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Price lists#

This article only describes the price list features implemented in KUMAVISION project365. For more information about the extensions added to KUMAVISION base (BOOSTER), see Prices (Sales) and Prices (Purchasing).

For general information about the price list functionality, see Set Up Prices and Discounts - Business Central | Microsoft Learn.

The KUMAVISION project365 Price Sequence option that you can select along with a new pricing experience calculates sales and purchase prices according to project priorities—without the system trying to find the best price. The following pages are available for this purpose:

  • Purchase Price Lists
  • Purchase Project Price Lists
  • Sales Price Lists
  • Sales Project Price Lists

In project management, a price list linked to a specific project takes priority. Only if the system cannot find a valid price on it will it look for a list that isn’t assigned to a project.


Feature management#

The new features must first be activated.

  1. Choose the Tell Me function, enter Feature Management, and then choose the related link.
  2. On the line Feature Update: New Sales Pricing Experience, set the Enabled For field to All Users.


If the features aren’t turned on for you, please contact support. Do not try to turn on the functionality on your own.


By activating the new price lists, the previous tables are migrated, that is, replaced.

Sales & Receivables and Purchases & Payables Setup#

The features are available in both sales and purchasing. When the new pricing experience is activated, the KUMAVISION project365 Price Sequence option is turned on as well, ensuring that project prices are calculated according to a certain sequence (and not the standard functionality best price option).

Standard resource prices#

On each list, you can specify standard prices that will be valid for all resources. This simplifies data management, as the focus of project sales pricing is typically on the activity performed (=work type), not on who performed it (=resource).

To set up a price that should be valid for all resources, open a price list, select Resource in the Product Type field, and leave the Product No. field blank. The new price, however, has a lower priority than if assigned to a specific resource or resource group (see Price Sequences).

Work types#

Sales pricing#

To be able to determine resource sales prices, a work type is needed for each resource. It not only describes the type of work being performed but also the (consumption or billing) unit used. A sales price must always be linked to the correct billing unit.

Project Lead (PL) type of work is recorded in hours but billed by day. This kind of work is also billed at a higher rate than time that is recorded for Travel (TR). The latter is billed in hours.

Work type Unit of measure Sales price
PL Day EUR 720.00
TR Hour EUR 50.00


You cannot specify a price as valid for all resources by leaving the work type on a sales price list blank. To set up standard prices, you need to make actual use of the work types available.

Purchase pricing#

A blank work type can only be used as a dummy value on purchase price lists. In this case, price units aren’t specified by work type, so that any price is given in the resource’s base unit of measure.


A resource costs a company the same whatever activity is being performed. If purchase prices followed the business logic that is used to determine prices in sales, the same price would need to be stored for all resources and work types specified on a company’s purchase price list.

To simplify data management, the purchase price list thus allows a blank work type to be used as a dummy value.

External resource hours, however, might be purchased at different rates based on the work that needs to be performed. Using work types for these purchases could therefore make sense.

Parameters and filters#

All values used in pricing are described in the following table.

Parameters and filters Description
Project Project-specific lists of prices take priority over other price lists. Only if no valid price can be found on those lists will a standard price be used.
Date Typically means the posting date, except during project planning, where it specifies the starting date.

The date is used as a filter criterion, as the basis for calculating a price might differ depending on when the calculation is performed.

If the date field on a line is blank, the price is valid indefinitely. You can, however, also fill in only a starting or an ending date so that a price will be valid for an unspecified period starting on 01/01/2025, for example.
Work type Relevant only to resource pricing. For more information, see Work Types.
Resource, Item, or G/L Account No. Depending on posting and planning, resource, item, or G/L account numbers might be shown in these fields.
Resource group Only relevant to resource pricing, where prices can be assigned to groups instead of individual resources.
Item price group Only relevant to item pricing.
Customer or vendor Specifies if calculations result in unit costs or sales prices.
Customer or vendor price group Prices can also be specified at this level. However, those stored for individual customers or vendors take priority.
Currency code Specifies the currency used to bill a project or the currency entered on purchase documents.

All these are used as parameters or filters for price calculations. Examples of filters are the date and work type fields (the latter in the case of resource sales prices), where alternatives don’t exist. This means:

  • If no price has been assigned to a work type on a sales price list, the system will not retrieve another price.
  • If a list price has expired, it can no longer be used.

Among the parameters that will be included in pricing are the project, resource (group), item (price group), G/L account, customer or vendor (price group), and currency code. For more information, see Price Sequences.

Price sequences#

Prices are determined based on what value ‘fits best.’ The standard best price principle doesn’t apply any longer. Instead, the system follows a sequence of steps ranked by priority. If a price that matches the specified criteria is found, it is used as the best price.

Price sequences in sales

Resource pricing

Source Priority
Project sales price list
1: Project-specific prices
Resource price
Resource group price
Standard resource price (=Resource No. field blank)
2: Standard project prices
Resource price
Resource group price
Standard resource price (=Resource No. field blank)
Sales price list
1: Customer-specific prices
Resource price
Resource group price
Standard resource price (=Resource No. field blank)
2: Group prices (customer)
Resource price
Resource group price
Standard resource price (=Resource No. field blank)
3: Standard customer prices
Resource price
Resource group price
Standard resource price (=Resource No. field blank)
Base data Price on resource card

Item pricing

Source Priority
Project sales price list
1: Project-specific prices
Item price
Group price (item)
2: Standard project prices
Item price
Group price (item)
Sales price list
1: Customer-specific prices
Item price
Group price (item)
2: Group prices (customer)
Item price
Group price (item)
3: Standard customer prices
Item price
Group price (item)
Base data Price on item card

G/L account pricing

Source Priority
Project sales price list
1: Project-specific prices
G/L account price
2: Standard project prices
G/L account price
Sales price list
1: Customer-specific prices
G/L account price
2: Group prices (customer)
G/L account price
3: Standard customer prices
G/L account price
Base data n/a


If no valid price is found for an item or a resource on a price list, the price stored on the item or resource card is used. This price is in local currency and in the base unit of measure and can be converted if necessary.


If no currency code can be found for a price, you can convert the price from the local currency to the target currency. With sales prices especially, we recommend that you maintain them in the billing currency.

Unit cost calculations

What has been written above also applies to calculating unit costs. But instead of customers, vendors and their price groups are used. Work types of unit cost calculations also aren’t used as a filter but a parameter, that is, the system will look for a valid price for the work type. If none can be found, it will search for a standard price (for which the work type is blank).

Price list overview#

Numerous price lists can exist in a client, which can make it difficult to obtain a clear overview. Although it is possible to retrieve filtered overviews from the master data of customers, vendors, articles and resources, a complete overview of all sales or purchase prices can be very helpful in certain cases.

In the role center of project processing (project manager), there are two overviews in the top ribbon under the menu items "Sales" and "Purchasing".

The first overview "Sales prices" or "Purchase price" shows all price list lines filtered according to the line types Prices + Prices & discounts. This displays all price list lines that have been defined as price lines or price & discount lines in the price lists.

The further overview "Sales discounts" or "Purchase discounts" displays all price list lines filtered according to the line types Discounts + Prices&Discounts. This displays all price list lines that have been defined as discount lines or prices & discount lines in price lists. The corresponding price list can be opened from each price list line.