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General Setup#

For general information about how to configure Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central1 for first use, see Overview of Tasks to Set Up Business Central

This article only describes the additional pages, functions, and fields available for configuration in medtec365.

medtec365 Administration#

To assist you in setting up the software solution, the medtec365 Administration node has been added to the Role Explorer. To see the node:

  1. Go to your role center.
  2. On the ribbon, choose the Menu button, and then choose Explore More Roles.

Alternatively, you can use the medtec365 Administration role on the My Settings page for general setup. Both the node and the role cover the following areas:

Additional fields#

In medtec365, you can create custom fields for various base data. These fields can then be used to provide additional information or be copied alongside other data to purchase and sales documents, where you can decide whether you want to display them.

With this feature, you can therefore create custom records that include, for example, another set of item numbers, without having to make major adjustments to the app.

You can decide if a field should have a set number of options or can be filled in with only certain types of values, such as decimals or text, and whether you want to limit the field to a specific length or predefined content.

You can also set up a variety of output formats for both documents and processes.

medtec365 Setup#

Before you can work with additional fields, you must specify a default language code for them. For this purpose, choose the Search icon, enter medtec365 Setup, and then choose the related link. Afterward, fill in the Default Language Code field.

When you create or edit an additional field, the description you specify for it is copied to the Translations (Additional Fields) page under the default language code set for the app so that it can be printed on reports. Other languages can be added manually.

Add a field#

To set up an additional field:

  1. Choose the Search icon, enter Additional Fields, and then choose the related link.
  2. Fill in the fields as described in the following table.
Field Description
Code Specify a code for the field.
Description Specify a description for the field.
More Details Enter more details about the field, if necessary.
Field Type Specify the type of the field. You can choose between Text, Date, Option, Checkbox, Ext. Checkbox, and Decimal.
Input Check If you choose Text as the field type, specify in what format the text needs to be entered. Options are A=alphanumeric, N=numeric, and B=letters.

To check user input for 9-digit numbers, enter NNNNNNNNNNN.
Category Code Specify a field category. The category is used to sort output in master records. For an explanation, see Base Data Categories.
Copy to Sales Doc.
Allow Changes to Sales Doc.
Copy to Lines
Copy to Purch. Doc.
Allow Changes to Purch. Doc.
Copy to Info Cards
Print Description
Select one of these checkboxes if you want the additional field to be printed during a certain process or on a certain document. You can later run the Output Format action on the ribbon to specify in even more precise terms how the field should appear on pages.
Active Select to use the additional field in master records.

To store the choices for an additional field of type Option, choose Related > Option Values on the ribbon, and then fill in the page as necessary.

Specify a category#

The categories that can be specified for base data are used to sort and group related information in master records. You can assign a category during field setup.

Set up field levels#

You can also specify three levels of dependency between categories of base data.

For example, you can use levels to assign customers to a main statistics group and a subgroup. To set up levels:

  1. Choose the Search icon, enter Additional Field Levels, and then choose the related link.
  2. Fill in a line, and then choose Related > Level Values on the ribbon if you want to further limit option values at a certain level.

Output formats#

For field types Text, Decimal, and Date, you can choose Output Format on the ribbon to specify how additional fields should appear on printouts or within the system. For example, different formats might be required for invoicing and shipment.

If no format is specified for a certain type of output, such as for printouts, the default format will be used. If none has been specified either, the text or numbers will appear in the same format in which they were entered.

Create a format#

  1. Choose the Search icon, enter Output Formats (Additional Fields), and then choose the related link.
  2. Specify a format according to the following tables.


Wildcard Description Example 08/03/21
Day D Single digit, if possible. 3
Day DD Two digits. 03
Month M Single digit, if possible. 8
Month MM Two digits. 08
Month MMM Abbreviated. Aug
Month MMMM Spelled out. August
Year YY Two digits. 21
Year YYYY Four digits. 2021


Only # is recognized as a placeholder. When you set up a decimal format, you can specify not only how numbers are shown, including how many decimal places they should have, but also whether you want to insert a separator for thousands.


Text can also be formatted by using # placeholders. The system will process them from left to right, ignoring those that are redundant. If text is longer than the pattern or the number of placeholders specified, the output will be truncated.


Additional Field Code Value Output Format
DOCNO A1212 A1212 #####
DATE 08/06/55 August 06, 1955 MMMM.DD YYYY
IK NO 223344556 IK 22-33-44-55-6 IK ##-##-##-##-#

Base tables#

To link additional fields to a table:

  1. Choose the Search icon, enter Base Data Tables, and then choose the related link.
  2. On the ribbon, choose New if you don’t see the table you want on the list, and then fill in the fields on the line.

All tables that you want to include the additional fields in must have been set up with one of the following combinations of key field types:

  • Code20
  • Code20, Code20
  • Code20, Code20, Integer

The system will check for these combinations of primary key fields each time you’re trying to enter a table on the page. You’ll see an error message if the type of primary key doesn’t match.

Afterward, you can choose Related > Additional Fields on the ribbon to assign fields to the table.

When you’re done, choose Home > Initialize Add. Fields & Search to initialize the new fields so that they become available in the master records for editing.

Prefill field values#

For each additional field, you can choose if the field should be filled in automatically when a new record is created. You can then specify a value that should be copied to the record by default.

Mandatory fields#

To support the creation of base and document data, you can have the system run a check for mandatory fields in the following places:

Master records

  • Quick Contact Capture
  • Contacts
  • Customers
  • Vendors
  • Items
  • Serial / Lot No. Cards
  • Work Center Groups based on table 99000758 (Machine Center)


  • Sales documents based on tables 36 (Sales Header) and 37 (Sales Line)
  • Purchase documents based on 38 (Purchase Header) and 39 (Purchase Line)
  • Warehouse receipts based on table 7316 (Warehouse Receipt Header)
  • For all actions based on table 5488142 (Action)

With this feature, you can specify fields that need to be filled in when a master record or a document is created or modified. Only when a value has been entered in each of the mandatory fields will the record be marked as Updated or the document released (to post a shipment, for example).

Fields are checked for completion when you choose End Update on the ribbon of the card or document. Afterward, the record can no longer be changed (although related records, such as comments, can). At the same time, the Update field on the header is set to Completed.

To be able to change the record again, you need to choose Edit on the header.


Configure field check parameters#

To specify the parameters that will be used for field checks:

  1. Choose the Search icon, enter medtec365 Setup, and then choose the related link.
  2. On the Field Checks FastTab, fill in the fields as described in the following table.
Field Description
Check Quick
Specify whether to turn on and when to run a contact capture check.

The check is deactivated.

On Release
The check is run when the contact capture card is released.

On Start & Release
The check is run when you start quick capture and when the contact capture card is released.
Check Contacts Turn on this toggle to activate the check for contacts.
Check Customers Turn on this toggle to activate the check for customers.
Check Vendors Turn on this toggle to activate the check for vendors.
Check Items Turn on this toggle to activate the check for items.
Check Serial No. Info Turn on this toggle to activate the check on serial number cards.
Check Sales Turn on this toggle to activate the check on sales documents.
Check Purchases Turn on this toggle to activate the check on purchase documents.
Check Work Centers Turn on this toggle to activate the check for work centers.
Wizard Repeats Specify how often the wizard can be used in a single process run.

This means that the system will ask if the wizard should be run when data maintenance has not been completed.

Entering 5 in this field, for example, will let a user close the wizard five times. Each time, the system will again ask if editing is to continue. If the wizard is closed for the sixth time, the update status of the relevant record will be set to In Progress, and the user would have to restart the check on the corresponding card (such as on a customer card).

A 0 in this field means that the wizard will only be opened once, and no further message will be shown. Afterward, the user must run the check manually from the relevant page if certain fields still need to be filled in.
Action Repeats Specify the number of levels on which actions should be carried out. In this context, an action describes the automated filling-in of fields under certain conditions.

For example, entering 5 in this field would—after the actions are run the first time—make the system repeat the check another five times or until it determines that no more actions can be carried out (according to the conditions specified).

What you enter in field has a major impact on the performance of the feature. We therefore recommend that you keep the number of levels on which actions are nested as low as possible.

The condition lines should also always provide a way to exit the loop.

View table checks#

To see what checks have been set up for a table:

  1. Choose the Search icon, enter medtec365 Mandatory Fields Setup, and then choose the related link.
  2. Select a table.
  3. On the ribbon, choose Checks or press Ctrl+P.

Create a check#

To set up a field check:

  1. Choose the Search icon, enter medtec365 Mandatory Fields Setup, and then choose the related link.
  2. Select a table, and then choose Checks on the ribbon to open the Mandatory Fields page.
  3. On the ribbon, choose New and fill in the fields as described in the following tables.
Field Description
Table ID Specifies the ID of the table that the check is intended for. This field is filled in automatically.
Code Specifies a unique code to identify the check. This field is also filled in automatically.
Description Here you can describe the purpose of the check.
Action Choose what happens if fields are not filled in.

You’ll see a message if the field check fails. Users, however, can still release the document or master record.

In contrast to the previous option, the document or record cannot be released until all mandatory fields are filled in.

Hides the check from users’ view and automatically fills in fields based on specified criteria.
Sequence No. Specify the order that individual checks are performed in and are processed with the help of the wizard.
Action Message Specifies the message that is shown to the user when the field check is processed.
Status Specifies if the check can be used; only checks in the Certified status are.
Conditions Specifies if conditions have been set up for the check.
Default Values Specifies if Prefill option values are available.

On this FastTab, you can enter the criteria that must be met for the field check to be seen as successful.

Field Description
Line No. Shows the number of the condition line.
Check Type Specify whether the field condition represents an IF or AND statement.

An IF statement serves as the initial condition to be fulfilled, AND as a supplement. A check is only valid, however, when both the IF condition and the AND statement (or statements) are true.

Multiple IF statements can also be grouped under the same check. Each is then treated as an OR statement, that is, to validate the check, at least one condition starting with IF must be true.
Source Field Indicates if the field to be checked originates with a table or the list of additional fields.
Field ID Specify the ID of the field that you want the system to check.
Field Name Shows the name of the field to be checked.
Condition Type Specify the operator that will be used to compare the field value on the record and the value that you entered for the condition.

The following operators can be used: =, <>, <, >, <= and >=.

Based on the field type, some of them might not be available, however.
Condition Value Specify what the value in the relevant field will be compared against.

If this field is blank, the system compares the initial value on the record against the initial value specified for the condition.

If the condition field is of type Date or Time, you can also use a formula to query the current time or date. For Date type fields, the options are system date, work date, or another formula-based value in relation to the system date.

<-10Y>: Returns the work date from 10 years ago.
Attached to Line No. Links one condition to another. This is typically the case with AND statements.


Conditions should need to be met only in certain situations and not every time that a record is opened. The fewer checks need to be run, the better the performance of the feature.

Default values#

On this FastTab, you can select the field users should be able to edit in the wizard if the action type is Notify or Cancel. With Prefill, you can specify on this tab the fields and values that should automatically be entered on a record without manual intervention.

Field Description
Line No. Shows the number of the line where the default value should be entered.
Field Source Specifies if the field to be checked originates with a table or the list of additional fields.
Field ID Specify the ID of the field that you want the system to check.
Field Name Shows the name of the field to be checked.
Field Value Specify the value that the field to be checked should be filled in with.

With Notify or Cancel selected as the action type, the value entered here is shown as the default value in the wizard, where it must be confirmed. If you selected Prefill, the value is entered automatically on the record.

If no value is entered, the field will be empty in the wizard for the Notify and Cancel options. You must then decide what value you want to assign. If the Prefill option is chosen, the field on the record will be emptied. You can also, as on the Conditions FastTab, enter a formula here.
Replace Value Specify if an existing value should be replaced. With this checkbox selected, the field to be checked is shown in the wizard if the action type is Notify or Cancel, even if the field has already been filled in. You must then confirm its value or enter another one.

With Prefill, the field value is replaced when you select this checkbox. If the checkbox is not selected and the field has already been filled in, the system will keep the original field value.
Check Value Specify if you want the field to be validated when the wizard is run or when changes are copied back to the related record.
Lookup Table ID Shows the table number entered on the check header.
Lookup Field ID Shows the field ID associated with the line on the tab.

Certify a check#

To add default values to mandatory field checks, choose Certified on the ribbon.


A check that is certified can no longer be changed. To edit the check again, you need to change the status to Under Review on the ribbon.

Field check wizard#

Run the wizard#

The wizard is run when you choose the End Update action on the ribbon after editing a master record or releasing a document (provided that certified check routines exist and that their conditions apply in this case). On the wizard page, you’ll see the results of the checks that have been run and can correct any field value, if necessary.

The page is divided into two sections:

The Message FastTab lists all check routines of type Notify and Cancel, with the first message that might require a response highlighted in red and italics.

The Field Checks & Values FastTab, on the other hand, lists all fields associated with a certain check routine. To replace what you see in the field currently selected by the program (and, again, highlighted in red and italics), fill in a New Value in the group on the right-hand side of the page.

Choose Next Set or Previous Set on the ribbon to navigate to another field or, when the last field that can be edited in relation to a certain message is shown, to call up the fields associated with other messages.


After you fill in the New Value field, the system automatically jumps to the next field (or message).

Enter field values#

The only field that can be edited on the wizard page is New Value.

The Default Value on the right-hand side indicates if you’ve specified a default value for the field currently under review. You can choose Adopt Default to fill in this value in the field instead of entering one manually.

If the field that is under review has already been filled in through some other means, the system shows the current value in the Current Value field. You can choose Adopt Current to keep this value instead of entering another manually.

When a value has been entered, the field is set to Reviewed and can be hidden. The system then automatically moves on to the next field that is shown on the list. If all fields related to a message have been edited, the message is marked as Reviewed too and hidden from the list of checks on the page. Afterward, the system jumps to the next message that is available.

Messages and fields that have already been processed can be reopened for editing by choosing Show Reviewed on the ribbon. To put the view back to open messages only, you need to run the Hide Reviewed action.

Finish editing#

The wizard closes on its own when the results of all checks have been reviewed. To stop processing any time before this, you can choose End Review on the ribbon.

When the wizard is closed, all checks of type Notify and Cancel are run again. If any of them haven’t been reviewed yet, you’ll be asked if you want to edit them.

You can then choose Yes to restart the wizard or No to end processing and see the original master record, with information already entered in the wizard copied to it. If certain reviews are still pending, the Field Check Status is set to Incomplete and the Data Update field on the record remains on In Progress.

If all messages have been reviewed and no further checks of type Notify or Cancel are found when the wizard is closed, the Field Check Status and Data Update fields on the record are set to Completed so that it becomes available for use throughout the system.

Transaction codes#

These codes provide you with insights into asset ownership and valuation at your company’s premises. They’re also used to create a fixed asset from inventory and dispose of it later. In short, they’re essential to managing receipts, shipments, and transfers of items in the system.



To specify a code:

  1. Choose the Search icon, enter Transaction Codes, and then choose the related link.
  2. On the ribbon, choose New, and then fill in the fields as described in the following table.
Field Description
Code Specify a code for the transaction. The code must be unique.
Description Specify a description for the transaction.
Valuation Type Specify how the system should calculate the value of an item that was posted to inventory with the help of this transaction code.

Classifies the item as a current asset (which is regularly bought or sold).

Indicates that the item is stored by you but still owned by a vendor until consumed or taken out of inventory for other purposes. Value entries for the item are therefore calculated on removal, not earlier.

Not Valued
Marks the item as a fixed asset or third-party property (provided for the purpose of repair or reuse). In either case, the item is not owned by you.
Ownership Type Specify who owns the item. This information is then copied to MRP, that is, to requisition and planning worksheets (unless the item is a fixed asset).

You can choose Fixed Assets, Third-Party Property, or Current Assets here (with the last being the default option) to have FA and TPP fields filled in automatically on stockkeeping unit cards, for example.

The option selected in this field also determines the kind of inventory (such as Item or TPP Inventory) shown on SKUs.
FA Transaction Code Specify a transaction type in this field if the item is a capital asset.
Default Inbound Code Specify the default code that will be used when a warehouse receipt is posted.

The code must be set to Valued.
Movement Hierarchy Shows if a movement hierarchy is available for the transaction code.

You can choose Movement Hierarchy on the ribbon to view and edit a hierarchy.
Pos. Adjmt. If Capitalized Turn on this toggle if receipt of an item can only be posted following capitalization.
No Transact. Code Change With the toggle turned on, the transaction code cannot be changed.

Movement hierarchies#

A movement hierarchy is used to specify how items will be taken out of inventory as part of a transaction and if the transaction code that you entered on the related sales order should be converted following shipment.

  1. Choose the Search icon, enter Transaction Codes, and then choose the related link.
  2. Select a code, and then choose Movement Hierarchy on the ribbon.
  3. Fill in the fields as described in the following table.
Field Description
Transaction Code Shows the transaction that the hierarchy will be created for.
Hierarchy Code Together with the Transaction Code, uniquely identifies the record in the hierarchy.

We recommend that you specify a meaningful abbreviation in this field so that the user can recognize each transaction immediately.
Description Enter a description for the hierarchy.
Hierarchy No. Specify the order in which you want to process multiple hierarchies set up for a transaction code.

The number in this field is used to determine the inventory (that is, stock adjustment code) that will be picked for shipments from the warehouse.
Movement Type Specify if items are sold as part of a sales order or transferred to a customer’s warehouse.
Ignore Whse. Shipments Turn on this toggle if you do not want the system to use a hierarchy automatically to ship from a warehouse.
Stock Adjmt. Code Enter a code that will be used to offset item removal from inventory (for sales orders).

This field must be filled in.
New Transaction Code For transfers
Items are removed from inventory by using the stock adjustment code and are immediately posted to a customer warehouse with the code in this field, creating transfer entries in the process.

The new code must correspond to the stock adjustment code when it comes to the valuation type. In short, a transaction code of type Not Valued cannot be used together with a stock adjustment code of type Valued or Variable, as item ownership cannot change hands through a transfer.

For sales
The stock adjustment code is used to sell an item from a warehouse (=negative adjustment). Receipt (=positive adjustment) is then posted to the customer’s warehouse based on the code in this field.

Leave the field blank if you do not want to use a new transaction code for sales transactions.


Movement hierarchies can be entered only on sales orders; all other records and documents use ‘standard’ transaction codes.

For sales order types#

If you’re working with sales order types, you can specify transaction codes for them as well. They are then used as default codes when you set up lines on an order.

  1. Choose the Search icon, enter Sales Order Types, and then choose the related link.
  2. Fill in the fields described in the following table.
Field Description
Transaction Code Specify a code for the order type.
No Transact. Code Change Select to prevent changes to the code on sales lines.

For purchase order types#

You can also specify transaction codes for types of purchase orders. The codes are then used as default codes when you set up lines on an order.

  1. Choose the Search icon, enter Purchase Order Types, and then choose the related link.
  2. Fill in the fields described in the following table.
Field Description
Transaction Code Specify a code for the order type.
No Transact. Code Change Select to prevent changes to the code on purchase lines.

On positive adjustment#

Filling in a transaction code is mandatory for positive adjustments to inventory. If no code is entered as part of a transaction, the default code that might have been set up for it is used instead. If none is specified either, you see an error message.

Positive adjustments include:

  • Receipts
  • Sales returns
  • Production orders
  • Positive adjustments in item journals

On negative adjustment#

Filling in a transaction code is also mandatory for negative adjustments to inventory. You see an error message if no code has been entered. Negative adjustments include:

  • Shipments
  • Purchase returns
  • Consumption in manufacturing and assembly
  • Negative adjustments in item journals

On transfer#

For inventory transfers, filling in a transaction code is mandatory as well. If no code is entered during one of the following transactions, you see an error message:

  • Inventory movements specified on transfer orders
  • Transfers in transfer journals

On sales orders#

When you edit a sales order, you can use—besides a transaction code—a movement hierarchy to specify the inventory that can be withdrawn for the order.

Entering the transaction code linked to the hierarchy on a document line then fills in the highest-level hierarchy automatically. You can replace the hierarchy with another set up for the specified transaction, if necessary.

You can also delete the hierarchy on a line. It is then no longer used when removing items from a warehouse (only the transaction code on the sales line is).


For picking, the movement type of a hierarchy level must match the type on the sales line. This means that when you pick items for a transfer line, only the hierarchy levels of movement type Transfer are used by the system.


You also need to fill in a hierarchy if you specified a transaction code with one on the sales line but cannot change the code there.

On removal from inventory#

The impact of movement hierarchies varies depending on whether you’re using the warehouse functionality to take items out of inventory.

Remove inventory (no warehouse functions)#

If a sales order is shipped from a location for which no warehouse shipments and picks are set up, you must check available inventory on the sales line yourself and specify the relevant hierarchy for which enough inventory is available. You can run the Inventory Overview action on the Lines FastTab to view current stock levels.

Remove inventory (warehouse functions)#

If you’re using the warehouse functionality, item availability is checked automatically when you create a shipment to pick items for a sales order so that you don’t have to manually change the hierarchy on the order lines.

On code changes#

If you’re using a hierarchy for a shipment that you change the transaction code on, the system will record the change on the item ledger and bin entries set up for the shipment. The item ledger entries are created based on the movement type entered on the relevant sales lines, as illustrated by the following examples.

Example 1 – Transfer

You ship items to your customer’s warehouse by using a movement hierarchy. As part of the transfer, you specify a new transaction code that will be used when the items are received.

The historical data for the shipment can be viewed on the Item Ledger Entries page.

The inventory is then transferred according to the stock adjustment code specified for the hierarchy. However, the transfer entry that is used for the positive inventory adjustment at the destination will already have the new transaction code assigned.

Example 2 – Sale

You move items that will become third-party property at the customer’s warehouse. A hierarchy is used for selling and shipping them.

The historical data for the shipment can be viewed on the Item Ledger Entries page.

The first ledger entry shows the transaction with the customer, including the current asset being valued and removed from the warehouse. The second indicates that the third-party property led to a positive inventory adjustment on receipt at the customer site. It doesn’t contain value entries but tells you where the sold equipment is stored.

On canceling shipments#

For the return of items that you sold, you have two ways of using transaction codes.

Cancel on return#

For one, you can create a return order. The transaction codes on the order document must match those entered for the shipment, including in movement hierarchies.

For the correct codes to be selected, the lines of the document must then be linked to the shipment lines. This link is set up automatically when you run the Get Posted Document Lines to Reverse action from the ribbon.

After you have selected the shipment lines that you want to cancel and chosen OK, the system creates cancellation lines on the return and links each item ledger entry that you want to reverse to a cancellation line or the item tracking code on the line. Based on this entry, it then determines the transaction code that will be used on the reversal document. For more information on how transaction codes for cancellation lines are determined, see On Canceling Lines.

Cancel on shipment#

You can also use the Change Cancellation Qty. action to enter offset quantities on a shipment per document line. For more information, see Undo Posted Shipments.

During posting, the shipped items are then automatically marked for application. The application entries are then used to determine the transaction code on each line that should be canceled (see also On Canceling Lines).

On canceling lines#

The transaction code that will be entered on a cancellation line is based on the type of movement that needs to be cancelled.

Movement type blank (Sale)#

The following checks are performed to determine the code:

Link between return order line and application entry
A cancellation line is linked directly to an application entry if the item on the line isn’t tracked. The code specified for the item (that is, application) entry is then filled in on the line as the transaction code and the stock adjustment code.


If a hierarchy is used on the original document line, the receipt entry that might have been specified together with a new transaction code for the customer site will be canceled as well. See also Movement Hierarchies.

Link between tracking code and application entry
If the cancellation line contains a tracked item, the system checks the tracking lines associated with the cancellation line for a link to an application (item) entry. If a link exists, the transaction code that is stored with the item ledger entry is copied as the transaction code and the stock adjustment code to the relevant tracking line.

If no entry is linked to an item tracking line, the default transaction code that is used for positive adjustments is filled in instead.


If a hierarchy is used on the original document line, the receipt entry that might have been specified together with a new transaction code for the customer site will be canceled as well. See also Movement Hierarchies.

No link
If an application entry isn’t linked to the relevant cancellation line (neither on the line itself or via item tracking), the default transaction code used for positive adjustment is specified as the transaction code and the stock adjustment code.

Movement type Transfer#

The following checks are performed to determine the code:

Link between cancellation line and application entry

A cancellation line is linked directly to an application entry if the item on the line isn’t tracked. The code on the related item ledger entry, as specified by the Transfer From field, is then filled in on the line as the transaction code and the stock adjustment code.

Afterward, the system checks whether a hierarchy was used to post the associated shipment and if the transaction codes specified for the Transfer From and Transfer To entries differ.

If they do but were valued in the same way, the code assigned to the Transfer From entry is entered as the new transaction code on the cancellation line. This new code ensures that, for example, items that are transferred to a customer warehouse from current assets and to which the Items to Capitalize transaction code is assigned are linked to the transaction code for current assets again when they’re reversed.


Fixed assets that have been capitalized at a customer location will be reversed using the original transaction code.

Link between item tracking code and application entry

If the cancellation line contains a tracked item, the system checks the tracking lines associated with the cancellation line for a link to the corresponding application (that is, item) entry. If a link exists, the transaction code is determined in the same way as for the direct link between cancellation line and application entry.

No link

If an application entry isn’t linked to the relevant cancellation line (neither on the line itself or via item tracking), the default transaction code used for positive adjustment is specified as the transaction code and the stock adjustment code.

On selecting tracking codes#

When you choose an item tracking code, the system checks if the code matches the transaction code on the document line that is being tracked. If it doesn’t, you see an error message.

Similarly, when you select a tracking code by using the Assist button in the Serial No. or Lot No. field on a page, the system shows on the inventory overview only lines that are available and where the associated transaction code has been entered.

On Serial No. / Lot No. Info Cards#

When you register the movement of an item that requires a lot or serial number, you can see in the Last Transaction Code field, on the related Lot or Serial No. Info Card, the code that was entered for the most recent transaction.

When you post a transaction that includes moving inventory—such as during receipt, shipment, transfer, purchase, or sale—you must fill in a transaction code. The code is then copied to the Lot or Serial No. Info Card that you posted the transaction for.

Integration with document management#

medtec365 Setup#

On this page, you can specify the DMS settings that are required by MDR Document Management and other parts of the app, as described in the following table.

DMS Integration#

Field Description
IM Document Nos. Specify a number series that will be used to create entries in a DI-IM document.
DMS Resp. Center Description to follow.
Use printing with image utils service Turn on this toggle if you want to use the Print Portal service.

Every document that is printed with this service will be linked and archived in the system.

You can also set up event messages to customize the process.

Simultaneous use of ImageUtils printing and UniversalPrint is currently not possible.
Letterhead Available If the toggle is turned on, a letterhead has been stored in setup so that it can be printed on every page of a main document.
Watermark on Main Document If the toggle is turned on, a watermark has been stored in setup so that it can be printed on every page of a main document.

The standard watermark consists of the word Copy only. It is used to ensure that no originals are reprinted from the archive.
Watermark on Supporting Documents If the toggle is turned on, a watermark has been stored in medtec365 Setup so that it can be printed on each page of a supporting document.
Delete Log on Print An entry for the DMS print job is set up during preview, PDF creation, and printing. With the toggle turned on, the entry is deleted when the job is completed without errors.

If an error occurs, the entry remains. We recommend you turn on the toggle for standard projects. Otherwise, you will need to delete older entries manually.
Template Field for Supporting Docs. Specify the DMS template field that should be used to distinguish between printouts archived with and without supporting documents. The default name of the field is FIXED ASSET.

Two entries are created in the archive when you use supporting documentation. One contains the main document, the other the main and supporting documents, with the former containing an empty template field and the latter a filled-in one.

You can fill in this field, for example, to attach an invoice from the DMS archive to payment reminders without the system printing all documents assigned to the case.
Show Print Portal Reports Lists the reports that the Print Portal service is used for. Only these reports are then linked or archived later.
Letterhead Used to import or delete your company’s letterhead template.
Watermark (Main) Used to import or delete the watermark for main documents.
Watermark (Supplemental) Used to import or delete the watermark for supporting documentation.

Ribbon functions (Actions > DMS)#

Function Description
Show Print Portal Reports Lists the reports that the Print Portal service is used for. Only these reports are then linked or archived later.
Letterhead Used to import or delete your company’s letterhead template.
Watermark (Main) Used to import or delete the watermark for main documents.
Watermark (Supplemental) Used to import or delete the watermark for supporting documentation.


Together, KUMAconnect ELO4BC and KUMAconnect Output Link provide you with an interface to integrate ELO2 Digital Office (Professional and Enterprise) DMS/ECM into Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central1.

For this purpose, the ELO2 Integration Client has been added to multiple FactBoxes and pages so that you can run the program in medtec365. You can then use drag & drop to archive the files and documents associated with the program.

The KUMAconnect Output Link also archives and transfers documents set up in the system, including confirmation notes and invoices, to ELO2 DMS/ECM automatically.

All files and documents come equipped with corresponding metadata, and—thanks to the integration client—you can see them in the ELO2 filing structure separated by business process or transaction.

Via a KUMAconnect solution added to ELO2 DMS/ECM, the system also makes use of state-of-the-art web services for exchanging data.

Standard templates are provided as well. They contain the complete makeup of the integration client, the outgoing documents, the metadata, and the archive structure, including references, with a permission management tool rounding off the package.

ELO2 is set up in the ELO2 Administration Console, where you can specify metadata, as well as storage and reference paths. You can contact your ELO2 vendor for more information on how to set up the program.


You need a separate license before you can use KUMAconnect.


For general information about the feature, see KUMAconnect. This section only explains the additional pages, functions, and fields available for the functionality in medtec365.


DMS Setup#

Before you can see the integration client fields and exchange data with the ELO2 archive, you need to set up the feature.

  1. Choose the Search icon, enter DMS Setup, and then choose the related link.
  2. Fill in the fields described in the following table.
Field Description
Default Template Used to select the ELO2 configuration. Currently, the default configuration is KumaMed.
Default Folder Indicates where documents are stored unless otherwise specified via field mapping. On the KumaMed template, the field is empty, as every document is stored at the top level.


For more general information, see DMS Setup. This section only explains the additional pages, functions, and fields available for the functionality in medtec365.

Ribbon functions#

Import DMS Template
Imports the ELO2 template specifications, making the template fields and values available in the system. See also Template.

Shows the template that was copied by running the Import DMS Template function.


The information is read-only and cannot be changed in the app.

Document type
Used to store all possible values for a document type, making them available for selection elsewhere in the system (such as for barcode reservation).

Assign folder options
Provides two settings that can be used for different document types, such as sales and purchase documents. One of the settings lets you specify a folder for archiving based on the type of document you’re handling. The system determines what folder to use by looking in the following areas, in that order:

  1. Assign Folder Options
  2. Field mapping
  3. DMS Setup

With the help of the document type, you can also specify pages that ELO2 should be able to import more data from. What page is picked by the system depends on how you filled in the following areas (in that order):

  1. Assign Folder Options
  2. Field mapping

Field mapping list
Specifies the field mappings that will be used for the integration client and API. For more information on how to set up a mapping, click here.

Field mapping functions
Specifies the functions that can be run for the field mappings. With the help of event triggers, the functions can also be customized.

Page table links
Used to enter default values on ODATA pages that are linked to the specified tables. The pages are used by ELO2 to import medtec365 data independent of field mapping functions.


For more general information, see DMS Setup. This section only explains the additional pages, functions, and fields available for the functionality in medtec365.

Field mappings#

With these mappings, you can specify the fields that should be filled in or imported when data is exchanged through KUMAconnect.


Field Description
Action Specify an action that should be run for the mapping.

With this option, you can use the API, for example, to retrieve supporting documents from the DMS.

Lets you archive documents via the API by drag & drop.

Allows archiving outgoing documents.
Template Specify a template for the mapping. Currently, KumaMed is the only template used. Other templates can be added on request.
Folder Name Only shown if you choose Archive as the action.

The folder stores the DMS documents that you create. You can also specify subfolders here (such as ‘Sales/Other Documents’).

Currently, you do not need to enter a folder name on the template.
Folder Assigned If the toggle is turned on, a folder is assigned to the table that you want to map.
Table ID Specify the table that field mapping will have access to.

The fields of the table are then accessible on the mapping lines. For access to fields from another table, you must create a field mapping function.
Table Name Shows the name of the table entered in the Table ID field.
Page ID Every exchange of data with KUMAconnect requires the transfer of a page through which ELO2 can show additional data if needed or from which the program can open a record in medtec365.

The page can be linked to the mapped table via a folder or table-page assignment. Else, the drilldown page from the table specifications will be used.
Page Name Shows the name of the page entered in the Page ID field.
Description Specify a description for the field mapping.
Default Table Mapping With the toggle turned on, this mapping will be used for the specified table and action when no other mapping can be found.

There can only be one default mapping for each table and action.
Custom ELO2 Config Specify whether archiving works as in the standard app or if a custom behavior was specified for the mapped table in ELO2.

With the standard configuration in place, documents are automatically stored in a folder named after the description in the Doc. Type field (for example, IM Document) when you archive them via the API.

Field Mapping Lines#

Field Description
Template Field Specify the field that the action is used on.

The value in this field is retrieved if you choose the Query action. If you choose Archive or Report, you need to fill in the field within the DMS.
Business Central Field No. Here you can select a field from the specified table.

If you leave the field blank, you need to set up a mapping function or an Alternative Value.
Business Central Field Caption Shows the caption of the field.
Alternative Value Used if no Business Central Field No. is available. You can specify a mapping function or a value here.
The value in this field is retrieved from the ELO template2 (when the Import DMS Template function is run).

Template fields marked as Read-Only cannot be used for mappings that the Archive or Report action will be used on.
Required The value in this field is retrieved from the ELO template2 (when the Import DMS Template function is run).

Template fields marked as Required are automatically inserted into mappings that the Archive or Report action will be used on.

  1. Microsoft, Microsoft Dynamics, and Microsoft Dynamics 365 are trademarks of the Microsoft group of companies. 

  2. ELO, ELOprofessional, ELOenterprise, ELOoffice and ELO ECM-Suite are registered trademarks of ELO Digital Office GmbH in Germany and/or and other countries.