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Workflow and notification manager#

The workflow and notification manager (WNM) tool provides you with templates that can be used to handle frequently recurring business operations. The status of each operation is recorded in a series of process steps so that you can monitor work until completion.


You need a separate license before you can use this functionality.


Role center#

The WNM comes with a separate role center, found on the My Settings page.

Process Setup#

To set up the WNM:

  1. Choose the Search icon, enter Process Setup, and then choose the related link.
  2. Fill in the fields as described in the following table.
Field Description
Default Transaction Code Specify the transaction code that will be used for WNM processes.
Contact Creation Specify if you want the system to create a contact card when a process is started for a new contact.
Update Contacts Specify if you want the system to update the relevant contact card should the contact details provided at the start of a process differ from those entered in the system.
Process Nos. Specify a number series that will be used for WNM processes.

Process User Setup#

Here you can assign the users who will be using the tool, as only they can create, run, and release workflows and notifications later. This also includes linking each user to a salesperson and storing users’ digital signatures for case management.

To grant process permissions to a user:

  1. Choose the Search icon, enter Process User Setup, and then choose the related link.
  2. On the ribbon, choose New.
  3. Fill in the fields as described in the following table.
Field Description
User ID Specify the ID of the user that you want to grant permissions to.
Salespers./Purch. Code Corresponds to the field with the same name in User Setup.
Follow-up Assignment Corresponds to the field with the same name in User Setup.
Follow-up Team If available, select the follow-up team that the user is part of.
Follow-up Team Filter If the user is part of more than one follow-up team, you can filter for certain teams by filling in this field.
Digital Signature Specify the user's digital signature.
Signature Blocked With the toggle turned on, the user's signature is blocked. This happens automatically if it was entered incorrectly three times, but you can also turn on the toggle yourself.
Signature Fail Count Shows the number of times the user has entered the wrong digital signature.
Signature Blocking Reason Shows why the digital signature is blocked.
Reset Signature With the toggle turned on, the signature needs to be updated before it can be used again.

Process Permission Groups#

On this page—which you can open by using the Permission Groups action in Process User Setup or the general search function—you can assign any number of permission groups to a user. What exactly the user is authorized to do is covered by the individual permissions within the relevant group.

For example, if permission A is needed for a certain process, the user must have this permission according to at least one assigned permission group.

Process Groups#

Here you can group process templates, to help with searching and filtering for them.

Create a template#

What you enter on a process template will later be available for managing day-to-day operations. If no template can be found for a certain operation or if only a minor part of the template can be used, you must set up a new template:

  1. Choose the Search icon, enter Process Templates, and then choose the related link.
  2. On the ribbon, choose New.
  3. Fill in the fields as described in the following.


Field Description
Code Specify a code for the template. The code must be unique.
Description Specify an internal description for the template.
Version Code Shows the app version at the time you created the template.
Class Specify the document type that the template can be used for.
The options available in this field are derived from case management classifications (complaint, claim, compliance, or stand-alone).
Usage Specify whether the process is a main or follow-on operation.

The initial process, which can be visualized and contains the follow-on processes.

Occurs in the course of a main process.

Follow-on operations cannot be run on their own and will be shown as part of the main process in the document viewer.
Group Code Specify the code that should be used when you want to search or filter for a certain template.
Case Type Code
Case Subtype Code
Specify a case type and subtype if you need to refer to a specific claim or complaint process.
Status Shows the status of the process.

In this status, the template can be changed, but no processes can be created from it.

Only in this status can the template be used to create a process (but can no longer be changed).


The workflow for the business operation is specified on the Lines FastTab, with each line representing a step in the process. You can assign documents to the lines, mark a line as essential to the process, or have lines start or end automatically.

After you’ve filled in the header fields and specified a series of steps, you need to run the Release action before you can create a process from the template.

Field Description
Type Specify the type of action performed with this process step.

Options are:
• Create
• Release
• Reopen
• Notify
• Post Pos. Adjmt.
• Post Shpt.
• Post Invoice
• Shpt. + Inv.
• Cancel
• Archive
• Text
• Hyperlink
• Decision

The specific action that is taken is determined in combination with the selected document type.
Document Type Specify the type of record that will be used during this step.

Options are:

• Item
• Serial No. Info
• Lot No. Info
• Contact
• Customer
• Vendor
• Item Journal
• Transfer Journal
• G/L Account
• G/L Journal
• Sales Quote
• Sales Order
• Sales Invoice
• Sales Cr. Memo
• Blanket Sales Order
• Sales Return Order
• Purch. Quote
• Purch. Order
• Purch. Invoice
• Purch. Cr. Memo
• Blanket Purch. Order
• Purch. Return Order
• Transfer Order
• Pstd. Shipment
• Pstd. Sales Inv.
• Pstd. Return Rcpt.
• Pstd. Sales Cr. M.
• Pstd. Receipt
• Pstd. Purch. Inv.
• Pstd. Return Shpt.
• Pstd. Purch. Cr. M.
• Segment
• Maintenance
• Repairs
• Complaint
• Claim
• Return
• Compliance
• Process

The specific action that is taken is determined in combination with the option selected in the Type field.
Description Specify an internal description for the process step.
Auto Start Select this field if you want the process step to start automatically after the previous step has been completed.
Auto End Select this field if you want the process step to end automatically.
Required Specify whether the step is mandatory.

The next process step can be started before this step is successfully completed.

The step must be completed before the next can be started.

Depending on the condition you set up, this step might need to end before the next can start.

For more information, see Conditions.
Condition Exists Indicates if a condition is stored for the step. For more information, see Conditions.
Show Page Select this field if you want the page for the specified record to be opened after the step has been started.
Page ID Specify the ID of the page that is related to the document type.
This field is filled in by the system but can be changed manually.
Print Select this field if you want to run a report for the specified document after the process step has been started.
Report ID Specify the ID of the report that is related to the document type.
This field is filled in by the system but can be changed manually.
Permission Type Specify the type of permission required for the step.

No special permission is needed, except for being a case management user.

Digital signature
The user must have special permission, which is verified by their digital signature.
Permission Group Code Here you can specify the code of a permission group so that users who are not members of the group cannot start this step.
FastTab functions#

Used to specify conditions for starting process steps on the template lines. As an example, emails should only be generated for items that require serial numbers.

Field Description
Source Table ID Specify the table that the document type assigned to the step should relate to.
Source Table Caption Shows the caption of the table entered in the Source Table ID field.
Destination Table ID Specify the table that you want to check the condition against.

You must fill in this field even if the target table is the same as the source table.
Destination Table Caption Shows the caption of the table entered in the Destination Table ID field.

Afterward, you need to run the Link action on the ribbon to tie the fields in the source table to those in the target table.

Alternatively, if the source table is the same as the target table, you can set a filter on the field that you want the system to check and then select the relevant field value.

Insert Line#

Inserts a new line above the selected step.

Delete Line#

Deletes the selected line (after you’ve confirmed the action).

Process Step (Template): FastTab#

This FastTab shows different fields depending on the type of step that you specified on the associated template line—provided the Type, Document Type, and Description fields have been filled in there (see Lines).

If Type = Create#

With the Type field on a line set to Create, you must select one of the following order types on the Process Step (Template) FastTab.

Document Type
(on Lines FastTab)
Order Type
Customer/Vendor/Contact Sourced from the template list.
Shipment Sourced from the sales order types.
Receipt Sourced from the purchase order types.
Transfer Order Sourced from the transfer order types.
Item Journal Sourced from the item journal batches.
Transfer Journal Sourced from the item journal batches.
Maintenance Sourced from the customer service types.
Repairs Sourced from the customer service types.
Process Sourced from the process templates.
For sales documents#

For type Create and a document of type sales, the following fields must be filled in on the Process Step (Template) FastTab besides setting up the order type.

Field Description
Movement Type Specify the type of item movement.

No invoice will be created (in the case of sales orders with discounts, for example).

Items will be shipped to a vendor-managed or an external warehouse.
Location Code Specify the location that you want to ship from.
Bin Code Specify the bin that you want to ship from (can be left blank).
Discount Reason Specify a discount reason if the sale should be discounted (can be left blank).
For purchase documents#

For type Create and a document of type purchase, the following fields must be filled in on the Process Step (Template) FastTab besides setting up the order type.

Field Description
Location Code Specify the location that you want items delivered to.
Bin Code Specify the bin that you want items delivered to (can be left blank).
Discount Reason Specify a discount reason if the purchase should be discounted (can be left blank).
For document types Transfer Order and Transfer Journal#

For type Create and document type Transfer Order or Transfer Journal, the following fields must be filled in on the Process Step (Template) FastTab (whereas the order type only needs to be set up for a transfer order).

Field Description
Location Code Specify the location that you want items delivered to.
Bin Code Specify the bin that you want items delivered to (can be left blank).

If Type = Notify#

For type Notify, the following fields must be filled in on the Process Step (Template) FastTab.

Field Description
Type Specify if and how to remind a user of a process.

No follow-up will be sent.

A follow-up can be assigned to a document, which can be opened by the recipient (or by clicking it).

A document can be attached to an e-mail—either a document attribute that matches the document type on the Lines FastTab or an external document.
Recipient Specify the kind of recipient based on the selected notification type.

For follow-ups
Enter an inhouse contact (= user) or a team (= group of employees).

For emails
Enter a contact or specify an e-mail address in the Recipient Code field.
Recipient Code Specify a code for the selected recipient.

For inhouse personnel
Select a salesperson or a purchaser stored in the system.

For an inhouse team
Select a team set up in the system.

For a contact
Select a contact whose email address will be entered automatically.

Use a custom email address.
Notification Text Enter a subject line for follow-ups and emails.
Date Formula Specify a period (such as 3W) after which a notification is resent.
Document Attribute Code Only used for notification type Email.

Specify a document attribute and send it as an attachment. The attribute must correspond to the document type selected on the Lines FastTab, as this type will determine the source document.
File Name Here you can attach a file for all notification types.

If Type = Decision#

For type Decision, you must fill in the following fields on the Process Step (Template) FastTab.

Field Description
Template (Yes) Specify the template that will be used if you choose Yes.
Template (No) Specify the template that will be used if you choose No.

For type Hyperlink, the following field must be filled in.

Field Description
Hyperlink Enter the URL that will be used for the hyperlink.

Ribbon functions#


Sets the status of the template to Released. Only a released template can be used to create a process.


Resets a released template to the Open status. Only open templates can be edited.

Create Process#

Creates a process based on the released template.

Copy Template Lines#

Used to copy steps from an existing process template. To be able to use this action, you need to set up a new, blank template. You can then run the function to select the template from which steps should be copied.

Create and change a process#

To set up a new process:

  1. Go to the medtec365 WNM role center.
  2. Choose the Process Templates - Released tile. Alternatively, choose the Search icon, enter Process Templates, and then choose the related link.
  3. Select a template.
  4. On the ribbon, choose Create Process.


You can only create a process from a template that has been released.

Process Card#

A new, blank process card is automatically opened after you run the Create Process action on a process template. The fields on the card need to be filled in as described in the following table.


Field Description
No. This field is filled in automatically with a number from the series that you set up for process cards.
Description Shows the name of the process (is retrieved from the process template).
Type Specify for whom you want to set up a workflow. Options are Customer, Vendor, or Contact.
Vendor No. Depending on what option you selected in the Type field, you can choose here the vendor whom you want to create the process for.
Customer No. Depending on what option you selected in the Type field, you can choose here the customer whom you want to create the process for.
Contact No. Depending on what option you selected in the Type field, you can choose here the contact whom you want to create the process for.
Status Shows the status of the process.

In this status, the process can be edited but not run.

The process can be run but not changed.

This status is part of the Compliance functionality.

The process was run once and has therefore been completed.


The lines on this FastTab are used to specify the people involved in completing the process.

Field Description
Type Specify the type of person associated with the process. Options are customer, vendor, or contact.
No. Specify the number of the customer, vendor, or contact associated with the process depending on the option selected in the Type field.
Name Shows the name of the customer, vendor, or contact. The name is shown automatically for people specified in the system; otherwise, you must enter a name manually.
Address Shows the address stored for the contact.

This field is filled in automatically for existing contacts but must be filled in manually otherwise.
Post Code Shows the ZIP code stored for the contact.

This field is filled in automatically for existing contacts but must be filled in manually otherwise.
Location Shows the location stored for the contact.

This field is filled in automatically for existing contacts but must be filled in manually otherwise.
Country/Region Code Shows the country/region stored for the contact.

This field is filled in automatically for existing contacts but must be filled in manually otherwise.
Phone No. Shows the phone number stored for the contact.

This field is filled in automatically for existing contacts but must be filled in manually otherwise.
Mobile Phone No. Shows the cell phone number stored for the contact.

This field is filled in automatically for existing contacts but must be filled in manually otherwise.
Email Shows the email address stored for the contact.

This field is filled in automatically for existing contacts but must be filled in manually otherwise.
Salesperson Code Shows the salesperson linked to the contact.

This field is filled in automatically for existing contacts but must be filled in manually otherwise.

If a phone number has been stored for a person and medtec365 is connected to an internal communications system, you can call the contact by using the Call Landline or Call Cell function on the ribbon.

The New Line or Delete Line action can be run to add or delete entries to or from the lines.

Pick Document Lines: function#

You can insert document lines into the process by running the Pick Document Lines action on the ribbon or enter them manually on the Document Lines FastTab.

Based on whether the business process has been set up for a customer, vendor, or contact, different actions can be run. If you selected Customer in the Type field, for example, sales document functions will be available to you; for vendors, the actions relate to purchase documents, for contacts to internal production documents.

Completed technical, claim, or complaint cases are also available for all three.

Process Steps: FastTab#

This FastTab displays the steps that will be performed when a process is run. Which steps these are depends on the selected process template; the steps in that process can then no longer be changed.

Field Description
Description Shows the description of the process step.
Required (blank)
The step is not mandatory and can therefore be skipped.

The step becomes mandatory under certain conditions, as specified on the process template.

The step is mandatory and cannot be skipped.
Condition Met Indicates whether one of the conditions set up on the process template applies in this context.
Started Specifies if the corresponding step has been started.
Completed Specifies if the corresponding step has been completed.
Document Type Specifies the document type that will be used for the step.
Source ID If available, shows the number of the document that will be created when the step is processed.

A step can be run by choosing Previous Line or Next Line on the ribbon. To start the first step, choose Next Line. Afterward, the action must be rerun multiple times: with the following click, the system will jump to the next line; with another, that step will be started (the Started checkbox selected).

The final click will end the current step. The system then checks if the step could be successfully completed. If so, the Completed field is selected.

Ribbon functions#

The actions shown on the ribbon depend on whether a process relates to a customer or a vendor. To view the vendor or customer that the process was set up for, choose Home or Related > Customer Card or Vendor Card on the ribbon.

To open and copy from a document associated with the vendor or customer, choose Select Document on the ribbon and then the document that you want to retrieve lines from.

To change the status of the process, choose Status and the relevant function.


Before a process can be run, it must be released.

Complete a process#

You can complete a released business process by running the Close Case action on the ribbon.

The system then checks if open documents exist for steps in the process. If they do, the action will be canceled with an error message and the process remains in the list of released processes.

However, if the process can be completed, it will be archived so that it can no longer be changed. You can open an archived process on the medtec365 WNM role center by choosing the Processes – Archived tile.

All documents related to the process will also be archived. To view them, choose the Process Documents – Archived tile on the medtec365 WNM role center.

Create a process from a case#

You can create a process from a case, that is, not start it on its own.

The case must be classified as a process so that all released process templates are available for selection. The steps that were entered on the template are then copied to the process automatically and can be edited. To create a process from a case:

  1. Open a contact card.
  2. On the ribbon, choose New to open the call classification.
  3. Select the Process checkbox, and then choose OK.
  4. Choose a template from the list.

Afterward, the process is run automatically, and the contact details of the selected contact are copied as well. To be able to run a process, it must have been released.