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The following features expand standard Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central functionality to provide additional options to those working in your organization’s sales department.

Create item references on sales lines#

Sales transactions in the trade industries typically involve two sets of item numbers, yours and those provided by your customers.

You can use the Item Reference No. field when you create an order to specify that the number assigned to an item is sourced from a customer, but only if it has already been stored in the item or customer master. In trade365, however, you can also set up references on item lines during order capture.


To be able to use this feature:

  1. Choose the Search icon, enter Sales & Receivables Setup, and then choose the related link.
  2. On the KUMAVISION trade365 FastTab, turn on the Auto Add Item References toggle.


Sales lines include the following fields:

Type No. Item Reference No. Unit of Measure Code Variant Code
Item (number as stored in the system) (number as specified by customer) (unit used when selling the item) (filled in with a code for items that you set up variants for)

If a reference for a certain customer-item number combination already exists, it will be entered in the Item Reference No. field on a line when you’ve filled in and exited the Item No. field there.

Else, you can create a new reference when filling in the line. You can view and edit references on the Item References page, which is available via the general search.

Order types and payment terms#

To easily identify and manage orders within the system, you can now assign a category to them. They cover:

  • Sales (includes service orders)
  • Purchases
  • Transfers
  • Production

You can also set up subcategories, such as standard, rush, VMI, subcontract, or rework orders, on each Order Type page.

Sales order types#


At this point, only the options added for sales order types in KUMAVISION trade365 will be explained in more detail. An explanation of how to set up sales order types in general can be found here.

Field Description
Exclude from Periodic Billing Turn on this toggle if you want orders of this type excluded from Periodic Billing.
No Order Minimum If selected, the system does not check whether these kinds of orders meet a certain value threshold.

Assign reports by type#

Besides assigning order types as identifiers and for the preset of dimensions, they can be used to specify the reports that should be printed, for example, to confirm an order or announce a spare parts delivery:

  1. Choose the Search icon, enter Report Selection – Sales, and then choose the related link.
  2. In the Usage field, select the type of document that you want to set up reports for.
  3. Besides filling in the Report ID field on a new line, you can choose Order Types on the ribbon to specify reports that you want to use for a certain type of order. As can be done with standard functionality, you can store multiple reports here in sequence.

You can also adjust printouts based on what customer you’re using the report for. This way, you can have different kinds of documents printed per customer and order type if necessary.

Calculate sales prices from unit costs#

In Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central1, you use worksheets to enter or edit prices or add them to price lists.

Many of the software solutions developed by KUMAVISION also provide you with sales conditions. For general information about the topic, see Prices. In trade365, they include a Calculated Unit Cost option as a basis for calculating sales prices:

  1. Choose the Search icon, enter Price Worksheet, and then choose the related link.
  2. On the ribbon, choose the Suggest Lines function.
  3. Fill in the fields as described in the following table.
Field Description
Product Type Select the product type that you want to have lines suggested for. Options are:

• All
• Item
• Item Discount Group
• Resources
• Resource Group
• Service Cost
• G/L Account
• Item Price Group

The option you choose determines the lines for which the system will recalculate prices. If no unit price or discount has been stored for the selected combination, no lines will be suggested, however.
Product Filter If necessary, set a filter, for example, on certain item or resource numbers, based on what option you selected in the Product Type field.
Defaults Here you can use a lookup to choose one of the options that will be described later.
Minimum Quantity Fill in this field if you only want the system to recalculate prices that apply starting at a certain quantity threshold. For quantities below the limit, no price will be suggested.

You can leave this field blank if you want to refresh all prices.
Exchange Rate Date Used to recalculate prices that are given in a foreign currency or are based on a sales condition for which the Unit Cost or the Calculated Unit Cost option is selected in the Calculation Type field.

In this case, the unit cost in foreign currency is converted into local currency at the current exchange rate.
Calculation Type You can choose between a corrective factor or a sales condition in this field.

By using a factor, you can, for example, increase the price by 5%.

By applying a sales condition, you can have the price recalculated based on a condition such as the unit cost that is valid today.
Sales Condition No. Select the condition that will be used for calculating the price.

If you selected Adjustment Factor as the calculation type, this field cannot be filled in and will remain blank.
Adjustment Factor Enter the factor that will be used to recalculate the price. The value must be entered as a factor for multiplication, for example, 1.05 for a 5% increase.

If you chose Sales Condition as the calculation type, this field cannot be filled in and will remain blank.
Rounding Method If necessary, specify a rounding method that will be applied to the result of calculating the price. You can, for example, specify that a price should be rounded to 0.05 from now on.
Starting Date Enter the date that will be used as the starting date for the new prices in price suggestions.

You can change the date again later on the price worksheet (but per line).

For the Defaults field, you can choose one of the following options:

Field Description
Assign-to Type Specify for whom or what prices should be created. Options are:

• All Customers
• Customer
• Customer Price Group
• Customer Discount Group
• Campaign
• Contact
Assign-to No. Based on what option you selected in the Assign to Type field, you can further limit type assignment, for example, to a certain customer, price group, or campaign here. Only if you selected All Customers will you not be able to enter anything in this field.

If you want to limit assignment for more than one customer, campaign, contact or group, set filters in this field according to the business logic of the standard app.
Currency Code Choose a code if you want prices suggested in a certain currency (see also the Exchange Rate Date field above).
Starting Date Specify the starting date from which the new prices will be valid.
Ending Date Specify the ending date until which the new prices will be valid.
Defines Specify if you want to show new prices and discounts or only prices or discounts on price worksheets.


The Copy Lines action that you can run from a price worksheet copies new prices to the default price list stored in setup. Entries added to this list are therefore not used as filters for source prices but as definitions for results. To see the list, use a lookup on the Defaults field (found on the worksheet header).

All other worksheet settings are covered by standard functionality, except for when you use sales conditions. In this case, you can check precisely how new prices have been calculated by selecting the relevant lines and choosing Price Calculation on the ribbon.

Ship-to addresses#

The following fields have been added to customers’ ship-to address cards:

  • VMI Location Code
  • Salesperson Code
  • Salesperson 2 Code
  • VAT Bus. Posting Group
  • Gen. Bus. Posting Group
  • VAT Registration No.

You can use these fields to customize ship-to addresses on sales documents, as the values entered here will overwrite those stored in the customer master.

By filling in the VAT and Gen. Bus. Posting Group fields, as well as the VAT ID field, you can preset VAT values for goods shipped outside the country but to domestic customers, for example. This removes the need for manual entry on orders on a case-by-case basis, improving both the quality and consistency of your data.

Filling in one of the salesperson code fields, on the other hand, makes it easy to implement area-based commissions.

Bill-to addresses#

Often, the confirmation of an order is sent to a customer's primary address for approval, whereas the invoice needs to be submitted to someone abroad or to a third party, such as a billing service.

With trade365, you can store more than one bill-to address in the system. Like ship-to addresses, they can be used on a wide variety of sales documents. To store an alternative address:

  1. Open a customer card.
  2. On the ribbon, choose Related > Customer > Bill-to Addresses.
  3. Choose New and enter a unique code that will be assigned to every billing address associated with this customer.
  4. Enter the full address, including contact details and communication data. All other information will be copied from the customer master when you create a shipment invoice.
  5. Return to the customer card.
  6. On the Invoicing FastTab, use a lookup on or manually enter a code in the Default Bill-to Code field. The new bill-to address that you specify here is later entered on sales documents related to the customer.

If you don’t set up a default address, all invoicing data will be copied from the customer master. If more than one billing address has been stored there, you can choose the correct address when you create the relevant sales document.

Choosing Cancel on the selection page will copy the default address from the customer master to the document.

Ship-to addresses on order entry#

To minimize errors during data entry and streamline the entire process, ship-to addresses can be shown automatically when a customer is entered for a sales transaction.

To turn on the automatic display of ship-to addresses:

  1. Choose the Search icon, enter Sales & Receivables Setup, and then choose the related link.
  2. On the KUMAVISION FastTab, turn on the Show Ship-to Addresses on Input toggle.

When you later fill in the Customer No. field on a sales document, the system will check if a ship-to address has been stored for the specified customer.

If it has, you’ll see a list from which you can select the correct address for the transaction. If none of the listed addresses are suitable, choose Cancel to exit the page (and discard any changes).


• You can only choose a ship-to address after filling in the Customer No. field on the relevant sales header. If you create the document through a customer card function, the selection window will not be shown.
• If you specified a code in the Ship-to Code field on the relevant customer card, an alternative address will not be available to you when you fill in a document. Instead, the system will retrieve the default address.

Bill-to addresses on order entry#

To minimize errors during data entry and streamline the entire process, bill-to addresses can be shown automatically when a customer is entered for a sales transaction.

To turn on the automatic display of bill-to addresses:

  1. Choose the Search icon, enter Sales & Receivables Setup, and then choose the related link.
  2. On the KUMAVISION FastTab, turn on the Show Bill-to Addresses on Input toggle.

When you later fill in the Bill-to field on a sales document, the system will check if a bill-to address has been stored for the specified customer.

If it has, you’ll see a list from which you can select the correct address for the transaction. If none of the listed addresses are suitable, choose Cancel to exit the page (and discard any changes).


If you specified a code in the Default Bill-to Code field on the relevant customer card, an alternative address will not be available to you when you create sales documents. Instead, the system will retrieve the default address.

If you specified a code in the Ship-to Code field on the relevant customer card, an alternative address will not be available to you when you fill in a document. Instead, the system will retrieve the default address.

Separate combined shipments#

Big corporate customers especially might use multiple customer cost centers, all with their own ship-to address, for incoming deliveries. Invoices sent to this type of company might therefore need to be itemized by location.

For this purpose, you can use the Combined Shipments Per field (found on the Shipping FastTab of a customer card) to specify that part of an invoice should be issued based on the Customer No. (for example, when you invoice work for associations) or the Ship-to Code field.

When the Combined Shipments Per field is filled in, a new invoice document is created for each specified address.

Set up extended ship-to texts#

Working with multiple ship-to-addresses typically also requires differing ship-to address texts on sales documents. With trade365, you can create them in the same way as standard document texts. To set up a text:

  1. Open a customer card.
  2. On the ribbon, choose Related > Customer > Extended Texts.

Bill-to FactBox#

Besides the standard sell-to customer history, you can now see all billing data associated with customers entered in the Bill-to field on sales documents. You can get to a specific document by clicking one of the numbers in the new Bill-to Customer No. FactBox, although the list might be limited by a date filter. Both boxes are available for all types of sales documents. However, you might need to use the Personalize function to unhide them. For more information on the topic and on how to set up the FactBox, click here.

Create reminders for contacts#

Often, the contact details used to send reminders differ from those entered for other purposes. Standard functionality, however, typically sends documents to the contact that is stored in the customer master. With trade365, you can now set up contact information that will be retrieved during billing only:

  1. Open a customer card.
  2. On the Invoicing FastTab, in the Reminder to Contact No. field, select a contact who is stored in the system. This contact will be copied to any reminder that you create from now on.

Leave the field blank if you want reminders to be sent to the customer’s main contact person.

Sales restrictions#

In trade365, you can limit or block the sale of items to certain customers or customer groups (product restrictions).


Restrictions aren’t filters that can be removed at will. After setup, some items can simply no longer be sold or be sold only to a certain group of customers.


To set up a restriction:

  1. Open a customer card.
  2. On the ribbon, choose Related > Customer > Items Restricted for Sale.
  3. Fill in the fields as described in the following table.
Field Description
Type Choose Item for individual restrictions or Item Category to limit the sale of an entire group of items.
No. Based on your selection in the Type field, enter the item number or item category that you want sales restricted for.
Variant Code If necessary, enter the code of the item variant that should be blocked for sale.

If you leave the field blank, the restriction set on the line will apply to all variants of the item.
Starting Date Specify from when the restriction should apply.

If you leave this field blank, the item (or items) will be blocked for sale immediately.
Ending Date Specify until when the restriction should apply.

If you leave this field blank, the item (or items) will be blocked until you enter an ending date or delete the line.
Exclude from Offerings Specify if you want to create a buy list or block items from being sold.

A buy list means the customer can only procure the items listed, as is typical when doing business with retail chains.

Turning on the toggle does the opposite, that is, create a list of items the customer is no longer allowed to purchase.

For each customer, items must be either on a buy or block list, although you might be able to combine lists as explained in the following.

Restrictions additionally apply to all lower-level members of a hierarchy—even if that means they’re inherited across several levels. At every level, you can add new restrictions or specify a new buy list.

You can also fill in the Hierarchy Type Restrictions Code field, found in Sales & Receivables Setup, to set up a different hierarchy for item restrictions:

Field Description
Hierarchy Type
Restrictions Code
Specifies a code for all item restrictions and customer-specific items set up in the system.

The code that you enter here does not affect the value in the Hierarchy Type Code Pricing field.

Pricing isn’t affected when you enter another hierarchy in this field. If pricing and restriction should be checked along the same hierarchy, you must enter the same code in both fields.

The system only checks sales restrictions and customer-specific items for the code entered in the Hierarchy Type Restrictions Code field so that you can, for example, supply an item to a select group of customers without this having an impact on pricing.

As another example, a company might place restrictions on an entire category of items, but its subsidiary might still sell be able to some of the items in this category or restrict sales by other item categories that haven’t been set up yet.

All restrictions only apply to a single customer (and other customers along the same hierarchy). To check if the sale of an item is restricted in some way:

  1. Open a customer card.
  2. On the ribbon, choose Related > Customer > List Item Restrictions.

You can then see what items and variants the customer can buy across all hierarchy levels.


Once specified, restrictions are checked during the release of a document. If the document includes items or variants that cannot be sold to the customer entered for it, the release will be blocked.


Checks might also be run when you reopen older documents. If a check should only be performed from a certain (order) date, you must fill in the Starting Date field when you set up a restriction.

Optionally, a check can be run when filling in a document so that you see a message if an item or a variant that you’re trying to enter cannot be purchased by the specified customer.

For an immediate check during order entry:

  1. Open the Search icon, enter Sales & Receivables Setup, and then choose the relevant link.
  2. On the KUMAVISION trade365 FastTab, turn on the Check Restrictions on Item No. Input toggle.

Regardless of whether performed on item entry, a check is always run before a document is released to ensure that the restrictions you placed on the item haven’t changed in the meantime.

Customer-specific items#

A customer-specific item is a special form of item restriction. It limits the sale of an item to certain customers, for example, because of exclusivity contracts. Like all item restrictions, this kind of restriction also applies to every customer in a hierarchy.


An item or variant can be assigned to one customer only, which means that it is automatically blocked for sale to every other trade partner in the system—unless that customer is part of the same hierarchy, albeit at a lower level.

Country prohibitions#

Some items and variants cannot be sold to customers in certain countries, whereas other products might be available in a predefined region only.

By specifying prohibitions for sale, you can block shipments to a country or a region, regardless of customer.


The system checks for sales prohibitions based on the ship-to address entered on a document, regardless of the customer's actual address (Customer No. field).

To set up prohibitions for sale:

  1. Choose the Search icon, enter Prohibited Sales Countries/Regions, and then choose the related link.
  2. Fill in the fields as described in the following table:
Field Description
Type Specify if you want to prohibit the sale of an individual item or a category of items.

If you select the Item Category option, any item created at a later date but assigned to that category will also be covered by the prohibition.
No. Based on what you selected in the Type field, enter the item number or a category for which you want sales restricted.
Variant Code If necessary, enter the code of the item variant that should be blocked for sale in the specified country or region.

If you leave the field blank, the restriction set on the line will apply to all variants of the item.
Country/Region Code Select the code of the country/region that you want to block shipments for.
County Specify a county if you want the country restriction to apply to a certain state or province only.

Standard functionality does not provide a selection window for counties. What you enter in this field must therefore be a precise match to the address data you were given.
Starting Date Specify the date from which the prohibition should apply.

If you leave this field blank, sales will be prohibited effective immediately.

Prohibitions are checked when an order is released provided the order date specified on the header is the same as or later than the starting date of the restriction.
Ending Date Specify the date until which orders should be checked.

As with general item restrictions and customer-specific deliveries, the system checks for country prohibitions when you create or release a document based on what option you chose in Sales & Receivables Setup.

Reserve items#

With trade365, you’ll get more than one function to simplify item reservations. To activate the new features:

  1. Choose the Search icon, enter Sales & Receivables Setup, and then choose the related link.
  2. On the KUMAVISION trade365 FastTab, fill in the fields as described in the following table.
Field Description
Check Lead Time on Reservation Turn on this toggle if you want the system to consider the lead time settings of items to minimize inventory and cut costs for storage.

Assume today is January 1. You create a new order you want shipped on 01/13. The item you need for this order has a 10-day lead time so that it can be purchased right away and can be received on 01/10. In this case, you do not need to reserve items in inventory.

If the toggle is turned on but no lead time has been specified, the item can never be reserved. Unaffected by the setting are items for which you set the reservation status to Always (regardless of their lead time).

You will be notified if the time until the shipping date entered on the sales line exceeds the reorder period.
Auto Reserve on Special Orders Turn on this toggle if you want item lines to be automatically reserved on purchase orders linked to special orders.
Can Reserve on Quote With the toggle turned on, you can reserve item quantities as early as the quote stage. These reservations are then copied over when you create an order from a quote.
Can Reserve on Blanket Order With the toggle turned on, you can reserve items on blanket orders so that when you create sales orders from them, the reservations are copied over as well.

Time-limit blanket orders#

To prevent terms and conditions specified on a blanket order from being used after the order has expired, you can now set not only a quantity but also a time limit there:

  1. Open a blanket order.
  2. On the FastTab, in the Valid Until field, specify up until when the order is valid.

You then see an error message if you try to use the order after the expiration date.


The field has also been added to sales lines (where it contains the value entered on the blanket order header) so that you can specify the validity of blanket agreements at line level. However, the field is only unhidden on request.

Show Qty. Remaining on Blanket Order#

By clicking the highlighted number in the Qty. Rem. on Blanket Order field on a blanket order line, you can see the sales line quantities that you still must ship to the customer.

A new field called Outstanding Qty. Excl. Order now also shows you the actual quantity that remains for call-off from the blanket order. The field is calculated as follows:

Quantity - Qty. Shipped - Qty. Rem. on Order = Outstanding Qty. Excl. Order


Clearance items are items that you decided not to reorder or that your supplier has stopped providing. Your procurement department will be notified that the item—or variant—in question is no longer available when they try to enter it on a new sales order. To select an item or variant for clearance:

  1. Open an item card.
  2. On the Item FastTab, select the Clearance field.
  3. Alternatively, select Clearance for each individual variant that will no longer be restocked.


If an item is selected for Clearance, its variants will no longer be restocked either, regardless of whether you’ve marked some of them as well.

A manufacturer’s suggested retail price—also known as a list price—is often included in business transactions for purely informational purposes but has no bearing on actual order pricing and is usually stated including VAT.

In trade365, you can store these prices for each item based on a certain time frame. You can also specify which customers they should be shown to.

As can be done using standard purchase and sales pricing functionality, you can have a list price replaced automatically with a new one. The previous list price is then valid until the day before the new price is:

  1. Choose the Search icon, enter Sales & Receivables Setup, and then choose the related link.
  2. On the KUMAVISION trade365 FastTab, turn on the Auto End MSRPs toggle.

The system now ensures that only one MSRP will be valid at a time unless you manually override the setting by replacing the ending date of a price.

Assign list prices to items#

To assign an MSRP to an item:

  1. Open an item card.
  2. On the ribbon, choose Prices & Discounts > MSRP.
  3. Fill in the fields as described in the following table.
Field Description
Variant Code Fill in this field if you want to store an MSRP for a variant only. If you leave this field blank, the price will be used for all variants of the item.
Currency Code Specify a currency for the list price.

The list price will only be used if the currency code stored for the customer is identical to the code specified for the MRSP.
Sales UOM Code Specify the unit of measure for which you want to state an MRSP.

You can enter list prices for different packaging units by filling in a new line per unit that you want to use.
Starting Date Specify the date from which the price will be valid.
Ending Date Specify the date until which the MSRP will be valid.

If you turned on automatic price replacement in setup, this field is filled in automatically with the last date before the starting date of the new price.
Price Incl. VAT Enter the suggested retail price including VAT.

You can specify for every customer if you want to print a stored MSRP on the confirmation of an order:

  1. Open a customer card.
  2. On the General FastTab, turn on the Print MSRP on Order Cnfrm. toggle.

Like sales and purchase prices, the correct MSRPs are determined and printed based on the Order Date field.

Single shipment per order#

Some customers might want items they requested to be delivered as a single shipment and, if necessary, will reorder an outstanding quantity later. For this purpose, trade365 offers you a new feature called Single Shipment per Order.



If a customer wants all its deliveries as single shipments only:

  1. Open the relevant customer card.
  2. On the Shipping FastTab, turn on the Single Shpt. per Order field.

Ship-to addresses#

If you’ve turned on the Single Shpt. Per Order toggle on a customer card, the setting will apply to all shipments to this customer, regardless of the ship-to address. To block follow-on shipments to a specified address only:

  1. Open the relevant customer card.
  2. On the ribbon, choose Customer > Ship-to Addresses and select an address. Alternatively, use the lookup on the Ship-to Code field.
  3. On the Shipping FastTab, turn on the Single Shpt. per Order toggle.


Quantity shipped#

When you create orders for a customer for whom the Single Shpt. per Order toggle is turned on, the setting is copied automatically from the customer master to the new documents. You can, however, turn off the toggle there to allow for exceptions to the rule.

When you post a sales order, the system then lowers the value in the Quantity field on sales lines where the amount to ship or invoice is different from what you entered as the total line quantity before it sets the order to Invoiced. The quantity is also reduced when you use the feature during standard warehouse and picking processes.

The original amount can still be viewed on the Lost Revenue page, in the Old Quantity field. Opened via the Tell Me function, this page has been added for the purpose of analyzing transport capabilities.

An order shipped in a single run isn’t deleted after you post the invoice for it. To delete the order, you must run the standard Delete Invoiced Sales Orders function (which you can find on the Sales Orders page).


The Completely Shipped Only and Single Shpt. per Order options exclude each other. For full deliveries, the ordered quantity needs to match the quantity that needs to be shipped.


You cannot use the Single Shpt. per Order and Drop Shipment options at the same time. If you do, you see a message that both are selected for the line and the single shipment feature is turned off.

Advanced warehouse management#

If you want to make the feature part of an advanced warehouse configuration (which includes the Require Ship and Require Pick settings), you must create an entry in the job queue so that the quantity that was originally filled in on an order is reduced to the quantity delivered with the single shipment.

  1. Choose the Search icon, enter Job Queue Entries, and then choose the related link.
  2. On the ribbon, choose New.
  3. In the Object Type to Run field, select Codeunit. In the Object ID to Run field, choose 5157136 – KVSTRDReduceSingleShptOrderQty.
  4. On the Recurrence FastTab, specify how often the entry should be run.

For more details, see Use Job Queues to Schedule Tasks - Business Central | Microsoft Learn.

Lost revenue#

The Lost Revenue report shows the revenue that was lost because a sales line was marked for single shipment.

It shows the quantity ordered and the quantity shipped, as well as the original and actual sales amount. To see the document related to a line, select the line and choose Posted Document on the ribbon.

Fully shipped orders#

In the standard app, you can specify that items required for an order can only be picked after all of them have become available for delivery. Turning on the relevant toggle on a customer card will affect all orders that you want to ship to this customer.

With trade365, you can now also use the feature on individual lines of a sales order.


The trade365 setting only applies to sales orders that allow partial shipments. This means that you cannot specify different requirements for sales orders that must be shipped in full.

You can specify by default that shipments to certain customers always need to be delivered in full. The same goes for items, regardless of what customer they’re shipped to.

This default requirement is then copied to the sales orders that you create for a certain customer or item but can be changed there if necessary. If you don’t specify a default requirement, you can set a requirement per line.

To mark an item for complete shipments only:

  1. Choose the Search icon, enter Items Shipped in Full, and then choose the relevant link.
  2. The fields on the header are used to filter existing lines. Fill them in as described in the following table.
Field Description Note
Sales Type Specify whom the entry is valid for:

• Customer
• Customer Group
• All Customers
You choose Customer and use the lookup in the Sales Code field to select a customer for the sales line. The line setting then applies to this customer but not to other customers.
Sales Code Depending on what you chose in the Sales Type field, enter the code of a customer or a customer group. If you selected All Customers in the Sales Type field, the line setting will apply to all customers in the system. As a result, this field remains empty.
Ship-to Code Specify a ship-to address used by the customer. To select an address, the Sales Type field must be set to Customer and a customer number must be entered in the Sales Code field.

If you enter a ship-to address here, the line setting will only apply to orders where you entered this customer and ship-to address.
Item No. Enter the number of an item for which the line must be shipped in full. If all items should always be delivered in full, set up the requirement on the customer card.
Variant Code If necessary, specify an item variant for which a full shipment is needed. For items with variants, you do not need to have the setting apply to all variants.

If you leave this field blank, however, it will. Fill it in if you want the requirement to apply to a specific variant only.


You can require that individual lines be delivered in full without having to turn on the feature that covers entire orders. For this purpose, the Complete Shpt. Required field has been added to sales lines (unhide the field via Personalize if necessary).

If you’ve already set the requirement for a certain customer or customer group and item, the field will be selected automatically on a sales line so that the line will only be considered for warehouse transactions if it can be delivered in full.

You can also turn the line field on or off manually unless the feature has been specifically turned on for a certain customer or order.


The Complete Shpt. Required setting is also checked if you create shipments directly from a sales order.


Compress prepayments#

If you want to compress prepayments on sales orders by default:

  1. Choose the Search icon, enter Sales & Receivables Setup, and then choose the related link.
  2. On the Prepayment FastTab, turn on the Compress Prepayment toggle.

Invoice and credit memo details#

The standard prepayment feature is used to bill part of or even the entire order value in advance. The amount that must be prepaid can be arrived at in full (by compressing the payment) or per line.

However, compression will lose you information about the item, unit price, and unit of measure, as the standard app prints the associated G/L account on the invoice document.

In trade365, you can add details to prepayment invoices and credit memos:

  1. Choose the Search icon, enter Sales & Receivables Setup, and then choose the related link.
  2. On the KUMAVISION FastTab, turn on the Details on Prepayment toggle.
  3. On the relevant sales order, ensure that the Compress Prepayment field on the Prepayment tab isn’t selected.

Prepayment invoices posted and printed for customers then contain the same details as standard invoices.

Vendor-managed locations#

The VMI feature can be used to manage an external warehouse at a customer site.

As items stored at a customer location remain the property of the vendor until sold to end customers, they must still be allocated to the relevant warehouses in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central1.

A site is initially stocked by transferring products, for example, from your main location (MAIN) to a customer-owned warehouse (VMI).

The items are then consumed or sold there, with consumption reported to you through sales reports or new orders.

When you now create an order or invoice for these item entries and you filled in the VMI Location Code field on the relevant customer card, you’re asked if you want to process a pick from the vendor-managed warehouse.

Choose Yes if you want to have the VMI location filled in on all sales lines. If you choose No, the customer’s default location is entered instead.

You then post and bill the shipment (through a separate or combined invoice), which reduces the inventory level and goods value at the specified site. At the same time, the feature lets you invoice item consumption to the customer and ensures the proper handling of items that require lot or serial numbers.

When you post the shipment, you’re asked if you want to restock the VMI site. If you choose Yes, a new transfer order is created by the system so that stock can be replenished without further manual or logistical intervention (as standard logistics procedures can be followed).



To set up a vendor-managed location:

  1. Choose the Search icon, enter Locations, and then choose the related link.
  2. On the ribbon, choose New.
  3. On the General FastTab, fill in the fields described in the following table.
Field Description
VMI Location (Sales) Turn on the toggle to mark the location for VMI.
VMI Transfer-from Code Specify the code of the location from where inventory will be transferred.


If you leave the VMI Transfer-from Code field blank, items might be transferred from a site entered for the customer or from a default location.


To assign a VMI location to a customer:

  1. Open a customer card.
  2. On the Shipping FastTab, enter the code of the warehouse in the VMI Location Code field.

Only one location can be assigned per customer unless you assign one to a specific shipping address:

  1. Open a customer card.
  2. On the ribbon, choose Related > Customer.
  3. Enter the VMI warehouse in the VMI Location Code field there.


A VMI location assigned to a shipping address has a higher priority than any address specified on a customer card.

To see the VMI locations assigned to a customer:

  1. Open the relevant customer card.
  2. On the ribbon, choose Related > History > Item Inventory by VMI Location.

Transfer routes#

To set up transfer routes for VMI locations:

  1. Choose the Seach icon, enter Transfer Routes, and then choose the related link.
  2. For more information, see the Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central1 Help.

Inventory Posting Setup#

You also need to set up G/L accounts for the warehouse:

  1. Choose the Search icon, enter Inventory Posting Setup, and then choose the related link.
  2. For more information, see the Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central1 Help.


To view the items stored in a VMI warehouse:

  1. Open an item card.
  2. On the ribbon, choose Related > Availability > Item by Location.
  3. Turn on the relevant toggle.

You can now see all sites with VMI inventory on the Location List. In addition, you can set up inventory data as you do with standard locations.

Customer-side workflow#

When you fill in the Customer No. field on a sales order or invoice, the system checks if a VMI location has been assigned on the relevant customer card. If one is available, you’re asked if you want to process a VMI pick.

If you choose Yes, the site is entered as the VMI location on the header of the document and in the Location field (outbound warehouse) on all lines.


You see a message if you change the location in the Ship-to Code field. Also, like in the standard app, you can change a location on a line manually.

When you enter an item, the system then checks its availability based on the inventory level at the specified warehouse. After posting the shipment (from the order or the warehouse), the system also checks if at least one sales line to be delivered contains the VMI location from the header. If so, you’re asked if you want to replenish the items consumed. Choose Yes to create a transfer order for the VMI location with the shipped items entered on the transfer lines.

Additionally, when you create a transfer for a VMI location, the system checks if the location is assigned to one customer only. If it isn’t, the entire process is cancelled with an error message.


If you want to create transfer orders, you must first set up transfer routes, as you’ll need the transfer-from codes that you set up for these routes.

The fields on the transfer order are sourced from the sales order as described in the following table.

Field Description
Transfer-to Code Filled in with the VMI location on the transfer header and lines.
Quantity Filled in with the Qty. to Ship from the sales line (that is, the quantity just delivered) on the transfer lines.
Transfer-from Code Determined in the following order:

1. SKU data is checked against the location code assigned to the VMI site. If a site is specified in the Transfer-from Code field on the SKU card, it is copied to this field as the outbound location.

2. If no SKU-related location has been stored, this field is filled in with the site entered in the VMI Transfer-from Code field.

3. If no code has been stored there either, the field is filled in with the VMI location assigned to the customer.

If none of these checks yield a result, this field is filled in with the default location that is stored in the system.

If there is also no default location, no transfer line will be created. You will be notified of which transfer lines could not be set up for the items shipped after you have completed the process.

If more than one order is created (because of differing transfer-from codes used for ordered items), you see a message with the first and the last order number and the list of transfer orders is opened.

Reasons for archiving#

Sales documents can be archived for different reasons, which are included in the archive automatically.

Reasons for archiving quotes

  • Manual
  • Deletion
  • Printout
  • Quote to Order

Reasons for archiving (return) orders

  • Manual
  • Deletion
  • Printout
  • Posting

Reasons for archiving blanket orders

  • Manual
  • Deletion
  • Printout

Periodic billing#

In the standard app, you can use the Combine Shipments checkbox to create an invoice covering multiple shipments. But to bill customers in this way, you must manually limit the billing period based on posted shipment dates.

In trade365, on the other hand, you can use the Periodic Billing feature to bill customers through a variety of methods, such as billing them in set intervals, with the last shipment of an order, or even immediately.

Periodic billing cannot be used in combination with the standard prepayment function. In this case, you must post invoices manually.


You set up most of the periodic billing process on customer cards.

Combine Shipments (Period)#

To combine invoice amounts for a certain period:

  1. Open a customer card.
  2. Fill in the fields as described in the following table.
Field Description
Billing Type Choose Combine Shpts. (Period).
Billing Frequency Choose Periodic.
Billing Cycle Code Specify a billing interval, such as 2W (=2 weeks).
Next Billing Date Typically, this field is filled in automatically. Only when you set up the customer for the first time does it need to be filled in manually so that the system can calculate the initial billing interval.
Field Description
Combine Shipments Turn on this toggle.

Shipments posted before the next billing date but within the period specified for periodic billing are then copied to a new invoice when the function is run (see also Workflow).

The process is cancelled, however, if the next billing date hasn’t been reached.

Bill per Order (Period)#

To set up this option, follow the instructions given under Combine Shipments (Period) but choose Per Order (Period) in the Billing Type field.

During the billing run, all shipments made for an order are then included on a single invoice if shipped within the specified billing period.

Bill per Order (on Last Shipment)#

Like Bill per Order (Period), this option doesn’t cover multiple orders. However, an invoice is now being sent only after the order has been delivered in full.

Field Description
Billing Type Choose Bill per Order (on Last Shpt.).
Billing Frequency Choose Once.
Field Description
Combine Shipments Turn on the toggle.

Bill per Shipment#

This option corresponds to the use of the Ship and Invoice function, with an invoice created for each shipment that you manually post for the customer.

Field Description
Billing Type Choose Per Shpt.
Billing Frequency Choose Once.
Field Description
Combine Shipments Turn on the toggle.


To run periodic billing:

  1. Choose the Search icon, enter Periodic Billing, and then choose the related link.
  2. On the ribbon, choose Run Periodic Billing to create all invoices for today.
  3. You can then set filters on the entries as described in the following table.


Field Description
Posting Date Specify a posting date for the invoices you want to create.
Replace Posting Date Turn on the toggle if you want to replace the posting date on the invoices with the posting date entered on this FastTab.
Replace Document Date Turn on the toggle if you want to replace the document date on the invoices with the posting date entered on this FastTab.
Calculate Inv. Discount Select if you want the customer’s invoice discount calculated on the created documents.
Billing Date The date shown here will be checked against the dates on all periodically issued combined invoices or invoices created per order. If the date in this field is equal to or later than the next billing date on a customer card, no invoices will be created for this customer.
Update Next Cust. Billing Date With the toggle turned on, the next billing date is filled in for all customers within the filters according to specified intervals— regardless of whether invoices will be created for them during this billing run.
Post Invoice Turn on the toggle if you want the created invoices to be posted immediately.
Print Posted Invoice Turn on the toggle if you want the posted invoices to be printed on the default printer set in Windows.
Shipment Date Filter Specify the period in which the system should look for posted shipments.

Customer and Sales Order

The filters set on these tabs will be used during a billing run, for example, to invoice only orders placed by a certain customer or those that don’t involve prepayments. After you’ve set the filters you need, choose OK to run periodic billing.

On the Periodic Billing page, you can see the documents created through the function, whereby lines in green indicate posted and lines in yellow unposted invoices. Lines shown in red mark invoices that cannot be posted because of an error that occurred during processing. Errors must be corrected manually, which includes posting the invoice by hand thereafter.

You can open both posted and unposted invoices from the page. To see the postings that were cancelled with an error message, choose Related > Show Logs on the ribbon. You can also choose Actions > Show Errors to view all error messages.

Additionally, you can choose Actions > Delete Entries Older than 30 Days to clear up log space.

To replace or reset the next billing date:

  1. Open a customer card.
  2. Choose Related > Change Periodic Customer Billing.
  3. Choose Fixed Date in the Type field and fill in the New Billing Date field. Alternatively, choose Date of Last Invoice to have the system calculate a date based on the specified billing interval and the latest invoice sent to the customer.

On the Customer FastTab, you can limit the number of customers for whom periodic billing should be used. The function, however, creates invoices that aren’t posted directly from sales orders. This means that orders invoiced by using this function aren’t deleted automatically when all items and services have been billed for them. They’ll only show as fully invoiced on the Periodic Billing page.

To delete them from the system, you need to run the Delete Invoiced Sales Orders function on a regular basis.

Attach invoices to reminders#

An end customer will have an easier time paying an outstanding amount if a copy of the invoice is attached when you send them a reminder. This avoids requests for documents that might no longer be available.

In trade365, you can attach an invoice to a reminder in the form of a printout or a PDF (if the reminder is delivered via email).


Reminders and attachments are printed depending on how you set them up on the printer selection page. This means that when you choose Save as PDF on the Print Preview screen, the reminder will be created as a PDF file, but the attachments will end up on the default printer specified for the relevant user. This doesn’t happen if you use the in-program email option to attach the invoice document.

Set freight charges#

In trade365, freight charges can be entered on sales documents in multiple ways. To activate the feature:

  1. Choose the Search icon, enter Sales & Receivables Setup, and then choose the related link.
  2. On the KUMAVISION trade365 FastTab, fill in the fields as described in the following table.
Field Options Description
Auto Add Freight Charges on Release - Never
- Sales Quote / Order
- Sales Order Only
Choose if you want the system to add charges on quotes or orders automatically.
Notify of Missing Freight Charges - Never
- Always
Choose if you want to receive a message if freight charges were supposed to be added but could not be determined.
Auto Close Freight Charges Turn on this toggle if you want freight charge lines to expire automatically. The lines are then ignored, if necessary, when you fill in the same charges but a new starting date.

The key fields for calculating freight costs are:

  • Shipment Method Code
  • Shipping Agent Code
  • Shipping Agent Service Code
  • Country/Region Code
  • Post Code
  • Weight
  • Goods Value (Carriage Paid Limit)
  • Shipment/Delivery Date (from document header)


To set up freight charges:

  1. Choose the Search icon, enter Freight Charges, and then choose the related link.
  2. Choose New to open a blank freight charge card.
  3. On the General FastTab, fill in the fields as described in the following table.
Field Options Description
Code Specify a code.

The code must be unique and meaningful. It is assigned to customers at a later stage.
Description Specify a description for the charges.
Calculation Base None
Goods Value
Goods Weight and Value
Select a base for having charges calculated automatically.

Choosing None while the Auto Add Freight Charges on Release toggle in setup is turned on will create cost lines without references to certain quotes or orders (if set up in this way in the customer master).

Choosing one of the other options will see charges determined based on the relevant document lines.

To be able to choose the Weight option, you already must have set up all necessary item information in the system.
Starting Date Specify when you want the charges on the card to become available.
Ending Date Specify until when the costs should be valid.
Starting /
Ending Date per Line
Choose if you want to ignore the Starting and Ending Date fields on the header and specify the validity of the charges per line.
Currency Code Select the currency that will be used for the freight charges.

The code entered on this page must match the code stored with the relevant customer.
Status New
In Progress
Specify the status of the freight charges. All cards are initially marked as New.

Only charges set to Active can be added to a sales document automatically.

In Processing is used to edit existing freight charges.

Inactive means that the charges aren’t used anymore. You can use a filter to hide them from view.

After filling in the fields on the header, you can break down each charge on the lines and, if necessary, specify limits for its application:

Field Options Description
Shipment Method Code Choose the shipping method that you want the freight charge line to be used for.

If you leave this field blank, the line will apply to all methods.
Shipping Agent Code Here you can select a shipping agent.
Shipping Agent Service Code Here you can choose the code of a shipping service. You can use this field to set up cost groups, such as for standard or express delivery.

You must fill in this field if you entered a shipping agent.
Country/Region Code Specify the country that the cost line should be used for.

During the automatic calculation of freight charges, the code refers to the country that is part of the ship-to address.

This field must be filled in.
Post Code Filter Based on the selected country, you can set a filter here to specify one or more post codes that the line should be valid for. You can use standard filters for this purpose.

The post codes are then checked against the ship-to address that you specify.
Type G/L Account
Charge (Item)
Specify the line type that will be used when the charges are inserted into a document.

Choose G/L Account or Resource to have the charges posted to a G/L account or a resource.

If you choose Item, you can only use items without inventory management.

With the Charge (Item) option, you can have a freight charge line added to a document by the system. However, you need to assign the line within the document manually.
No. Depending on what option you selected in the Type field, enter the number of an account, an item, a resource, or a surcharge or deduction. The value is then copied to the related document.
Variant Code You can only fill in this field if you selected type Item and entered an item with variants in the No. field.

By filling in this field, the same item can, for example, be shipped by different companies while you can continue to gather data on the shipments for analysis.
Description Initially shows the description of the data record selected in the Type field. You can change the description manually, however.

The system later copies the content of this field to the associated document line.
Description 2 Initially shows the description of the data record selected in the Type field. You can change the description manually, however.

The system later copies the content of this field to the associated document line.
Quantity Specify the quantity that will be inserted on the sales line (typically, this means a quantity of 1).

If you want to assign another type of charge, possibly based on the value or weight of the goods and a factor, you can enter 2 here, for example, to specify that the charges should appear twice on a document.
Unit of Measure Code Filled in automatically with the base unit of measure specified for the chosen account, resource, or item.

If necessary, you can specify another unit in this field, although the value you enter must have been set up beforehand (as a resource unit or item unit of measure, for example).

The system later copies the unit to the relevant document line during freight charge calculation.
Unit Price Specify the price per freight charge unit.

If the customer is a B2B trading partner, the unit price should be a net amount. You then also need a separate freight cost list for any B2C transaction (that is, for any customer for which you selected the Prices including VAT toggle on the customer card).
Cost Price (LCY) Here you can enter, in local currency, a cost value so that you can later determine actual costs on documents.

You might also need to fill in one or more of the following fields, depending on what options you chose on the header:

Field Options Description
Max. Weight …Weight or Goods Weight and Value

(see Calculation Base on header)
Specify the weight up to which the cost line should be valid. By specifying more than one limit on multiple lines, you can assign costs by weight class.
Max. Goods Value …Weight or Goods Weight and Value

(see Calculation Base on header)
Specify the goods value up to which the cost line should be valid.

Do not create lines with higher values if you want shipments to be delivered free of charge below a certain threshold.
Starting Date …Starting / Ending Date per Line

(see toggle on header)
Specify the date from which you want the line to be valid.

If Auto Close Freight Charges is turned on in setup and you create another line with the same values as before, the ending date on the existing line is set automatically to one day before the new starting date.
Ending Date …Starting / Ending Date per Line
(see toggle on header)
Specify when the cost line is no longer valid.

What you enter on a sales quote or order then determines which cost line will be used for calculation.

Assign costs to a customer or ship-to address#

To be able to use freight charges on sales documents, you need to assign them to customers or their ship-to addresses:

  1. Open a customer card.
  2. On the Shipping FastTab, choose a code in the Freight Charge Code field.

Assignments on customer cards are used for all ship-to addresses unless you enter another code for a specific customer address, for example, because you need to deliver items to a location abroad. To specify charges for an individual address:

  1. Open a customer card.
  2. Use the lookup on the Ship-to Code field.
  3. In the Freight Charge Code field, assign a code for freight charges.

However, the assignment will only take effect if the selected ship-to address is subsequently entered on a document.


After being specified, the freight charge code is copied from a customer or, if available, from one of the customer’s ship-to addresses to a sales quote or order. If necessary, you can go to the Shipping FastTab to change the code manually for a certain transaction.

After filling in the document lines, you can run the Add Freight Charges action to have freight costs calculated automatically. If freight charges apply to the document, a freight charge line is inserted. If you’ve turned on the Notify of Missing Freight Charges in setup, you also see a message if costs cannot be calculated.

You don’t need to run this function if you’ve activated Auto Add Freight Charges on Release in setup. In this case, a line is added each time another document is released. If you reopen a document, the line is deleted. You can recalculate and reinsert the line when you release the document again.

Long-term supplier declarations#

When you deliver orders throughout the European Union, you can prepare a long-term supplier declaration that certifies the origin of the items you ship. The purpose of this is to receive a kind of preferential tariff treatment when exporting goods.

In trade365, you can create a declaration based on the items you’ve sold to your customers.


Before you can create a supplier declaration, you need to set up the feature.

Purchases & Payables Setup#

  1. Choose the Search icon, enter Purchases & Payables Setup, and then choose the related link.
  2. On the KUMAVISION FastTab, fill in the European Origin Country field with a text that will be shown on printed declaration documents.


  1. Choose the Search icon, enter Countries/Regions, and then choose the related link.
  2. In the European Union field, select the countries that are part of the EU.

For all countries marked, the text you entered in the European Origin Country field in Purchases & Payables Setup is then printed on supplier declarations.

Preferential countries#

As the rules for the preferential treatment of items vary based on country, they need to be specified for each item individually.

  1. Open an item card.
  2. On the ribbon, choose Related > Item > Preferential Countries.
  3. Select the countries where preferential treatment applies.

Afterwards, these countries will be listed on the relevant supplier declarations.

Create a declaration#

You use the Long-Term Supplier Declaration report to check what items have been supplied to a certain customer during a specified period and create the necessary document following the check. To create a declaration document:

  1. Choose the Search icon, enter Long-Term Supplier Declaration, and then choose the related link.
  2. Fill in the FastTabs as described below.

Specify the language in which the supplier declaration should be printed.


Field Description
Customer No. Enter the number of the customer for whom you want to create the declaration.
Contact No. Specify the contact person that will be printed on the declaration.

Shipping Period
On this FastTab, you can set a filter on the posting period, to limit the number of sales entries to those of items shipped to a certain customer between the From Date and To Date. These items are then listed on the declaration.

Validity Period
Here you can specify the validity of the declaration by filling in the Valid From and Valid To fields. Both are later printed on the document.

Certain items might be subject to cumulation, for example, because some of their components were made in Morocco, but the finished products originate from within the EU.

When you’ve filled in the request page of the Long-Term Supplier Declaration report, you can use the Preview & Close function to see the declaration you’re about to create (or you can choose Send to or Print).

However, if you also turned on the Cumulation toggle for the report, you’ll first get to the Cumulated Items page, where you can use a lookup on the Item No. fields to choose one or more items that require a note on their cumulation and fill in the necessary originating countries.

If a customer purchased items with cumulation in the period specified on the report, they’re then marked accordingly, and the cumulation notes are printed on the declaration.

If the Cumulation toggle is turned off, the Cumulated Items page is skipped.

Profile questionnaires#

When you classify contacts, the profile questionnaire fields and functions that are part of Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central1 might not be enough. As an example, if the number of potential answers to a question is high—because you’ve asked for a specific year or the exact number of staff members instead of a range—usability might no longer be a given.

In trade365, CRM profiles have been extended so that you can not only select an answer but also record values along with it. Additionally, the answers that were selected can be stored in a log so that you can track what for an answer was given and when. You can look up the current answer value on the contact lines set up for a questionnaire.

Additionally, two fields have been added for creating questionnaires. One of them is called Answer Type and specifies the kind of user input you want to see. So far, the only possible answers have been Yes or No. In trade365, you can also enter numbers (with or without decimal places) or a body of text.

However, entering a value of, for example, 3.5 is not yet meaningful itself. But with the help of the new Answer UOM Code column, you can specify what the number stands for, such as m³. This unit can then be used to preconfigure an answer line. You can select only units that are already in the system.

Otherwise, the profile questionnaire works as in the standard app. For Yes/No answers, you can simply select the corresponding field.

For numbers or a text, you must choose the relevant option and then fill in the Answer field. If you select the Set field on this kind of line, you see a message that a text or number must be entered instead. You can view the responses in a subsection on contact cards.

When you create a segment for contacts, you can also filter the values you entered in this way. Just choose an address for a profile questionnaire and enter the text you’re looking for on a line.

Archive profile answers#

If profile answers change for a contact, you can archive the old data:

  1. Open a contact card.
  2. On the ribbon, choose Contact > Profiles.
  3. Choose Related > Archive Answers.

When archiving, the work date and a version number is entered.

To see the most recently archived answers:

  1. Open a contact card.
  2. On the ribbon, choose Contact > Profiles.
  3. Choose Related > Show Answers.

You can then use the Assist button next to the Version No. field to access all versions of the questionnaire.

Create segments with references to service data#

Segments are used to create address lists or add and remove contacts in the marketing area. Besides standard criteria, such as contact, profile, and value entries, you can now also include service information in contact segments.

You can then use this information to create a list of customers who possess service items for which the warranty is about to expire so you have an easier time offering them an extension or a new contract.


  1. Open a new segment.
  2. On the ribbon, choose Add Contacts.
  3. Turn on the relevant toggle (Include Contacts or Include Serv. Contracts) on the Options FastTab to gain access to service item or contract data.


If you want to create segments based on contacts, you need to turn on the Include Contacts option here.

For the Include Serv. Items option, only contacts of the Company type will be added (that is, customer contacts). The Expand Company option, on the other hand, works only in combination with Consider Contacts.

Turning on the Consider Serv. Contracts toggle will list all contacts used in the Contact No. field on a service contract header. These can be of type Person or Company.

Customer groups#

You can use the Customer Group field to specify a trading partner as an A, B, or C customer:

  1. Choose the Search icon, enter Customer Groups, and then choose the related link.
  2. On the ribbon, choose New.
  3. Fill in the Code and Description field.
  4. Optionally, you can run the Completely Shipped Items Only function to specify items that can only be delivered to customers in this group as part of a single shipment.

The groups are then stored on customer cards, in the Customer Group field, and you can use them to filter reports.


You can also use customer groups as a filter in the warehouse and inventory area.

Customer group dimensions#

In Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central1, you can specify customer group dimensions in Sales & Receivables Setup, or, more specifically, the codes that should be used for them. However, the dimensions aren’t shown on the pages that list customer, item, or value entries.

In trade365, a posted dimension value will be displayed directly for an entry to facilitate ad-hoc analyses.

Use recurring sales lines for all customers#

With standard functionality, you need to assign recurring sales lines to every individual customer. In trade365, by contrast, you can make them accessible to all customers immediately:

  1. Choose the Search icon, enter Recurring Sales Lines, and then choose the related link.
  2. On the ribbon, choose Manage > Edit to get to the Standard Sales Lines Card for creating recurring sales lines.
  3. Select the For All Customers field on the header.

Check for duplicate external document numbers#

You can now have the system check for duplicate external document numbers on sales orders:

  1. Choose the Search icon, enter Sales & Receivables Setup, and then choose the related link.
  2. On the KUMAVISION trade365 FastTab, turn on the Check External Doc. No. on Orders toggle.

Afterward, you’ll be notified if a sales order with the same document number has already been entered for a certain customer when you fill in the External Document No. field on an order. You can then confirm the message with OK.


The duplicate document number will not be deleted or changed after confirming the message. You also don’t see this message if you use the same number for different customers.

Get shipment lines#

When you run the Get Shipment Lines function from a sales invoice or use the combined shipments feature, only the ship-to number is copied to the lines as a reference. However, as this is not enough in many cases, you can now have the following field contents copied over as well:

  • Shipment Date
  • Order No.
  • Order Date
  • Your Reference
  • External Document No.

To turn on this feature:

  1. Choose the Search icon, enter Sales & Receivables Setup, and then choose the related link.
  2. On the KUMAVISION trade365 FastTab, turn on the relevant toggles in the Get Shipment Lines section.

Credit limits#

Standard functionality will warn you that a credit limit is being exceeded when you reach the limit on a sales document. To specify when this warning should appear:

  1. Choose the Search icon, enter Sales & Receivables Setup, and then choose the related link.
  2. On the KUMAVISION trade365 FastTab, select an option in the Credit Warning Frequency field.
    a. Choose On Release if you want the message to appear only after releasing a document.
    b. Choose Per Line if you want to be notified when you fill in a new line.

Return reason required#

To prevent sales return orders from being processed without knowing why they were created in the first place:

  1. Choose the Search icon, enter Sales & Receivables Setup, and then choose the related link.
  2. On the trade365 FastTab, turn on the Return Reason Required toggle.

This way, a message is shown when a user tries to release this kind of order but gives no reason for the return.

Scrapped items#

Sometimes, credit memos might be issued for items that were disposed of by customers instead of being returned. For the app to be able to handle this kind of scenario, you need to make a few settings in the system.



Set up a scrap location without configuring the site for warehouse or inventory processes.

Return reasons#

  1. Choose the Search icon, enter Return Reasons, and then choose the related link.
  2. On the ribbon, choose New and specify a code and a description.
  3. Select the Scrap Items checkbox on the line. The No Valuation field is then selected automatically.
  4. Specify in the Default Location Code field the site you’ve set up earlier.
  5. Exit the page.


To process returns where items aren’t sent back to you but are disposed of by the customer:

  1. Create a return order for the items you’ve sold. We recommend that you use the Get Posted Document Lines to Reverse function for this.
  2. Assign the return reason code used for scrap to the affected order lines. The system then copies the scrap location to each line and sets the Unit Price field on it to zero.


If items are tracked, their tracking codes must be deleted from the document lines before you choose a return reason. Following your choice, the relevant serial or lot numbers must be re-entered manually.

Afterward, you can release and post the sales return order, to have the system create item ledger entries for it.


Turning on the Return Reason Required toggle in Sales & Receivables Setup, on the trade365 FastTab, prevents the release of return orders without giving a reason for why the items were returned.

Minimum order values#

Wholesale businesses typically charge fees when orders fall below a minimum value. The Minimum Order Value feature provides a way for you to mirror these situations in the system.


  1. Choose the Search icon, enter Sales & Receivables Setup, and then choose the related link.
  2. On the trade365 FastTab, turn on the Enable Order Minimum toggle.
  3. Select in the Order Minimum For field if the value threshold that you intend to set should apply to all lines of a sales document or only to those that an (inventory) item is entered on.
  4. Exit the page.
  5. Open the Minimum Sales Order Values window by using the general search function or by running the Minimum Order Values function in Sales & Receivables Setup, on a customer card, or on the customer group list.
  6. If necessary, set filters on the header, and then fill in the fields on the lines as described in the following table.
Field Description
Sales Order Type If required, specify the type of sales orders that the order minimum should apply to.
Sales Type Select if the order minimum should apply to a certain customer, to a group of customers, or to all of them.
Sales Code Depending on the option you select in the Sales Type field, you can fill in a customer or a customer group here.

The field is grayed out if the value threshold applies to all customers set up in the system.
Currency Code If required, specify the exact currency the value threshold should apply to.
Starting Date Specify from when the minimum will be used.
Ending Date Specify until when the minimum will be used.
Minimum Value Enter the minimum value for customer orders of goods or services.

Below this value, a fee will be added when releasing quote, order, or invoice lines.
Bill For – Type Specify if the minimum order fee added to sales document lines should be determined based on a G/L account, an item, a resource, or an item charge.

Item charges must be added manually to document lines.
Bill For – No. Depending on the option you select in the Type field, enter a G/L account, an item, a resource, or an item charge here.
Bill For – Description Shows the description of the G/L account, item, resource, or item charge entered in the Bill For – No. field.
Bill For – Description 2 Shows the additional description of the G/L account, item, resource, or item charge entered in the Bill For – No. field.
Bill For – UOM Code Shows the unit of measure used for the G/L account, item, resource, or item charge entered in the Bill For – No. field.
Fee Type Choose whether the fee should be added in the form of a percentage calculated based on the total order value or a fixed amount.
Fee Amount Fill in this field if the Fee Type is set to Amount.
Fee % Fill in this field if the Fee Type is set to Percentage.


When you now set up and release a sales document on which the order value falls below the minimum you’ve set, a line with the specified fees is added to the document automatically.


You can restrict the use of minimum order values on multiple pages. You can turn on or select the No Order Minimum field on

  • the Sales Order Types page (such as for sample orders).
  • a customer card (on the General FastTab).
  • the customer group list.

If you want to deactivate minimum value checks in general, you need to turn off the Enable Order Minimum toggle in Sales & Receivables Setup again.

Using delivery dates in calendar weeks#

In retail, goods are often sold for specific calendar weeks. Within the Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central1 standard, calendar weeks can be entered using a date formula (e.g. M5 = Wednesday week 5).

In KUMAVISION trade365, it is possible to enter the calendar weeks in the fields provided for delivery date, requested delivery date and confirmed delivery date. The calendar week for the delivery date is printed on the offer and the order confirmation.


To be able to use this functional extension, first open the "Accounts receivable and sales setup" and activate the "Show delivery dates in calendar weeks" switch on the "KUMAVISION trade365" information tab.

If the switch is activated, the switch with the same name appears on the "Delivery" information tab on the customer card and can be activated there.


The "Calendar week" area on the "Delivery and billing" info tab is only visible in sales documents for customers who have activated this switch. In this case, the "Show delivery dates in calendar weeks" switch is activated by default when the sales document is created and can be deactivated manually both for the document (on the "Delivery and billing" info tab) and for rows.

In addition, the following fields appear on the "Delivery and billing" info tab and in the rows: Delivery date (calendar week), Requested delivery date (calendar week) and Confirmed delivery date (calendar week).


The calendar weeks can be entered in the document in the following formats:

  • CW
  • CW/YYY

The original date fields are calculated on the first day of the calendar week entered.


Additional time requirements such as transportation or warehouse throughput times can be defined in the system. These times are included in the calculation of delivery dates by default. As a result, the planned delivery dates can be postponed, which can lead to a calendar week being displayed that is different from the one promised.

As in the sales order, the delivery dates can also be entered in calendar weeks in the blanket order.

  1. Microsoft, Microsoft Dynamics, and Microsoft Dynamics 365 are trademarks of the Microsoft group of companies.