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General Setup#

Standardize documents#

Master reports use a standardized format for document creation in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central1. Covering all relevant areas, they can simplify the editing process, as changes that are made to the layout of one document will be copied to all others of the same type. The following master reports are available for this purpose:


  • Purchase Quote
  • Purchase – Order
  • Purchase Return Order
  • Purchase Invoice
  • Purchase Credit Memo
  • Purchase – Receipt
  • Purchase Return Shipment
  • Blanket Purchase Order
  • Archived Purchase Quote
  • Archived Purchase Order
  • Archived Purchase Return Order
  • Archived Blanket Purchase Order


  • Sales Quote
  • Sales Order Confirmation
  • Return Order Confirmation
  • Sales Invoice
  • Sales Credit Memo
  • Sales Shipment
  • Blanket Sales Order
  • Archived Sales Quote
  • Archived Sales Order Confirmation
  • Archived Blanket Sales Order
  • Archived Return Order Confirmation
  • Sales Pro Forma Invoice
  • Sales Draft Invoice


  • Service – Quote
  • Service – Order
  • Service – Invoice
  • Service – Credit Memo
  • Service – Shipment
  • Service Item Worksheet
  • Service – Contract
  • Service – Contract Quote


  • Issued Purch. Order Cnfrmn. Reminder
  • Issued Delivery Reminder
  • Sales Reminder


  • Transfer Order
  • Transfer Shipment
  • Direct Transfer


  • Posted Dispatch Order


Before you can work with a master report, it must be added to the relevant report selection.


Do not enter the plus-minus sign (±) on any page available in the system, for example, to indicate tolerances in a drawing. If you do, you might no longer be able to use the Print action on the document linked to the entry.

To configure the VAT Amount Specification section on these documents, you can use the VAT Code, a standard Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central1 field that originates with VAT Posting Setup.

Add document details#

A tab has been added to the Company Information page. The tab provides you with an array of options for customizing documents in the system.

  1. Choose the Search icon, enter Company Information, and then choose the related link.
  2. Go to the Documents FastTab and fill in the fields as described in the following table.
Field Description
Preprinted Address Enter your company’s address as it should appear within an envelope window.
Text Length (Header)

Text Length (Lines)
These fields are only used for the plain text editor.

The editor window is then adjusted in size to the values you specify here. However, any text that you enter in the window is later printed across the entire width of a document unless line breaks are added to it manually.

Neither field is required when working with the more recent HTML-based text tool.
Line Indent (Pts.) Specify by how much you want to indent a line to form a bundle or mark the begin-total of a block of lines.
Print on Next Page Specify if you want to print an available subtotal on the next page of a document. You can select if you want subtotals to appear only at the bottom or at the bottom and top of a page.
Print Alternate Totals Turn on this toggle to print alternate totals on sales quotes. For more information, see Alternate Quote Lines.
Print Company Letterhead Turn on this toggle if you want your company’s address to be printed in the form of a letterhead.
Default Font Specify a default font and size for new master documents. The default setting for all is Segoe UI at a size of 9.
Default Font Size A change in either field affects the entire document (that is, both the header and the lines).

For an explanation of how to change fonts on lines only, see Format Lines.
Default Footer Font Size Specify the size of the font chosen for the footer. The default size is 7.
Heading Right Border Style

Heading Line Border Style
Specify a border style for document information shown to the right of or below the address.
Hide Background Color Turn on this toggle if you want to replace the gray areas on printed documents with a transparent background.
Heading Style Specify where to show contact information, that is the seller’s contact details, on a document.

You can display the data in block format on the upper right of a document or as a five-column section below the address.
Separator Specify if you want more space or a divider added between document lines to serve as a visual aid.
Print External Lot No. Turn on this toggle to include on printouts the external lot numbers entered for a standardized document.

When you print the document, the numbers will be shown on both the relevant lines and available attachments.
Print Expiration Date Turn on this toggle to include on printouts the expiration dates entered for a standardized document.

When you print the document, the dates will be shown on both the relevant lines and available attachments.
Print Production Date Turn on this toggle to include on printouts the production dates entered for a standardized document.

When you print the document, the dates will be shown on both the relevant lines and available attachments.

Format lines#

You can also select a different format for each kind of document line, such as a heading or an alternative line, although you don’t have to. If none is selected, the system will use the default format specified by the designer of the original document.

If you want a different style overall (such as a different font), you can set up a line and enter a report ID of 0. You only need to enter a specific ID if you want a certain type of document formatted in a certain way.

The Default option plays a key role in this. If you want all lines to have the same format, you don’t need to set up more than a line of the Default type.

The font style can also be changed for a document line before printing. In this case, choosing the Default option means that the style will be the same as on a standard line. The system retrieves the format for printouts according to the following sequence:

  1. Font style on current sales line.
  2. Report ID of document to print and line type to be printed.
  3. Report ID of document to print and line type Default.
  4. Report ID = 0 and line type to be printed.
  5. Report ID = 0 and line type Default.
  6. Format according to document design.

Besides the font style, you can specify page breaks on document lines. If you don’t, breaks will be inserted automatically.

Set up a format#

To format document lines:

  1. Open the Search icon, enter Company Information, and then choose the related link.
  2. Choose Document Line Format on the ribbon.
  3. Fill in (or change) the fields as described in the following table.
Field Description
Report ID Select the report you want to use the format for. If you leave this field blank, the settings you make in other fields are used for all documents.
Report Description Shows the description of the report.

This field is filled in automatically based on the Report ID field.
Line Type Choose the line type for which you want to specify a format.

The following options are available:
• Default
• Beginning Text (Header) – shown as DocHeaderLine
• Ending Text (Header) – shown as DocFooterLine
• Beginning Text (Line) – shown as PosHeaderLine
• Ending Text (Line) – shown as PosFooterLine
• Line Dimension
• Standard Line
• Line (Not Billable) – shown as NullPositionLine
• Alternative Line
• Shipping Information Line – shown as ShipmentLine
• Comment Line
• Heading (Line) – shown as HeaderLine
• Begin-Subtotal – shown as SubtotalHeader
• Bundle – shown as BundleHeader
• End-Subtotal/Bundle – shown as SubtotalBundleFooter
• Attribute – shown as ItemAttributeLine
• Assembly Line
• Reminder Line
• Item Tracking Heading
• Item Tracking Line
• Payment Terms/Shipment Methods – shown as PaymentShipmentTerms
• Item (Charge) Lines – shown as ItemChargeAssignmentLine
• Formatted Text
• Amount Line
Font Select the font that you want to use on all documents created from this report.
Font Size Select the font size that you want to use.
Font Color Select the font color that you want to use.
Font Style Choose the font style that you want to use:
• Default
• Normal
• Bold
• Italic
• Bold Italic
Text Decoration Choose a text decoration if necessary. Options are:
• Default
• None
• Underline
• Overline
• Strikethrough


The settings you make here only apply to KUMAVISION reports (ID5XXXXXX) that have been included in the relevant report selections.

If, after you have completed the general setup for all line types, you want to use a different format on a certain type of document, you can copy that line format there and change only what you need. To copy the format:

  1. Open the Document Line Formats page.
  2. Select a line format.
  3. Choose Copy Format on the ribbon.
  4. Enter the source and target report ID. Choose OK.

Translate footers#

You can set up footer texts for documents in different languages. To set up a translation:

  1. Open the Search icon, enter Company Information, and then choose the related link.
  2. Choose Document Text Translation on the ribbon.
  3. Choose New and fill in the fields as necessary.

The information given at the bottom of document pages is then printed in the language you stored for the relevant vendor or customer.


You don’t need a language code if you set up a footer in the language that you used to install the app. Instead, you can select the Default Language field on the line.

Mandatory fields#

You can use the mandatory field check to see whether a certain field has been filled in when you add or change base data, such as on a customer order.

Application areas#

You can set requirements for field completion across a variety of application areas.

Setup Field
Item Inventory Setup Item Field Check
Warehouse receipt
(header and lines)

Warehouse shipment
(header and lines)
Inventory Setup Inventory Field Check
Customers Sales & Receivables Setup Customer Field Check
Sales document
(header and lines)
Sales & Receivables Setup Sales Field Check
Vendor Purchase & Payables Setup Vendor Field Check
Purchase document
(header and lines)
Purchase & Payables Setup Purchasing Field Check
Service document
(header and lines)
Service Management Setup Service Field Check
Dispatch header and lines Dispatch Carrier Setup Check Mandatory Fields
Actions Action Setup Action Data Check
Resources Resources Setup Check Mandatory Fields

Make a field mandatory#

To make filling in a field mandatory:

  1. Choose the Search icon, enter Mandatory Field Setup, and then choose the related link.
  2. The list shows on each line what fields will be checked for completion in a certain table. Choose New or Edit List on the ribbon to either add a checking routine or change one already available.
  3. Fill in or select (or change) the Table No. field; the name and number of mandatory fields present in the table are filled in automatically.
  4. After you have filled in or selected a table, choose Mandatory Fields on the ribbon. Fill in the fields as described in the following table.
Field Description
Field No. Enter the number of the field that you want users to fill in.
Field Caption Shows the name of the field that you want users to fill in.
Field No. (Condition) If completion of a field is only required under certain conditions, for example, when the document type is set to Order and the customer’s posting group to Global, enter here the number of the field on which the requirement is based. You can then specify the exact requirement in the Condition field.
Field Caption (Condition) Shows the name of the field based on which another is mandatory.
Condition Specifies the condition based on the Condition Field No.
Action Choose what happens if the field is not filled in. The following options are available:

The relevant process cannot be cancelled until the field is filled in.

The system shows a notification if the field remains empty. Users, however, can still process or release a document.


Conditions set on Boolean fields should be ‘True’ or ‘False’ in all cases. Date fields cannot be used as conditions.

The system also only runs field checks on sales, purchase, and service document lines where the No. field is filled in.

Mandatory field checks are run when you use End Update or Release actions, such as the End Item Update function on an item card or the Release function on a shipping document. Alternatively, you can choose the Check Mandatory Field action on the ribbon for selected lines. Data records that can be released will be released. The others remain blocked.

After you have run the End Item Update function, the relevant item record can no longer be changed (although related records, such as comments, can). At the same time, the Update field on the header is set to Completed. To change the record again, you need to choose Edit Item on the header.


The mandatory field check integrated into KUMAVISION factory365 differs from the check described here; for more information, see factory365. For a description of how to validate item attributes, see Item Attributes.

Block base data#

You can block the posting of an item based on what it is used for.

  1. Choose the Search icon, enter Items, and then choose the relevant link.
  2. Open the card of the item for which you want to limit usage.
  3. Turn on one (or more) of the toggles described in the following.

Sales Blocked
With the toggle turned on, the item cannot be entered or posted in sales. On sales documents, the check for blocked items is only performed on lines for which there is a quantity available.

Selected on sales header Lines checked if
Ship and Invoice = Yes Qty. to Ship <> 0 or Qty. to Invoice <> 0
Ship = Yes but Invoice = No Qty. to Ship <> 0
Ship = No but Invoice = Yes Qty. to Invoice <> 0

If a line contains an item that is blocked, an error message appears.

Purchasing Blocked
With the toggle turned on, the item cannot be entered or posted in purchase. On purchase documents, the check for blocked items is only carried out on lines for which there is a quantity available:

Selected on purchase header Lines checked if
Receipt and Invoice = Yes Qty. to Receive <> 0 or Qty. to Invoice <> 0
Receipt = Yes but Invoice = No Qty. to Receive <> 0
Receipt = No but Invoice = Yes Qty. to Invoice <> 0

If a line contains an item that is blocked, an error message appears.

The system also treats requisition and planning worksheets this way if you set the replenishment system for either of them to Purchase.

Manufacturing Blocked
With the toggle turned on, the item cannot be added or posted to manufacturing.

Prod. Consumption Blocked
With the toggle turned on, the item cannot be added or posted as consumption to manufacturing.

Service Blocked
With the toggle turned on, the item cannot be added or posted to service.

If a line contains an item blocked in these ways, an error message appears.

Physical Inventory
Independent of the toggles, the system will check fields such as Location and Bin to determine whether the relevant item is part of a physical inventory order or physical inventory recording, and a message stating as much will appear if an attempt is made to post the item.


The toggles are used to block items, not variants; this means checks are performed for items only. When you post an item entry of type Positive or Negative Adjustment to an item journal, the system also checks only for item use in stocktaking, ignoring the limits you set.

Assigned User ID#

The Assigned User ID field that can be found on sales and purchase documents is a standard Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central1 field used to identify who set up a sales or purchase document or to filter documents for specific IDs.

The KUMAVISION base industry solution fills in this field automatically with the ID of the user who is currently logged in to the system.

Order types#

To easily identify and manage orders within the system, you can now assign a category to them. They cover:

  • Sales (includes service orders)
  • Purchases
  • Transfers
  • Production

You can also set up subcategories, such as standard, rush, VMI, subcontract, or rework orders, on each Order Type page.

  1. Microsoft, Microsoft Dynamics, and Microsoft Dynamics 365 are trademarks of the Microsoft group of companies.