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The following features expand standard Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central1 functionality to provide additional options to those working in your organization’s procurement department.

Buy-from addresses on order entry#

To minimize errors during data entry and streamline the entire process, buy-from addresses can be shown automatically when a vendor is entered for a purchase transaction.

To turn on the automatic display of buy-from addresses:

  1. Choose the Search icon, enter Purchases & Payables Setup, and then choose the related link.
  2. On the KUMAVISION trade365 FastTab, turn on the Show Buy-from Addresses on Input.

When you later fill in the Vendor No. field on a purchase document, the system will check if a buy-from address was stored for the specified vendor.

If it was, you’ll see a list from which you can select the correct address for the transaction. If none of the listed addresses are suitable, choose Cancel to exit the page (and discard any changes).


You can only choose a buy-from address after filling in the Vendor No. field on the relevant purchase header. If you create the document through a vendor card function, the selection window will not be shown.

Create item references on purchase lines#

Purchase transactions in the trade industries typically involve two sets of item numbers, yours and those provided by your supplier.

You can use the Item Reference No. field when you create an order to specify that the number assigned to an item is sourced from a vendor, but only if it has already been stored in the item or vendor master. In trade365, however, you can also set up references on item lines during order entry.


To be able to use this feature:

  1. Choose the Search icon, enter Purchases & Payables Setup, and then choose the related link.
  2. On the KUMAVISION trade365 FastTab, turn on the Auto Add Item References toggle.


Purchase lines include the following fields:

Type No. Item Reference No. Unit of Measure Code Variant Code
Item (number as stored in the system) (number as specified by vendor) (unit used when buying the item) (filled in with a code for items that you set up variants for)

If a reference for a certain vendor-item number combination already exists, it will be entered in the Item Reference No. field on a line when you’ve filled in and exited the Item No. field there.

Else, you can create a new reference when filling in the line. You can view and edit references on the Item References page, which is available via the general search.

Drop shipments and special orders#

In Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central1, purchase orders are intrinsically linked to the drop shipments they’re created for. This means that when you’ve created a purchase order for a shipment, you can no longer change quantities, units, or item numbers on the document.

With offerings changing daily and lead times at a minimum, this might create headaches for trading companies, for example, when items that they ordered aren’t available anymore, so suppliers must ship substitutes. In trade365, you can modify or delete purchase orders created for drop shipments in the following ways:

  • Replace items (item A1 ordered, but all that the manufacturer can provide you with is item A2) and units of measure.
  • Change quantities (5 pieces of item A1 ordered, but the product is only available in packages of 3 or 6).
  • Delete links (drop shipment created, but the manufacturer needs to ship the goods to your company instead).
  • Post sales invoices before billing purchases.
  • Have the system create purchase orders for drop shipments.
  • Use drop shipments and special orders in the service area.

Replace or change an item, quantity, or unit#

To replace an item on a drop shipment purchase order or change the quantity or unit code on the document:

  1. Open the order and make the changes on the relevant line.
  2. After you entered another item number, adjusted the quantity, or edited the unit code, you’re asked if you want to update the related sales order. Choose Yes.

Throughout this process, the link between the sales and the purchase line will remain intact. When the order is deleted, however, the link to the sales line will be removed so that the sales document can be treated as a standard order, or a new purchase order can be created for the drop shipment.

To delete the link between a purchase order and a drop shipment or special order created for a sales line:

  1. Open the relevant purchase order.
  2. Select a line and choose Line > Order > Drop Shipment or Special Order.
  3. On the ribbon, choose Delete Drop Shpt. (or Special Order) Link.

When you run either function, the link to the line currently selected in the order is deleted. Both the sales and the purchase line can then be processed further like any other line in the system.

Create drop shipments automatically#

In trade365, purchases for drop shipments can also be created automatically during the release of a sales order.

For this purpose, you only need to select the vendors or purchase orders for which you want drop shipments to be created by the system:

  1. Open a vendor card.
  2. On the General FastTab, turn on the Auto Create Drop Shpt. toggle.
  3. Afterward, fill in the Vendor No. field on an item card, on the Purchase FastTab.

If you now enter the item on a sales order classified as a drop shipment, a purchase order is created during document release.


This function cannot be used for vendors stored in the item vendor catalog.

Drop shipments and special orders in service#

In the standard app, you cannot work with drop shipments or special orders in Service. But for on-site repairs especially, having replacement items sent from a supplier directly to a customer can be a useful feature.

To be able to work with drop shipments or special orders in service:

  1. Open the Service Item Worksheet.
  2. Select a line, and then select the Drop Shpt. Order or the Special Order field.
  3. Alternatively, fill in the Purchasing Code field.
  4. Repeat the process as necessary.

When you’ve changed the required lines, choose Actions > Plan > Drop Shipment or Special Order to create a purchase order or open the document linked to them.


You might need to use the Personalize function to unhide the Drop Shipment, Special Order, or Purchasing Code field on the page.

Allow drop shipment billing prior to sales#

If the purchase order created for a drop shipment needs to be billed before the sales order:

  1. Choose the Search icon, enter Purchases & Payables Setup, and then choose the related link.
  2. On the KUMAVISION trade365 FastTab, turn on the Can Bill PO Drop Shpt. Before Sales toggle.

Reasons for archiving#

Purchase documents can be archived for different reasons, which are included in the archive automatically.

Reasons for archiving quotes

  • Manual
  • Deletion
  • Printout
  • Quote to Order

Reasons for archiving (return) orders

  • Manual
  • Deletion
  • Printout
  • Posting

Reasons for archiving blanket orders

  • Manual
  • Deletion
  • Printout


Clearance items are items that you decided not to reorder or that your supplier has stopped providing. Your procurement department will be notified that the item—or variant—in question might no longer be available when they try to enter it on a new purchase order. To select an item or variant for clearance:

  1. Open an item card.
  2. On the Item FastTab, select the Clearance field.
  3. Alternatively, select Clearance for each individual variant that will no longer be restocked.


If an item is selected for Clearance, its variants will no longer be restocked either, regardless of whether you’ve marked some of them as well.

The quote or order can still be processed, as the clearance message is only that: a message. The planned receipt of the item is shown in the availability overview.

Minimum quantities and inventory multiples#

If you’re working with requisition worksheets, you can enter in the item master or as SKU data the quantities in which products can be ordered.

However, the standard app isn’t equipped to deal with situations in which you procure items from different vendors whose requirements for minimum order size and quantities vary. And when you enter items on an order manually, you will not be notified if what you specify is below the minimum threshold.

In trade365, you can use a function for either. When working with this feature, the minimum quantity must be a multiple of the order size used for purchases. If you also use inventory multiples, they need to correspond to minimum order sizes.

Minimum quantities#

Minimum quantities are used in the item-vendor catalog to specify starting at which order size you can procure an item from a supplier.

In contrast to what you enter in the Minimum Order Quantity field, how you fill in the Minimum Quantity field typically doesn’t affect the values on requisition worksheets. Worksheets are checked for minimum quantities, however, if you fill in the Quantity or Vendor No. field on them manually.

The system then issues a warning but will not cancel the process so that, if necessary, you can go ahead and order the lower quantity without receiving any further notifications.

The check for minimum quantities is also performed when you create orders manually and one of the following fields is filled in:

  • Quantity
  • Variant Code (even if you fill in an item with a variant requirement on the relevant matrix).
  • Item Reference No.
  • Unit of Measure Code

Additionally, the quantity is checked when you create a purchase order for a blanket agreement.

Inventory multiples#

The number of items purchased as one package can be found in the Inventory Multiple fields on item cards but for each vendor individually. The value in this field doesn’t have an impact on requisition worksheets, where order sizes are determined based on the standard Minimum Order Quantity field.

Overall, the multiples are used in purchasing in the same way as in warehouse and inventory management.

If you change the vendor on a requisition or a planning worksheet and the new quantity on a line doesn’t match the entered inventory multiple, you’re asked if you want to round the entered quantity up or down.

When a purchase order is later created for this worksheet line, we recommend that the Planning Flexibility field be set to None so the system doesn’t suggest a change to the purchase order following line recalculation.

When you then fill in an order manually or change the quantity on a worksheet line, you’re asked if you want to round that quantity up or down to the closest inventory multiple. This way, you ensure that only multiples of what you’ve got in stock are reordered.

When you enter an item with a specified inventory multiple on a blanket order, you’re notified if the quantity doesn’t match. The check is performed again as you fill in the Qty. to Ship field for call-off from a blanket order.

If this quantity isn’t a multiple of the inventory size, the system will cancel the entire process and the purchase order cannot be created. But if you fill in the Qty. to Ship manually, you’re again asked if you want to round the value up or down.

Volume and weight per vendor: requisition and planning#

To facilitate planning, you can have the system show for each vendor the total volume and weight entered on a certain requisition or planning worksheet.

  1. Open a requisition or planning worksheet.
  2. Select a line to specify the vendor that you want to calculate values for.
  3. On the ribbon, choose Volume / Weight (Vendor) to see the volume and net weight of the goods that are to be ordered from a certain vendor on all worksheet lines.

Adherence to delivery dates#

You can analyze a certain vendor’s delivery schedule adherence based on the Requested, Promised, or Expected Receipt Date. To select the date used as a basis for these statistics:

  1. Choose the Search icon, enter Purchases & Payables Setup, and then choose the related link.
  2. On the KUMAVISION trade365 FastTab, select the relevant option in the Schedule Adherence Date field.

To see the statistics:

  1. Open a vendor card.
  2. On the ribbon, choose Vendor > Delivery Sched. Adherence.
  3. Via the Deviation From, Deviation To, and Deviation Period Type fields, you can specify a period during which deliveries should be counted as received in (or on) time. All receipts not within the period specified are shown in the Before or After column on the lines.

Requisition worksheets without date references#

In the standard app, items on requisition worksheets are ordered at the most opportune time—typically as late as possible—so that when you, for example, postpone ordering an item, the system might suggest you cancel the original order and create a new one with the correct date. But for wholesale and retail companies, this strict adherence to delivery dates can be more of a hindrance than a help.

For customers who cannot change orders once they’ve been placed with a supplier and for whom it’s enough to have purchase orders suggested and, after posting them, view their quantities without needing to see changes in outbound and inbound delivery data, a new function called Simplified Plan Calculation was added to the ribbon on requisition worksheets in trade365.

Simplified quantity calculation#

For simplified plan calculation, the required and the supplied quantities are each totaled, with the source values of both being the same as on standard requisition worksheets, that is, Minimum Inventory and Safety Lead Time.

The period for planning is specified by filling in the Starting Date and Ending Date fields on the request page. If demand outstrips supply during this time, the system will create a requisition worksheet line on which the work date is entered as the order date.

The feature supports the following reordering policies:

  • Order
  • Lot-for-Lot
  • Fixed Reorder Qty.
  • Maximum Qty.

As in the standard app, the replenishment settings from stockkeeping units take priority over those on the item card. You can also exclude open (that is, not yet released) sales or purchase orders or transfers from the calculation.


  1. Open a requisition worksheet.
  2. On the ribbon, choose Home > Calculate Simplified Plan.
  3. On the request page, fill in the fields as described in the following table.


Field Description
Starting Date
Ending Date
Specify when planning should begin and end. Within this period, the number of items you require is compared to what has been ordered so far, as on a standard requisition worksheet.
Blanket Orders
In contrast to standard requisition worksheets, blanket orders are not included automatically on simplified plans. Turn on this toggle to add them.
Released Orders Only On standard requisition worksheets, a planning run typically includes every sales order created in the system.

Often, however, demand calculations should include released orders only, which is what turning on this toggle is for.
Released Purch. Orders Only On standard requisition worksheets, a planning run typically includes every purchase order created in the system.

Often, however, demand calculations should include released orders only, which is what turning on this toggle is for.
Released Transfer Orders Only On standard requisition worksheets, all transfer orders created in the system will be part of demand or demand coverage calculations.

Often, however, the calculations should include released orders only, so this toggle needs to be turned on.

Like during standard planning runs, you can filter for individual items or item groups on the Items FastTab. Additionally, you must fill in the Location Filter field for each run.

Afterward, choose OK to have the requisition worksheet filled in automatically. In contrast to the standard Calculate Plan action, safety stock isn’t added as a separate line to the worksheet. Like in the standard app, however, you can now decide on the lines that you want to order.

Released Orders Only: requisition worksheets#

To streamline your scheduling process, you can run the Calculate Plan action from a requisition worksheet ribbon to have the system fill in current item demand on the lines according to the planning parameters you’ve set and the number of orders that you’ve received from your customers.

What the standard function doesn’t consider, however, is whether these orders have progressed far enough in the system. To limit demand calculations to sales orders that have already been released, turn on the Released Orders Only toggle when you see the request page of the report.

Minimum order value and freight limits#

Optimizing unit costs is key to a successful wholesale transaction. For this reason, you can now specify how much you must order from a vendor at the very least and up to which amount transportation fees will be paid by the supplier.

  1. Open the relevant vendor card.
  2. On the Shipping FastTab, fill in the Minimum Order Value or Carriage Paid Limit field. The values entered in both fields must be in the currency used by the vendor.

What you enter in these fields is then shown as part of purchase order statistics and on requisition and planning worksheets for informational purposes.

Purchase order statistics#

To see what you purchased:

  1. Open a purchase order.
  2. On the ribbon, choose Order > Statistics.


The Minimum Order Value and Carriage Paid Limit fields that you can see on the Vendor FastTab of the page show amounts in the currency used by the vendor, regardless of the currency specified on individual orders.

Requisition and planning worksheets#

Minimum order values and carriage paid limits are also shown on requisition and planning worksheets.

Additionally, you can see in the Accepted Order Value (Vendor) field what has already been requisitioned from the vendor.

When you release a purchase order, the system then checks the current order value and fee system against the minimum value and fee limit. You’re notified if what you entered on the document falls below either.

However, a check for a minimum order value is only performed if the currency that is specified on the order matches the currency that you stored with the vendor. You see a message if they don’t but can decide to release the order anyway.

The line values that are being compared are gross or net, depending on whether you turned the Prices Including VAT toggle on the General FastTab on or off. The toggle setting on the related vendor card must match the setting made here; otherwise, the check isn’t run.

The same is true for requisition worksheets. However, because their lines don’t have Line Amount fields, the amount to compare the minimums to is calculated based on the Quantity, Unit Cost, and Line Discount % values that you specified on each line. If Prices Including VAT is turned on, the tax that you expect to pay is also added.


Invoice discounts aren’t part of the check.

If the values in the Buy-from Vendor and Pay-to Vendor fields differ here, the check will apply to the Buy-from Vendor settings.

Item Vendor Catalog Prices FactBox: requisition worksheets#

This requisition worksheet FactBox provides a quick way for you to compare purchase prices for items without having to leave the page. The box displays detailed price information about the line currently selected on the worksheet, including discounts, unit costs, and calculated unit costs, provided an item is specified on the line. The box also remains blank if no price data is stored for the item.

Assign blanket orders manually#

When you fill in a purchase order manually, you can also copy over the terms and conditions of the related blanket agreement.

  1. Open a purchase order, and then select a line.
  2. Fill in the Blanket Order No. or Blanket Order Line No. field.
  3. You’re asked if the unit cost and the line discount should be copied from the relevant blanket purchase line. Choose Yes if you want the price copied. Choose No to keep the price from the purchase order.

Time-limit blanket orders#

To prevent terms and conditions specified on a blanket order from being used after the order has expired, you can now set not only a quantity but also a time limit there:

  1. Open a blanket order.
  2. On the FastTab, in the Valid Until field, specify up until when the order is valid.

You then see an error message if you try to use the order after the expiration date.


On request, the field can also be added to purchase lines so that you can limit the validity of a blanket order there. Currently, the line option isn’t available for general use and line fields contain the date specified on the blanket order header.

Show Qty. Remaining on blanket order#

By clicking the highlighted number in the Qty. Rem. on Blanket Order field on a blanket order line, you can see the purchase line quantities that you still need to receive from a supplier. With the Outstanding Qty. Excl. Order and the Qty. on Purch. Order fields, you can now also see the quantity that remains for call-off from the blanket order.

Manage containers#

In international trading, goods are often transported by sea or air, with partial quantities from multiple orders shipped inside a single container.

A container is also the unit by which vendors are billed for deliveries. This is because payments are often due when items are loaded on a vessel and risk passes from seller to buyer.

In the standard app, you need to assign partial deliveries to a transfer order, for example, when the items are brought onboard, when they’re moved to a bonded warehouse, when a vendor is invoiced, or when customs duties and freight costs must be settled. With the container functionality, you only need to group those deliveries once.


  1. Choose the Search icon, enter Containers, and then choose the related link.
  2. On the ribbon, choose New.
  3. Fill in the fields as described in the following table.
Field Description
Code Specify a unique code for the container.

You can enter a maximum of 20 characters in this field.
Description Specify a description for the container.
External Document No. Here you can specify, for example, a document ID. This ID is later copied to all documents on which you enter the container.
Vessel Code Specify the vessel on which the container is transported. For more information, see Track a Vessel.
No. of […] Shows the number of headers or lines on which the container is used. Click a number to view the associated documents.

Track a vessel#

This feature can bring even more transparency to your supply chain. To track a container vessel loaded with items that you ordered:

  1. Choose the Search icon, enter Vessels, and then choose the related link.
  2. On the ribbon, choose New. Alternatively, open a line for editing.
  3. Fill in the fields as described in the following table.
Field Description
Code Specify a code (abbreviation) that will be assigned to the vessel.

The code must be unique.
Name Enter the name of the ship.
IMO If available, specify an IMO number.

This number, preceded by the letters IMO (for example, IMO 8712345), is assigned by IHS Maritime & Trade, often when the ship is registered.
MMSI If available, specify a Maritime Mobile Service Identity number.

This nine-digit number is used for communication by radio.


For the vessel tracking functionality to work, you need to maintain either the IMO or the MMSI field in the system.

You can then open the Containers page to assign a vessel to a container in the Vessel Code field.

Afterward, choose Ship Tracking on the ribbon to pinpoint the vessel’s current location and see a map of the area it is in.

Containers on orders#

Containers can be assigned to a purchase order on the header or lines, which simplifies the creation of warehouse receipts that consist of different (partial) deliveries.

To assign a container:

  1. Open a purchase order.
  2. On the General FastTab, fill in the Container No. field. If lines already exist, you’re asked if you want to enter the number on all of them.
  3. You can then enter another container number on a line, if necessary.

Set expected receipt date#

As is not uncommon, shipments might get delayed. If this happens, you can run the Set Expected Rcpt. Date function from the ribbon to change the date that a certain container will arrive on.

This will change the date not only on the Containers page but on every order and transfer line linked to the container.


The expected receipt date is no longer adjusted on order lines when a receipt has been posted. The date is then only changed on the associated transfer order.

Container receipts#

Assign a container#

You can also assign a container manually to a purchase order during receipt:

  1. Create a warehouse receipt.
  2. Fill in the container number on the header.
  3. On the ribbon, choose Get Source Documents or Get Source Document Lines. The container number is then copied to the lines.

Additionally, when you post the receipt, the number is copied from the receipt lines to the posted document for further processing.

Use a filter#

As an alternative to manual assignment, you can enter the container number on the header or lines of an order and set a filter on the header or lines when you use the Get Source Document or Get Source Document Lines function.

Create transfer orders#

To create an order for transporting items to a bonded warehouse or the final storage location:

  1. Choose the Search icon, enter Containers, and then choose the related link.
  2. On the ribbon, choose Create Transfer Order.
  3. Specify an outbound, an inbound, and a transit location, and then choose OK.

This also copies to the order the external document number that is assigned to the container, and the posted receipts are moved via the order lines to the outbound warehouse that you specified.

To open the order, use the lookup on the No. of Transfer Order Lines field.

When you post the transfer, the container number is then copied along with other data to the posted document.

If you want to copy container data to a transfer order manually:

  1. Choose the Search icon, enter Transfer Orders, and then choose the related link.
  2. On the ribbon, choose New, and then fill in the fields as necessary.
  3. Afterward, choose Prepare > Get Container to retrieve all purchase receipt entries for the container.

If you don’t have the container number handy, you can also use the purchase order or vendor shipment number for retrieval.

Copy a container to an invoice#

To copy receipts from a container to a purchase invoice:

  1. Create a purchase invoice.
  2. Go to the Lines FastTab. On the ribbon, choose Get Receipt Lines.
  3. Filter the posted receipts for a container number, and then choose OK.

Allocate charges to containers#

When an invoice is posted for customs duties or freight charges, the costs of which should be allocated to the partial shipments delivered with a container, you can again filter for the number of that container to specify allocation.

Vendor shipment number: warehouse receipt lines#

To improve delivery management, the Vendor Shipment No. field was added to the lines of receipt documents.

If you post a warehouse receipt, the value in this field is then copied from the corresponding field on the purchase or the warehouse receipt header to the posted receipt lines.

The vendor shipment number is also available when you open warehouse receipt lines from invoices issued by a vendor, to make it easier for you to assign a receipt to an invoice.

Inventory range#

In most cases, you can use standard planning functions to meet the needs of your wholesale business. But due to an ever-growing item master, restocking warehouses might become quite a difficult task over time.

With trade365, you can specify average daily consumption rates for items you order and compare these rates to item lead times. This way, you can specify a minimum stock level for each product, tying ebbs and flows in sales directly to the reordering process.

To be able to work with this feature, you need a consumption schedule, where you can set date formulas to specify reorder periods and priorities in percent.


A consumption schedule indicates usage based on item ledger entries of type Sale, Assembly Consumption, or Consumption (from production).

Entries posted for an item are thereby added together over a certain period, which you enter on the schedule lines. You can set a period with the help of date formulas or fixed starting and ending dates.

The value in the Item Consumption % line field might differ in each period you specify. The total across all lines of the schedule, however, must be 100%. To create a new schedule:

  1. Choose the Search icon, enter Consumption Schedules, and then choose the related link.
  2. On the ribbon, choose New.
  3. Fill in the fields as described in the following table.


Field Description
Code Enter a meaningful abbreviation for the schedule.
Description Specify a description for the schedule.


Field Description
Line Type Select if you want to use a formula or fixed dates for calculating a scheduling period.
Starting Date Formula Specify a formula for calculating and filling in the starting date on the consumption line.

You can only fill in this field if you selected Date Formula as the line type.
Ending Date Formula Specify a formula for calculating and filling in the ending date on the line.

You can only fill in this field if you selected Date Formula as the line type.
Fixed Starting Date Enter a concrete date, such as 01/01/2023.

You can only fill in this field if you selected Fixed Date as the line type.
Fixed Ending Date Enter a concrete date, such as 01/01/2023.

You can only fill in this field if you selected Fixed Date as the line type.
Consumption % Enter (as a percentage) the consumption rate that you want to assign to the period specified on the line. The total on all lines must equal 100%.
Description Specify a description for the consumption line.

Assign a schedule#

You can set up the schedule on the following cards (with data retrieved in the same order of priority):

  • Item Category
  • Item
  • SKU

Item categories#

  1. Choose the Search icon, enter Item Categories, and then choose the related link.
  2. Select a category.
  3. Fill in the Consumption Schedule Code field.


  1. Choose the Search icon, enter Items, and then choose the related link.
  2. Select an item.
  3. On the Planning FastTab, fill in the Consumption Schedule Code field.


  1. Choose the Search icon, enter Stockkeeping Units, and then choose the related link.
  2. Select an SKU.
  3. On the Planning FastTab, fill in the Consumption Schedule Code field.


To calculate an inventory range:

  1. Choose the Search icon, enter Item Planning Suggestion, and then choose the related link.
  2. Select a journal name. As with any other journal, you can create as many names as you like to set up different methods for calculation.
  3. On the ribbon, choose Calculate Lines to have the system check all items (filtered to a certain user, if applicable) and retrieve their data for editing. The data can later be retransferred to the item master.
  4. Fill in the request page as described in the following table to specify, for example, what type of variant and location information should be included in the journal or whether one or more lines should be added per item.
  5. You can also fill in the fields on the Items tab to limit the calculation of the range to certain products.
Field Description
One Line per Location Turn on this toggle if a new journal line should be set up for each location.
One Line per Item Variant Turn on this toggle if a new journal line should be set up for each item variant.
Consump. Schedule Code Specify a weighting schedule.

If you leave the field blank, new values are calculated across all schedules.
Use Historical ILEs Turn on this toggle if field values should be calculated based on previously posted item ledger entries, for example, because new ledger entries do not exist yet.
Reference Date Specify for which date journal values should be calculated.
Clear Safety Stock at 0 Consump. Turn on this toggle if safety stock quantities should be removed for items or variants with a consumption of zero.
Show Unchanged Lines This toggle is turned off by default.

With the toggle turned on, the system copies to the journal all lines, even those on which the old and new values match.

Step 1

With SKU data available for the item and the location and variant filter used on a line, the system will retrieve the schedule assigned to the SKU.

If no relevant SKU data exists or consumption isn’t specified, the schedule you entered for the item will be used instead.

This means that the exact same code—not multiple codes—must be specified for the location filter on an item card. This applies to item variants as well.

Whether stockkeeping unit data is available can also be seen in the SKU Data Exists field on a journal line.

Step 2

If no schedule is assigned to the SKU or the item, the system will check for an item category. If no schedule is assigned there either, a line will not be added, as no inventory range can be calculated without the schedule.


The Inventory field shows the item’s inventory level after applying the used variant or location filter (or both) when you run the Calculate Lines function. The Inventory field isn’t calculated. If needed, you can unhide fields showing up-to-date values, including the current stock value.

The function then determines the Calculated Consump. Per Day based on the consumption schedule and the periods specified for the journal. The range of current inventory is calculated from the reference date (found under the same name on the Options FastTab of the report request page).

You can check the calculation in detail by drilling down on a field or choosing Line > Invt. Level Calculation (Item) on the ribbon to see a diagram.

Besides determining an inventory range with the help of current stock levels and rated consumption, the item planning suggestion includes new planning parameters based on those values.

You can change a parameter, if necessary. The previous parameters are also shown, albeit in read-only format. A new parameter is determined as follows:

  • The new safety stock quantity is the same as the old, except if the value in the Calculated Consump. Per Day field on a line is below or equal to 0 and you’ve selected the Clear Safety Stock at 0 Consump. field on the Options FastTab of the request page. The new stock will then be 0.
  • The new reorder point is equal to the new safety stock quantity plus the item consumption specified in the Calculated Consump. per Day field in the period consisting of lead time and safety lead time.
  • The new maximum inventory is equal to the new reorder point plus the consumption value from the Calculated Consump. per Day field during the reorder period.

When you fill in the journal, you can decide whether you want to include only lines where the suggested parameter values differ from existing values by turning on the Show Unchanged Lines toggle on the Options FastTab of the request page.

Additionally, you can, after potentially adjusting the new parameters yourself, copy them to the item or SKU master by running the Copy Changes to Item or SKU action on lines selected in the journal.

Clear out stock#

You can also use the range feature to clear out stock. The requirements for consumption schedules are the same as for calculating inventory levels.

  • Choose the Search icon, enter Item Clearance Suggestion, and then choose the related link.
  • This journal shows the unit cost of, sales price for, and profit made with items marked for clearance. The unit cost of each is determined based on the SKU fields associated with the item; the other two are calculated based on field values in the item master.
  • Running the Calculate Lines action from the page ribbon then compares the read-only source data available for the items to the values calculated by the function.
  • The old and new values will match initially but can be edited, if needed.
  • The Options tab on the Calculate Lines request page can again be filled in as described in the following table, while the Item tab can be used to limit clearance calculations to certain products.
Field Description
One Line per Location Turn on this toggle if a new journal line should be set up for each location.
One Line per Item Variant Turn on this toggle if a new journal line should be set up for each item variant.
Consump. Schedule Code Specify a weighting schedule.

If you leave the field blank, new values are calculated across all schedules.
Use Historical ILEs Turn on this toggle if field values should be calculated based on previously posted item ledger entries, for example, because new ledger entries do not exist yet.
Reference Date Specify for which date journal values should be calculated.
Clear Safety Stock at 0 Consump. Turn on this toggle if safety stock quantities should be removed for items or variants with a consumption of zero.
Show Unchanged Lines This toggle is turned off by default.

With the toggle turned on, the system copies to the journal all lines, even those on which the old and new values match.

Afterward, you can run the Create Campaign action from the ribbon to create a sales campaign and transfer the new values (including prices as sales prices) from the selected lines.

BMEcat catalog items#

Typically, a wholesaler maintains between around 40,000 and 50,000 items in its item master, although it could supply up to several hundred thousand. This is because the company can procure items from business partners.

For performance and maintenance reasons, a direct transfer of supplier item data to your item master isn’t a viable solution. Instead, the standard catalog management function is used for this purpose.

Standard catalog items then become part of a ‘shadow item master,’ which is made up of all items that could be supplied but have never been moved.

In Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central1, you can use a default interface to import item catalogs. But wholesalers might also need to change the data of an item during this process, for example, because certain purchase prices have changed. This can be done by using an interface such as BMEcat.


  • With the help of a list, data is read from the input files and mapped so that, for example, items for which data has changed are marked.
  • Alternatively, you can use an import suggestion, which provides certain default settings and options.
  • Data is then copied from the list to the catalog item master and, based on what template you selected for import, items that are already in the system will be updated immediately.

trade365 Catalog Item Setup#

To set up the feature:

  1. Choose the Search icon, enter trade365 Catalog Item Setup, and then choose the relevant link.
  2. Fill in the fields as described in the following table.


After you turned on the catalog item enhancements in trade365, you need to restart the app.


Field Description
Use trade365 Catalog Items Turn on the toggle to use the trade365 item catalog.


Field Description
No. Format Specify how you want item numbers to appear on catalog item cards.
No. Format Separator Specify the character that will serve as a separator for the code and the number of the item if the format uses both.
No. Series Here you can store an internally used number series for the items that you want to import.


Field Description
Default Item Creation Template Specify a template that will be used by default for the automated transfer of catalog items to the item master.
Default Item Change Template Specify a template that will be used by default for the automated transfer of changes to the item master.
Default Catalog Item Creation Template Description to follow

Catalog interfaces#

Catalog item interfaces are used to specify various import formats. To set up an interface:

  1. Choose the Search icon, enter trade365 Catalog Item Interface Codes, and then choose the relevant link.
  2. Specify a code and a description for the interface.
  3. Assign a Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central1 object in the Object Type and Object ID field to ensure that the relevant data is imported.

In trade365, a report for importing data through BMEcat is included by default. Alternatives that can be processed are, for example, Excel, CSV, or XML-based file formats, as well as Datanorm, Eldanorm, or formats used by you internally (Report 5157138). Using any of them, however, requires that the relevant interface be set up first.

Item catalogs#

You can assign different catalogs to each interface. They’re used to identify imported data and are saved with the import or catalog item (data sources).

Via catalogs, you can specify different suppliers who use the same interface, or you can store annual import lists. To assign catalogs to an interface:

  1. Choose the Search icon, enter trade365 Catalog Item Interface Codes, and then choose the relevant link.
  2. Select an interface.
  3. On the ribbon, choose Catalogs.

Map import data#

You can assign a mapping code to each catalog to specify the data mapping structure that will be used for importing items. This includes the replacement of values, such as PCE for the unit of measure Piece, which is then converted into the unit used in your system.

  1. Choose the Search icon, enter trade365 Catalog Item Mapping, and then choose the relevant link.
  2. Specify a code and a description for the mapping.
  3. On the ribbon, choose Field Mappings to specify replacement values for individual fields in the structure.

Create a catalog item from a template#

You can set up item templates for different import purposes. For example, you might want to use one to create and change base data and another to transfer price changes only. To set up a template for import:

  1. Choose the Search icon, enter trade365 Catalog Item Creation Templates, and then choose the relevant link.
  2. Fill in the fields as described in the following tables.
Field Description
Code Specify a code for the template. The code must be unique.
Description Specify a description for the template.
Import Action Select if you want to add new catalog items to your catalog item master and update existing item data.
Delete Catalog Import on Completion Turn on this toggle to have entries deleted from an import list after they are copied to the catalog item master.
Can Edit Avail. Items Turn on this toggle to allow updates of not only catalog but also standard items.
Item Creation Template Choose a creation template that will be used for copying data to the item master. Click here for more information on how to set up the template.
Field Description
Copy Purch. Prices Turn on this toggle if you want purchase prices copied to the catalog item (and, if applicable, to a standard item).
Copy Purch. Discounts Turn on this toggle if you want purchase discounts copied to the catalog item (and, if applicable, to a standard item).
Copy Sales Prices Turn on this toggle if you want sales prices copied to the catalog item (and, if applicable, to a standard item).
Copy Sales Discounts Turn on this toggle if you want sales discounts copied to the catalog item (and, if applicable, to a standard item).
Copy Extended Texts Turn on this toggle if you want extended texts copied to the catalog item (and, if applicable, to a standard item).

You might need to check the extended text toggles that are available in the system and turn them on manually.
Copy Variants Turn on this toggle if you want variants copied to the catalog item (and, if applicable, to a standard item).

You might need to turn on the variant requirement manually.

On the lines, you can specify what you want to copy for which field. By doing so, you can, for example, add missing item information.

You can also run the Auto Fill Fields action from the ribbon to fill in line fields as described in the following table.

Field Description
Field No. Specifies the number of the field as stored with the catalog item.
Field Name Shows the name of the field.
Show Specifies if the field should be displayed.
Import Specifies how data should be copied to the catalog item and, if necessary, to a standard item during import.
Default Value Shows a default value based on the Use Default Value field.
Use Default Value Specifies if a default value should be used at all and if so, under which circumstances.

You must fill in the Default Value field if you choose Always or If Import Blank or 0.

Create an item from a catalog item#

Like on the previous template for creating items from catalog items, you can specify on the trade365 Catalog Item Item Creation Templates page how you want items to be created from a catalog item import now or later.

Only fields that differ from those included in the earlier template are described in the following table.

Field Description
No. Format Specify how you want item numbers to appear on standard item cards.

Options are:
• Vendor Item No.
• Mfr. + Vendor Item No.
• Vendor Item No. + Mfr.
• Entry No.
• Catalog Item No.
• Other No. Series
No. Format Separator Specify the character that will serve as a separator for the code and the number of the item if the format uses both.
No. Series Here you can store an internally used number series for the items that you want to import.
Field Description
Blocked on Deletion In some catalog formats, you will be notified of supply-side item deletion. If this occurs and the toggle is turned on, the item will be blocked for use within the system.
Sales Blocked on Deletion Turn on this toggle if the item removed by a supplier should not be blocked for use across the entire system but only for sales.
Purchases Blocked on Deletion Turn on this toggle if the item removed by a supplier should not be blocked for use across the entire system but only for purchases.

Import an item catalog in BMEcat format#

To import a catalog:

  1. Choose the Search icon, enter trade365 Catalog Import Overview, and then choose the related link.
  2. On the ribbon, choose Actions > Functions > Import.
  3. Select a catalog, the file name for import, the directory for MIME data (such as for images and documents), and a vendor.
  4. Choose OK to start copying items to import to the page.

To transfer items imported in this way to the catalog item master:

  1. On the ribbon, choose Actions, and then choose Copy Catalog Item Import.
  2. Select a template for import, and then choose OK.

Compare values#

To get an overview of all items changed or created through an import:

  1. Choose the Search icon, enter trade365 Catalog Import Overview, and then choose the related link.
  2. On the ribbon, choose Reports > Print Comparison.
  3. Set filters or options as necessary.

The report then checks the imported item entries. To view who imported what and when, choose Actions > Functions > Import Log on the ribbon.

Calculate unit costs#

In Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central1, you can use purchase prices and discounts when you write quotes for customers. Unit costs are also calculated on an item-by-item basis, copied along to all subsequent documents, and used to determine inventory levels.

Besides the cost of procurement, they might include charges or deductions. A unit cost relates to posted transactions, which means that you’re viewing price calculations ‘backward.’

Standard functionality offers little support when it comes to deciding where to order and what the actual price (including all charges) is. In trade365, you can use the Calculated Unit Cost feature to set up various calculation templates to which you can assign different vendor-item combinations.

Unit cost calculations can be triggered manually by running a function, or you can have the costs determined automatically. What you’ll always have are up-to-date cost values in local currency to make informed choices.

The calculated unit costs aren’t determined based on postings in the system but on cost values stored in the purchase price and discount master and on calculation template lines. Each calculation is archived so that you can track values at any time.

Additionally, calculated unit costs can be used in sales as a basis for minimum profit checks.


Inventory Setup#

You need to activate the feature before you can use it.

  1. Choose the Search icon, enter Inventory Setup, and then choose the related link.
  2. On the KUMAVISION trade365 FastTab, turn on the Use Calculated Unit Costs. Only after turning on the toggle will the related fields show up on item cards and various other places in the system.
  3. In the Replace Unit Cost with Calculated Cost field, you can specify if, and how, you want calculated unit costs to be used when checks on minimum profits are performed in sales, as described in the following table.
Option Description
Never The checks will use standard unit costs.
On Non-Avail. Invt. The calculated unit cost will be used during a check if the available inventory is not enough for a sales line quantity.

If the quantity is sufficient, a check will be made against standard unit costs.
Always The minimum profit check feature will use the calculated unit costs in all cases.

Adjust values#

Additionally, you can use these types of surcharges or discounts to replace the charges available in the system and have the new values copied to all calculation templates automatically. To set up a type:

  1. Choose the Search icon, enter Calculation Value Adjustment Types, and then choose the related link.
  2. On the ribbon, choose New.
  3. Fill in the fields as described in the following tables.
Field Description
Code Specify a code for the value adjustment type. The code must be unique. You can use a maximum of 20 alphanumeric characters.
Description Enter a description for the type. The description can be up to 100 characters long.

On this FastTab, you can specify what impact the surcharge or discount type should have on a calculation.

Field Description
Value Adjmt. Type Specify if the calculation value should increase (surcharge) or decrease (discount) the unit cost.
Calculation Type If you choose Amount here, the calculation value is added or deducted as an absolute value.

Choosing Percent adds or subtracts the adjustment value from the base amount in percent.
Calculation Value Specify the absolute value or percentage that will be used for calculation.
Currency Code If a calculation value given as an amount is a value in foreign currency, choose the corresponding currency in this field, for example, USD for a surcharge or deduction in US dollar.

The amount is converted into local currency with the help of standard app exchange rates, which are updated daily.

Auto-calculate costs#

To have unit costs calculated automatically:

  1. Choose the Search icon, enter Inventory Setup, and then choose the related link.
  2. Turn on the Use Calculated Unit Costs toggle.
  3. You’re asked if you want the system to create a job queue entry. Choose Yes.
  4. Open the job queue entries.
  5. Make changes if necessary, and then activate the queue entry.

For more information, see Use Job Queues to Schedule Tasks.

Purchase Price Calculation#

With this feature, you can calculate a unit cost for a relatively large purchase quantity. Calculated unit costs on item cards always refer to the base unit of measure and purchase quantity that you entered for the relevant calculation template.

The feature can also help check unit costs that haven’t been assigned to a template yet.

  1. Choose the Search icon, enter Purchase Price Calculation, and then choose the related link.
  2. Fill in the fields as described in the following table.


Field Description
Vendor No. Specify the vendor who will be part of the calculation. This means that the prices and discounts stored for the vendor will be used in calculating unit costs.
Item No. Specify the number of an item. The field is then used together with the Vendor No. field and the other fields to determine the unit cost.
Variant Code If necessary, specify a variant for which you want the unit cost to be calculated.

Based on the settings you made, the purchase prices and discounts assigned to certain variants might differ so that conclusions cannot be drawn for all of them. Leave the field blank if the item has no variants.
Location Code Specifies the location for which you want to procure items.

If no location-dependent purchase prices or discounts exist, you need to select a location here. The business logic is the same as for calculating unit costs in inventory management.
Purch. Quantity Specify the quantity that will be used for calculating the unit cost.

Based on this quantity, the system will calculate block prices and discounts (if these have been set up beforehand).
Purchase UOM Code Select, based on the quantity, a unit of measure for purchases, for example, 5000 pieces or 5 pallets (should a pallet consist of 1000 pieces).

You must select a unit if a supplier quotes you different purchase prices or discounts for containers.
Template Code Select a template from which surcharges or discounts will be used when calculating the unit cost.

You can then run the Calculate action on the ribbon to determine the unit cost. The result is summarized on the right-hand side of the page. Besides standard unit cost, you can see on that side the calculated purchase price and discount, as well as the calculated cost value.

You can recalculate values before exiting the page—or compare them on the FastTabs described in the following. However, on exit, all temporary data will be deleted.


This FastTab shows all the calculations performed by the system, be they for different vendors or different quantities. You can compare the values directly on the tab.

Calculation Details#

This FastTab contains the calculation details of entries from the Calculations FastTab. This means that besides the actual price factors, the tab also shows all surcharges and reductions stored on a certain calculation template.

Show calculated profit#

The calculated profit is based on the expected profit, for which the sales price is reduced by the relevant discount on the calculated unit cost, to indicate the profit you would make if the goods needed to be reordered today, which would change the base for calculation.

The calculated profit is shown as a percentage on sales documents, or, more specifically, in the Calculated Profit % field on sales lines, although you might need to use the Personalize function to unhide the field.

Additionally, you can see the standard unit cost, the calculated unit cost, the calculated cost amount, the calculated profit in local currency, and the profit in percent in the Sales Line Profit Details FactBox.


For this piece of information to be shown, the calculated unit cost needs to be turned on across the entire system.

Check items in vendor catalog#

If, on a purchase document, you enter an item that isn’t part of the item-vendor catalog, you can now be notified of this. To set up the notification:

  1. Choose the Search icon, enter Purchases & Payables Setup, and then choose the related link.
  2. On the KUMAVISION trade365 FastTab, in the Notify of Missing Vendor Catalog Items field, select one of the options described in the following table.
Option Description
None Items that are not in the supplier catalog can be entered without receiving an error message or notification.
Notify If an item is entered that is not in the supplier catalog, you will get a notification.
Cancel Items that are not in the supplier catalog cannot be entered. You will receive an error message if you try to enter an item like this.

Using goods receipt data in calendar weeks#

In retail, goods are often purchased for specific calendar weeks. Within the Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central1 standard, calendar weeks can be entered using a date formula (e.g. M5 = Wednesday week 5).

In KUMAVISION trade365, it is possible to enter the calendar weeks in the fields provided for the expected goods receipt date, requested goods receipt date and confirmed goods receipt date. The calendar week for the goods receipt date is printed on the request and the order.


To use this functional extension, first open the "Accounts payable & purchasing settings" and activate the "Show goods receipt dates in calendar weeks" switch on the "KUMAVISION trade365" info tab.

If the switch is activated, the same switch appears on the "Delivery" information tab on the vendor card and can be activated there.


The "Calendar week" area on the "Invoice details" info tab is only visible in purchasing documents for vendors who have activated this switch. In this case, the "Show goods receipt dates in calendar weeks" switch is activated by default when the purchasing document is created and can be deactivated both for the document (on the "Invoice details" info tab) and for lines manually.

In addition, the fields appear on the "Invoice details" info tab and in the lines: Expected Goods Receipt Date (calendar week), Requested Goods Receipt Date (calendar week) and Committed Goods Receipt Date (calendar week).


The calendar weeks can be entered in the document in the following formats:

  • CW
  • CW/YYY

The original date fields are calculated on the first day of the calendar week entered.

!!! note "Note" Additional time requirements such as transportation or warehouse throughput times can be defined in the system. These times are included in the calculation of the goods receipt data by default. As a result, the planned goods receipt dates may shift, which can lead to a different calendar week being displayed than the one agreed.

As in the purchase order, the goods receipt data can also be entered in calendar weeks in the blanket purchase order.

  1. Microsoft, Microsoft Dynamics, and Microsoft Dynamics 365 are trademarks of the Microsoft group of companies.