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Deprecated Features#

Title Description Disabled in Release
Extensions to the discontinued Microsoft price calculation. The KUMAVISON base extensions have been implemented again on the basis of the new Microsoft price calculation.
Note: Microsoft has repeatedly postponed the removal of this function.
BC 2021 Wave 1
Bonus Function discontinued. BC 2024 Wave 2
Source Location A new solution for finding locations was implemented in the Dispatch Module. BC 2025 Wave 2
KUMAVISION Label Interface File Extension The app is not Universal Code compliant. The interface has been replaced by the web services. BC 2025 Wave 1
Cancellation lines in sales and purchase The KUMAVISION base line cancelation function (extended cancelation) is replaced by the standard Microsoft line cancelation. BC 2025 Wave 2
Posting Codes The posting code will be permanently removed from the KUMAVISION base, as there is no functionality based on it. BC 2027 Wave 1
KUMAVISION Editor Control The KUMAVISION control for the Rich Text Editor is replaced with the Microsoft Rich Text Editor. BC 2027 Wave 1