "Shipped" status.

A field is also available in the background in which the time is also recorded.
Purchaser Code The value of the field is inherited when a new purchasing supply plan is created after the vendor number is selected and can be manually changed in the purchasing supply plan, if desired.
Assigned User ID The value of the field is filled with the user ID when a new purchasing supply plan is created and can be changed manually in the purchasing supply plan if desired.
Preview quantity (week) The value of the field is inherited when a new purchasing supply plan is created after the vendor number is selected and can be manually modified in the purchasing supply plan, if desired.

It is specified in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central1 using a classic date formula.
Preview quantity (month) The value of the field is inherited when a new purchase delivery plan is created after the vendor number is selected and can be changed manually in the purchase delivery plan, if desired.

The specification in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central1 is done with a classic date formula.
Creation Date This field records when the purchasing scheduling agreement was created.
Valid until In this field, a date can be stored until which the corresponding contract is valid.

This field has only an informative character. I.e. as long as the status is set to "Released", the purchase scheduling agreement would continue to be considered in the purchase order worksheet, even if this date has been exceeded.
Target Quantity This field can be used to store the target quantity for this contract.
Automatic release of outgoing delivery schedules This field can be used to define whether a created delivery schedule should be released automatically.



The lines in the purchasing scheduling agreement are for user information only. Manual creation of lines is not provided for in the purchasing scheduling agreement. Also a change on field level in the lines is not intended. The lines are created or updated, if necessary, by processing in the purchase order worksheet.

Field Description
Expected Goods Receipt Date This field displays the expected goods receipt date. The date will be passed from the purchase order worksheet line to the purchase delivery schedule line.
Desired Goods Receipt Date This field displays the desired goods receipt date. The date will be transferred from the purchase order worksheet line to the purchase scheduling agreement line.
Quantity This field displays the quantity. The quantity is transferred from the purchase order worksheet line to the purchase delivery plan line.
Quantity collected The goods collected via goods receipt or stock placement with reference to the purchasing delivery plan are offset against the purchasing delivery plan lines and displayed per line. Thus it can be recognized per line whether the respective line was not delivered at all, partially or completely.
Remaining order quantity This field displays the remaining delivery schedule quantity. The field is calculated by the formula "Quantity - Quantity delivered"
Target cumulative quantity This field displays the expected target cumulative quantity. This field is calculated line by line. The first purchase scheduling agreement line calculates the value "Act. Cumulative Quantity + Remaining Scheduling Agreement Quantity". In the following lines, the field is calculated as follows: "Target cumulative quantity previous line + remaining delivery plan quantity".
Manually Created This field indicates whether the line has been created manually in the purchase order worksheet.

For lines that have been created automatically by the purchase order worksheet, this field will also be checked if a manual correction has been made in the "Quantity" field.


field description
Incoming. Stock lead time This field is used to define the existing stock lead time.

The value of the field is inherited when a new purchasing delivery schedule is created after the storage location code has been selected and can be changed manually in the purchasing delivery schedule if desired.

The value of the field is inherited when a new purchasing delivery schedule is created after the storage location code has been selected and can be changed manually in the purchasing delivery schedule if desired.
Procurement time This field is used to define the procurement time.

The default value of the field is inherited after updating the fields: Item number, storage location, variant and can be modified manually if desired.
Sec.-Zuschl. Beschaff. This field is used to define the safety surcharge procurement period.

The value of the field is inherited when a new purchasing scheduling agreement is created after the article number has been selected and can be changed manually in the purchasing scheduling agreement if desired.

The value of the field is inherited when a new purchasing scheduling agreement is created after the article number has been selected and can be changed manually in the purchasing scheduling agreement if desired.

These fields are required for scheduling due dates in the purchase order worksheet. The calculation is done as usual in the standard of Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central1.


The following infoboxes are available for a purchasing delivery schedule:

Purchase cumulative quantities.

The following fields are displayed in the infobox:

Field description
Last Delivery No. This field displays the last delivery note number (posted purchasing delivery) that has been posted to this purchasing scheduling agreement.
Last Ext. Delivery No. This field displays the last external delivery note number that has been posted to this purchasing scheduling agreement.
Last Delivery Date This field displays the posting date from the associated posted purchasing delivery.
Last Delivery Quantity This field displays the last delivery quantity.
Current cumulative quantity This field displays the current cumulative quantity. This is the total of all quantities received for this purchasing scheduling agreement, taking into account any manually maintained cumulative quantity corrections.
Last cumulative quantity sent This field displays the cumulative quantity that was sent to the vendor with the last forecast delivery schedule.

Price Information

The following fields are displayed in the info box:

Field Description
EK-Price The EK-price is displayed.
Line discount % The percentage line discount is displayed.
Currency Code The currency code is displayed.
Stock The stock for the combination item/variant/storage location is displayed.


For the determination of the values, the system creates a temporary purchase order for the combination vendor/article/variant with the quantity 1 and on the work date.


The calculation or update is always done when the purchasing scheduling agreement is released.

Storage data

The following information of the inventory data card is displayed in the info box:

field description
Storage Location The stored storage location for this purchasing supply plan.
Stock level The stock level for this item or variant at the respective storage location.
Safety Stock The stored safety stock on the inventory data card.

Management purchase delivery schedule#

Status change#

A status change can be called up via the "Change status" function in the menu ribbon. A purchasing scheduling agreement has different statuses:

status description
New A newly created purchasing delivery plan is initially given the status "New".
Open If a change is to be made to a purchasing scheduling agreement that already has the status "Released", the status must be reset to "Open". Only then can changes be made.
Released In the "Released" status, the purchasing scheduling agreement is active. On the one hand, this means that no changes can be made to the fields in this status. Two exceptions apply here. The fields "Blocked" and "Problematic" can also be changed in the status "Released".

Further, the status "Released" is important for the interaction with the logistics documents. As with conventional purchase orders, only purchasing scheduling agreements can be brought into a goods receipt or warehouse putaway if the status is "Released".

The "Released" status is also important for requirements determination. Requirements determination in the Purchase Order Worksheet only checks against purchasing scheduling agreements with the status "Released". If no suitable purchasing scheduling agreement with the status "Released" is found for the lines created in the purchase order worksheet, the requirements are not created as forecast delivery schedules, but as "normal" purchase orders.
Finished If a purchasing scheduling agreement is no longer needed, the status can be set to "Finished".

A created purchasing scheduling agreement for which items already exist cannot be deleted. I.e. also such purchase scheduling agreements must be set to the status "Finished".

Once a purchase scheduling agreement has been set to the status "Finished", the status can no longer be changed back to one of the other statuses.

Uniqueness of scheduling agreements#

When the status changes to "released", a uniqueness check is performed. According to the rule for forecast delivery schedules, a forecast delivery schedule must refer to the following order terms

  • plant customer
  • Customer part number
  • Contract/order number
  • unloading point

be clearly identifiable.


The closing/order number is the number of the purchase scheduling agreement.

If an error is detected during this check, the following note message is issued: "Purchasing scheduling agreement xxxxx already exists with the same uniqueness criteria. Finish the other one first."


Since requirements determination in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central1 takes place on a storage location basis, if there are different storage locations, there may be corresponding purchasing scheduling agreements for which the previously mentioned ordering terms are identical.

Delivery schedule text#

A delivery schedule text can be defined for a purchasing delivery schedule using the "Purchasing delivery schedule text" function in the menu ribbon.


Further processing or output of these texts is not provided for the time being.

Delivery schedule text#

For the delivery schedules generated from a purchasing scheduling agreement, a delivery schedule text can be defined using the "Delivery schedule text" function in the menu ribbon.

This text will then be printed on the paper document "Purchasing delivery schedule".


A transfer of these texts to the EDI message "Delivery instruction" is not provided in the solution.

Purchasing Delete scheduling agreement lines#

Requirements are only ever transferred to the purchasing scheduling agreement via the purchase order worksheet. There is no provision for manual editing at line level in the purchasing scheduling agreement.

In rare cases, it may happen that the requirements are no longer needed. Provided users have the appropriate authorization, the "Delete purchasing scheduling agreement lines" function can be used to delete all active scheduling agreement lines for this purchasing scheduling agreement. The authorization can be controlled via the button "Delete active purchasing scheduling agreement items" in the user authorization.

Outgoing documents#

Via the call "Outgoing documents" in the menu ribbon, all created purchase delivery schedules for the respective purchase delivery schedule can be displayed.


If dimensions are to be used on the purchasing side, the desired dimensions for the respective purchasing scheduling agreement can be viewed or maintained via "Dimensions".

Change cumulative quantities#

In some cases, it may be necessary to manually adjust the cumulative quantity of a purchasing scheduling agreement. For example, a running cumulative quantity must be predefined if a purchasing scheduling agreement is newly created in the system but has already been delivered to. Or a manual correction of the cumulative quantity must be made if incorrect purchasing deliveries are made. The correction or pre-entry can be made using the "Change cumulative quantities" function.

Open purchase orders#

The "Open purchase orders" call displays all purchase orders that have not yet been deleted and that exist for the selected purchasing scheduling agreement.


The call "Deliveries" displays all posted purchase deliveries that exist for the purchase delivery plan.


The call "Invoices" displays all posted purchase invoices that exist for the purchase delivery plan.

Active purchasing scheduling agreement items#

The "Active Purchasing Scheduling Agreement Items" call can be used to view detailed information about the current purchasing scheduling agreement lines.

Non-active scheduling agreement items#

The "Inactive Scheduling Agreement Items" call can be used to view all historical scheduling agreement items for the selected purchasing scheduling agreement.

Purchase prices#

The call "Purchase prices" displays the stored prices for the combination vendor/article/variant.

Purchasing line discounts#

The call "Purchase line discounts" displays the stored line discounts for the combination vendor/article/variant.

Item availability by#

From the purchasing delivery schedule, the "Article availabilities by" known from the standard of Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central1 can be called up.

Manage cumulative quantities#

Cumulative quantity management#

The cumulative quantity in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central1 is automatically managed for each purchasing delivery schedule. With each posted purchase delivery that references a purchase delivery plan, a cumulative quantity item is automatically created for that purchase delivery plan. The total of all cumulative quantity items is displayed in the "Cumulative quantity" field on the information page for a purchasing supply plan.

Corrections to cumulative quantities#

From time to time, the cumulative quantity of a purchasing scheduling agreement may need to be adjusted. For example, because the current cumulative quantity needs to be carried forward for an ongoing purchasing delivery schedule that is created in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central1. Or for a purchasing scheduling agreement that has been running for a long time, the cumulative quantity is to be zeroed out on a key date.


A manual correction of the cumulative quantity is also necessary for an accidentally posted purchasing delivery bill with reference to a purchasing scheduling agreement. Even if it is still possible to cancel the line or lines in the posted purchasing delivery, the cumulative quantity items formed are not automatically corrected.

Transfer of cumulative quantities#

When a forecast delivery schedule is created for a purchasing scheduling agreement, the cumulative quantity valid at that time is transferred to the forecast delivery schedule. The cumulative quantity is then (along with some other information) sent to the vendor on the printed or EDI delivery schedule. The supplier then uses this information to determine the "goods in transit" and can use the information to allocate the requirements in his ERP system.

Transfer requirements to the purchasing scheduling agreement via the purchase order worksheet#

Determining requirements for the purchasing scheduling agreement via the purchase order worksheet#

To determine current requirements, the purchasing scheduling agreement uses the standard purchase order worksheet. This means that the determination is used via the replenishment procedures or replenishment parameters of the articles or the inventory data card known in the standard system.

When calculating the current requirements, Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central1 takes into account the existing requirements planners. The existing purchasing scheduling agreement lines naturally also represent requirement coverers. Therefore, the calculations of the requirements have been changed so that the existing active purchasing scheduling agreement items are also included in the calculation as requirement coverers.

However, since the standard of Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central1 does not recognize purchasing scheduling agreements, the function has been extended in such a way that after the determination of the requirements per line, it is checked whether a released purchasing scheduling agreement exists for the combination "vendor/article/variant/storage location". If this is the case, a reference to the respective purchasing scheduling agreement is created for the line.

When the "Execute event notification" function is executed, no new purchase order is created or existing purchase order lines are changed or deleted for this line; instead, new or changed lines are created for the specified purchasing scheduling agreement.

Enhancements to the purchase order worksheet for the purchasing scheduling agreement.#

The purchase order worksheet has been enhanced with respect to purchasing scheduling agreements as follows:

field description
Purchasing Scheduling Agreement No. The purchasing scheduling agreement number is displayed in the field if a purchasing scheduling agreement is found for the line.
Ref. Order Type The field Reference Order Type has been extended by the entry "Purchasing Scheduling Agreement", so that it can be recognized in the field whether the line is a purchasing scheduling agreement.
Problematic If the line refers to a purchasing scheduling agreement that is marked as "Problematic", the value "Yes" is entered in this field. This allows MRP controllers to filter on these rows and manually check MRP suggestions.
Manually created If lines for a purchase delivery schedule are created manually, or if a calculated line is manually changed in quantity or date, this is documented in the field "Manually created".

In the purchase order worksheet, the information page "Purchasing delivery schedule information" can also be called up.

In the info box, line information from the purchasing scheduling agreement is displayed for each selected order worksheet line.

The info box is only calculated if the selected line in the purchase order worksheet is a line with reference to a purchasing scheduling agreement.

In the info box, the fields "Desired goods receipt date", "Quantity", "Quantity delivered" and "Remaining order quantity" of the purchasing scheduling agreement lines are displayed.

Handling manual requirements#

As previously described, manual maintenance is not possible at the purchasing scheduling agreement line level.

However, if desired, requirements can be manually adjusted and transferred to a purchasing scheduling agreement. In the purchase order worksheet, all calculated requirements can be manually adjusted or requirements can be manually added. These manually created purchase order worksheet lines are also checked by the system for reference to a purchasing scheduling agreement and assigned.


As in the standard system, manual maintenance in the purchase order worksheet should only be used with caution, since the next calculation of a purchase order worksheet usually results in these manual adjustments being suggested as cancellations.

"Execute event message" function#

The function "Execute event message" has been adapted so that no purchase orders are created or changed for purchase order worksheets with the reference type "Purchasing scheduling agreement", but new lines are generated in the purchasing scheduling agreement or existing lines are adjusted or deleted.

Furthermore, when lines are changed in the purchasing scheduling agreement, the "Changed" indicator is activated in the purchasing scheduling agreement header.

Handling reservations#

As on the scheduling agreement page in sales, requirements cannot be reserved in the purchasing scheduling agreement.

Therefore, items used for a purchasing scheduling agreement should not be planned with the "Order" replenishment procedure. Even if an article has the "order" replenishment procedure, no reservations are generated for the purchasing scheduling agreement lines.

Create and manage delivery schedules#

Generate delivery schedule#

The creation of a forecast delivery schedule is always done manually by the user. In doing so, users can choose whether a forecast delivery schedule should be created for only one or for multiple purchasing scheduling agreements by using the filter options known in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central1. In practice, it is usually filtered to one vendor and all new purchase delivery schedules are created for one vendor.


Regardless of the filtering, new delivery schedules are only created for purchasing scheduling agreements for which the "Changed" field in the header of the purchasing scheduling agreement is activated. This avoids that "new" delivery schedules are sent by mistake, where the quantities and date information are identical to the previous delivery schedule.

If you want to deliberately create a new "identical" forecast delivery schedule, the "Changed" field in the purchasing scheduling agreement must be activated.

If a new forecast delivery schedule is created for a purchasing scheduling agreement, the "Changed" field in the header of the purchasing scheduling agreement is deactivated again afterwards.

Edit delivery schedules#


The delivery schedule is referred to as an "Outgoing document". If the "Automatic release of outgoing delivery schedule" switch is not activated in the purchasing scheduling agreement, the generated delivery schedule is first created with the status "Pending". Among other things, fields are created in the forecast delivery schedule. Except for changing the status, no changes can be made in a delivery schedule. The delivery schedule can be viewed like a "posted document" in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central1.

field description
No. The number for a delivery schedule is drawn from the stored number series when it is created.
Call date new This field is used to select the vendor number with which a corresponding contract is defined.
Call-off no. The respective call-off number is mapped in this field for each purchasing delivery schedule. I.e. the value is set to 1 with the first created call-off and then always increased by the value "1".
Supply schedule number
In this field the purchase delivery schedule number is recorded, to which this delivery schedule refers.
Order Address Code
Ind. of Name
Article No.
Variant Code
Article Description
Article Description 2
Article Unit Code
Vendor Article No.
Unloading Point
Your Reference
Target Quantity
The fields are taken from the respective linked purchasing delivery schedule and displayed.
Status The status is changed manually. A delivery schedule has the following statuses:

A newly created delivery schedule usually receives the status "Pending".

The forecast delivery schedule can then be manually set to the status "Shipping".

In the status, the forecast delivery schedule can be sent as paper or a transfer via EDI can be performed.

Sending via EDI is to be implemented on a project-specific basis and is not a component of the Scheduling Agreement Management module.

The forecast delivery schedule has been sent.

If a forecast delivery schedule has been created incorrectly, the forecast delivery schedule can be set to the "Rejected" status.

The forecast delivery schedule can be set to the "Rejected" status.
Created on The date when the delivery schedule was created is recorded.<br
Created by The user code that created the delivery schedule is recorded.
Status change on The date when the status of the delivery schedule was last changed is recorded.
Status change from The user code that last changed the status of the delivery schedule is recorded.
Sent on The date when the delivery schedule was sent is recorded.
Sent by The user code that sent the delivery schedule is recorded.
Field Description
Quantity The quantity of the delivery schedule line is displayed.
Requirement type The solution distinguishes the following requirement types:

Any "normal" requirement receives the requirement type "empty". This means all requirements that are in the future at the time of creation of the delivery schedule but are not defined as preview.

All requirements that have an expected goods receipt date "smaller" than the work date at the time of creation of the delivery schedule are marked as backlog.

Immediate requirements
All requirements are marked as immediate requirements, which have an expected goods receipt date equal to the work date at the time of creation of the forecast delivery schedule.

Preview (week)
At the time of creation of the forecast delivery schedule, it is checked whether the goods receipt date is greater than the date from "work date + date formula preview quantity week from EK delivery schedule ". Further the date may not be however also larger than the date "work date + date formula preview quantity month".

If this applies, the line is set to the requirement type "preview (week)". In this case, the requirements are displayed totaled from the week.

Preview (month)
At the time of creation of the delivery schedule, it is checked whether the goods receipt date is greater than the date from "Work date + date formula preview quantity month from EK delivery schedule ".

If this applies, the line is set to the requirements type "Preview (month)". Thereby the requirements are shown summed up from the month.
Requirement date This field displays the requirement date of the respective line.

The fields on the "Delivery" info tab are taken from the respective linked purchasing delivery plan and displayed.

Cumulative quantities#

The fields are taken from the respective linked purchasing scheduling agreement and displayed when the delivery schedule is created.

Manage delivery schedules#

A delivery schedule can be manually changed to various statuses. To do this, the "Change status" function can be called up manually.

Send delivery call-offs#

A delivery schedule in the status "in dispatch" can be printed out conventionally on paper or sent as a PDF attachment by e-mail.


Dispatch via EDI is provided for via the EDX module, but must be implemented on a project-specific basis.

Post goods receipt or warehouse storage#

Analogous to the sales scheduling agreement, it is not possible to collect requirements for a purchasing scheduling agreement directly in the purchasing scheduling agreement.

The collection must therefore take place via a standard logistics option in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central1. The determination of which method is to be used is made via the control indicators on the storage location map.

This means that in both putaway and goods receipt, the "Scheduling Agreement Management" module has been extended so that collection is also possible on the active scheduling agreement items.

When posting the putaway or the goods receipt, a suitable purchase order document with reference to the respective purchase scheduling agreement item is created and posted in the same way as the sales scheduling agreement. Thus, the addition of the items takes place via the standard routines of Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central1.

Process purchase invoices for purchasing scheduling agreements#

Purchase invoices for purchasing scheduling agreements can be created and posted as usual either directly via the purchase order or via the purchase invoices and the "Get goods receipt lines" function.

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