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Design And Development#


Design and development extends the production processing of Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central1 in numerous places.

The following sections describe the use and administration of the "Design and Development" module of KUMAVISION factory365.

The following sections describe how to use and manage the "Design and Development" module of KUMAVISION factory365.


Design & development facility#

The "Design & Development Setup" is the central place for the setup of the "Design & Development" module. Call up the "Design & development setup" via the user search and make the necessary settings with the help of the tables below.

Inforegister General#

Field Description
Variant required This defines whether in the design & development with article variants must be posted. (If the required article master has variants).
Usable status article version With this selection you can control which status article versions may be used in the design & development processes.

The following selections are available:

The article version can be used independent of the status.

Certified only:
Only certified item versions can be used.
Display FA in reservation structure Depending on the selection in this field, the E+D mask or the standard mask is called in the reservation structure in the FA.

The following selections are available:

Standard FA:
As soon as the "Display document" function is used in the reservation structure, the production order is called up in the standard mask.

E+D Order:
As soon as the "Display document" function is used in the reservation structure, the production order is called up in the E+D order mask.
Barcode separator The separator for the barcode in report 5500 - "FA component and routing" is hereby defined.
Barcode separator = $

Barcode in the "FA Component and Routing" report would be for released FA 101031, item 1000, operation 010:
Stepwise E+D Position no. This facility is required for the determination of a unique E+D position. With this field you can define the step-by-step positioning in the E+D order lines of the "E+D position" field.
Position item separator This setup is required for the determination of a unique E+D position.
With this field you can define the separator for the items in the E+D order lines of the "E+D position" field.
Position phantom separator This setup is required for the determination of a unique E+D position. With this field you can define the separator for the phantom BOMs in the E+D order lines of the "E+D position" field.
Position operation separator This setup is required for the determination of a unique E+D position. With this field you can define the separator for the operations in the E+D order lines of the "E+D position" field.
Position common part summary This facility is required for the determination of a unique E+D position.

This field specifies the character for the common parts grouping. If an article is used in several assemblies of a production order, the system combines them and generates a "collective FA line" for this.

Such production order lines are marked in the E+D position with the defined character as suffix.

The system only groups together non-variable parts if no item no. is maintained in the component.
Position Additional costs Separator This facility is required for the determination of a unique E+D position.

This field specifies the separator for the additional costs (only with the "Valuation & calculation" module) in the E+D order lines of the "E+D item" field.

Information register selection mapping item#

Field Description
Automatically transfer attributes to versions Define here how the system should behave when assigning new attributes to an article:

Entering new attributes at the article has no effect on the article version.

New only:
Newly entered article attributes are transferred to article versions with the status "New".

to Certified:
Newly entered article attributes are transferred to article versions with the status "New" as well as "Certified".

to Certified and reset to New:
Newly entered article attributes are transferred to article versions with the status "New" and "Certified". If the status of the article version is Certified, it is reset to "New".

Newly entered article attributes are always transferred to the article versions.
Item attribute logistic structure resolution If the same attribute is stored at the FA component, the E+D order lines are categorized according to the article attribute values for the logistical structure explosion based on the specified article attribute.
Item attribute logistic structure resolution Name Specifies the name of the assigned value in the "Item attribute logistic structure resolution" field.

Inforegister execution#

Field Description
Precision duration Presets the field of the same name in the E+D order with the option: "millisecond", "second", "minute", "hour" or "day".
Calculate times incl. secondary operations With the activation of the switch, the secondary operations are taken into account for the calculation of times and completed quantities ("Planned time (ms)", "Consumed time (ms)", "Remaining time (ms)", "Planned time", "Consumed time", "Remaining time", "Consumed time %", "Completed quantity" and "Completed quantity (base)") in the E+D order lines.
Calculate routing in change message through comparison For the "Reschedule" function in the production order, the planning direction is preset with Forward or Backward.
Shipping units for logistic structure resolution Specify here whether you want to have the logistic view or the shipping units displayed via an attribute assignment.

For more information on this topic, see "Shipping units" and "Item attributes".

If you activate the switch, the value in the "Item attribute logistic structure resolution" field will be cleared.
Observance of the production type in the D+D order Use this field to define how the system should behave when calculating production orders with maintained E+D project no. in relation to multi-level production:

The system checks whether the production order line is set to production type "make-to-order" and procurement method "production order".

Always contract manufacturing
In principle, make-to-order production is implemented regardless of the parameterization to articles or inventory data.

Contract manufacturing according to master data
The system checks whether the component is set to production type "make-to-order" and procurement method "production order".

This setting is the default value. In the production order, the production type can again be adapted to the specific order using the function "E+D Change production type".
Procurement type for quantity increase At this point, define how the system is to behave in the event of quantity changes in the FA:

Enterprise Resource Planning
The system behaves as in the standard

Project management and enterprise resource planning
If component quantities in a production order are increased after they were originally procured, this setting does not include the requirement in the planning worksheet, but it is handled as follows during the FA update:

The quantity deviation is implemented by duplicating the FA component with the deviating quantity in the system. In the background, a reserved purchase order is created directly in the purchasing case and a new FA line is created for the duplicated component in the production case.
Autom. update after E+D planning If the switch is active, the E+D order lines are automatically updated when the E+D order planning has been carried out.
Check status (finished parts list/work plan) Define here whether the status of the routing and production BOM:

Always be checked

If E+D project no. empty
Only if the field "E+D project no. " is empty should be checked.
Calculate available for relocation in E+D planning Specify here whether the quantity should be calculated for other storage locations for information purposes during (E+D) order planning.

If the switch is active here, the information is not displayed. This field is particularly useful for a large number of storage locations, as it can optimize the runtime.
Planning - Accept event message The "Accept event message" identifier is preset to "Yes" in E+D planning if the Automatic option is selected. Otherwise, the identifier "No" is preset for Manual.

Information register monitoring#

Field Description
Max. Finished parts list level Specifies the maximum finished parts list levels for the plausibility check for design monitoring.
If the system determines a higher vertical range of manufacture, the system terminates when the level is exceeded and shows this as a structural error in the result.
Item no. required Specifies whether the "Position" field in the finished parts list line must be filled.

If the switch is active here, the system checks whether the "Position" field in the finished parts list line is filled when the finished parts list is certified.

Information register traffic light control#

Field Description
Incl. blanket orders in availability Specifies whether blanket orders should be taken into account when calculating item availability.
Incl. planning proposals in availability Specifies whether planning proposals for calculating item availability should be taken into account.

Construction + development order (E+D order)#

The design + development order is essentially a production order that is converted from a repetitive manufacturing order to a machine and plant engineering order - i.e.: design + development order - by means of a project number. The data from a production order is displayed in an E+D order as a structured BOM, which is supplemented by the following information fields:

  • E+D Positions (Position Index),
  • Quantities, deadline, status and change traffic light,
  • Information about the demand cover and requester

Functions for the specific processing of the FA position round off the whole.

As with a production order, the E+D orders can have the status: Simulated, Firmly planned, Released, Finished. Separate E+D order overviews are available for the different statuses.

In summary, the E+D order is intended to provide a central information hub for reporting the status, processing the respective item and interacting with the upstream and downstream processes of design, work preparation, scheduling, purchasing and warehouse/logistics.


There are two ways to create an E+D order:

  1. You create a production order as usual, manually or via the planning worksheets. In the course of this, an E+D order is generated automatically by the system.

  2. You create an E+D order manually. In the course of this, a production order is generated automatically by the system.

The status of the E+D order always corresponds to the status of the underlying production order.

E+D Order card#

The structure of the E+D job card is identical regardless of its status "Simulated", "Firmly planned", "Released", "Finished". Depending on the status, some functions cannot be executed.

Inforegister screen#

Field Description
Structure resolution The structure resolution controls the view of the E+D lines with the following options:

Depending on the due date, the valid master finished parts lists, routings and versions are displayed. In addition, phantom levels of the construction are displayed.

Displays the current procurement-manufacturing structure of the FA. The constructive phantom levels are exploded, the FA lines, FA operations and FA components can be edited manually.

Assembles the lines according to the logistic characteristic (if available- from Design & Development - Setup).
Calculate work plan No:
Only the structure BOM is displayed.

Show primary AG
The primary operations and the structural BOMs are displayed.

Display primary and secondary AG

In addition to the primary operations and the structured BOM, the secondary operations for other capacities such as "Tool" and "Personnel" are also displayed.
Precision duration Formats the duration of the E+D order line rounded up to millisecond, second, minute, hour, day.

The value is suggested from the Design & Development setup when you open the page. You can override the default setting.

Inforegister General#

Field Description
No. Document number - number range freely definable.
E+D Project no. The project number can be entered manually from the project list. When executing the planning function "Project order" in the sales order, the project can be preset.
Several FAs can thus be combined into one group.
Description Description of the production order. This is pre-assigned with the description of the article and can be changed manually.
Description 2 Additional description of the production order. This is pre-assigned with description 2 of the item and can be changed manually.
Type of origin The origin type gives the user an indication of what the production order was created for.

The following selection options are available:
- Item,
- Family,
- Sales header,
- Project
Origin no. Number of item / family / sales order or "blank" to be produced.

This field is logically related to the origin type.
Search Keyword Is formed automatically from the first 30 digits of the description and can be changed manually.
Quantity Number of items to be produced with this production order.
Due date Date by which the production order should be completed.
Assigned user Entry of the responsible clerk.
Production order type For classification of construction contracts.

Dimensions can be changed or added depending on the order type.
Locked If this identifier is active, postings (consumption and actual report) with the FA are not possible.
Corrected on The date on which the FA was last modified.

Inforegister lines#

E+D Position#

The E+D position is formed for the unique identification of individual lines. Each position in a production order is uniquely defined by the E+D position and is thus very helpful for reconciliation or for the coordination of the different departments.


The E+D position has a maximum length of 30 characters, if this is exceeded, the last 3 characters of the 30 characters are displayed with "...".


To determine a unique E+D item, you must maintain the fields "Stepwise E+D item no. ", "Item item separator", "Item phantom separator", "Item operation separator", "Item common parts summary" and "Item additional costs separator" in the Design & Development setup.

Determination of the E+D position no.#

The E+D item number is determined by the system when calculating the production order or the planning worksheets as well as when maintaining the item number.

The system proceeds with the determination as follows:

Production order line (producing article)#

The system fills the E+D position depending on the creation of the production order:

  • Manually or via the planning worksheets, the E+D item no. is preset with the value from the Design & Development setup of the "Stepwise E+D item no. " field.
  • In order planning, the E+D item no. corresponds to the item no., the sales item to be covered.
  • In project planning, the E+D item no. corresponds to the project task no. of the project plan line to be covered.

The E+D item number corresponds to the E+D item number of the FA line + the item item separator defined in the Design + Development setup and the own item number.

Production order line (assembly)#

The E+D position no. of the assembly corresponds to the E+D position no. of the component to be covered.


The E+D item no. corresponds to the E+D item no. of the FA line + the item operation separator defined in the Design + Development setup and the own operation number.

Additional costs#

The E+D position no. corresponds to the E+D position no. of the FA line + the position additional costs separator defined in the design + development setup and the own position no.

Equal parts summary#

In the standard system, the same parts are grouped together depending on whether the following fields match:

  • Variant code
  • Connection code
  • Position
  • Position 2
  • Position 3
  • Length
  • Wide
  • Weight
  • Depth
  • Unit code

If an article is used in several assemblies of a production order, the system combines them and generates a collective FA component for this article.

The E+D item no. corresponds to the E+D item no. of the FA line + the item same-part summary separator defined in the Design + Development setup and its own item number.

Field Description
E+D Position The E+D position should describe the exact installation position across all drawing levels. In the case of existing CAD integration, the position should match the designations on the CAD drawing and thus forms search information, e.g. for assembly drawings.

E+D Position Initial value:
In the "Order quantity" replenishment procedure, the E+D item is filled based on the item number of the sales line or based on the project task of the project plan line.
If no entry is found here, the step size from the Design & Development setup is assigned.

E+D Calculate position:
The calculation of the E+D position is already done in the planning worksheets and can be shown there in the field "E+D position". In addition, the field is also available in the standard FA documents.

E+D Position manual change:
A manual correction of the initial value is possible in the E+D order via Navigate\lines.
All other manual changes are called from the E+D order component/FA component.

E+D Position Forms of presentation:
In the FA components, as well as the E+D order components, the "E+D Position" is combined with the standard field "Position". Here, the field values "E+D Position" and "Position" are separated using the "Position item separator" from the "Design & Development Setup".
E+D Position Phantom levels:
Can be identified in the dispositive view with the "Position phantom separator" from the "Design & development uni". In the constructive view, the phantom layer is unfolded with its component.

E+D Contract Work Plan:
In the E+D order routing, the E+D position is formed from the operation number. A change is made in the master data and can be updated via the E+D change synchronization. The "Position operation separator" can be defined via the "Design & development setup".

Tools and personnel:
Can be managed in the secondary operations. For this purpose, the E+D position receives an additional suffix. The separator for tool and personnel is defined via the "Production setup" of the fields "Separator operation no. personnel" and "Separator operation no. tool". The numbering for personnel and tool is defined via the "Personnel basic operation no." and "Tool basic operation no." fields.

Additional costs:
In the E+D order, imputed additional costs can be stored for the FA line.

E+D Position Representation of the outsourced substructure:
By means of the "E+D Planning" function, assemblies can be outsourced to another production order.
The outsourced structure is marked in color and is dispositive or dispositive total depending on the structure explosion.

E+D Position Lookup:
From the E+D position, you can branch directly to the edit mask via an AssistEdit call.
Type = Windows
Article = Show components
/Workplace group = Show work plan
Additional costs = Show additional costs
Dispositive availability traffic light Shows the availability of the component.

Assemblies inherit the "worst" result of the components.

see also:
- Availability traffic light
- Setting up the availability traffic light
Capacitive availability traffic light Shows the availability of the workstation (group).

Assemblies inherit the "worst" result of the components.

see also:Availability traffic light
-Setting up the availability traffic light
Type Type of E+D line:
Article, phantom bill of material, workstation group, workstation, functional level, logistic level
E+D Production type Specifies the production type of the item taking into account the master data and also stock card (options: make-to-order, make-to-stock).
No. Specifies the number depending on the type.
Description Specifies the description of the line depending on the "Type" and "Number" fields.
E+D Proposed change available icon Indicates whether an E+D change proposal exists.

The icon is assigned from the "Factory Bitmaps" setup from the "Default line Existing" field.
Finished parts lists Status Displays the status of the finished parts list.
The options are "New", "Certified", "In Development" and "Expired".

The icons are obtained from the "Factory Bitmaps" facility.
Routing status Displays the status of the task list status.
The options are "New", "Certified", "In Development" and "Expired".

The icons are obtained from the "Factory Bitmaps" facility.
Component quantity Required quantity to produce one unit of the parent component.
Requirement date Indicates when the item of the parent level (x-1) is needed. E.g. from goods issue date of VK line, due date FA component.
Quantity required Indicates the quantity required.
Reserved quantity Indicates reserved quantity (if in stock or on order) for this line.
Residual requirement quantity Indicates the demand of the quantities not yet withdrawn or produced.
Storage bin code Specifies the bin code of the FA component.
Availability balance For items, the available quantity in stock and demand date is displayed.

For work center/work center group the available capacity of the FA work operation from start date/time to end date/time is displayed.

Via drilldown, the calculated items can be called up and analyzed.
Reserved stock (base) Indicates the reserved quantity (if in stock) for this row.
Due date Indicates the due date of the FA line when the assembly will be ready according to the FA work plan and calendar model.
If an assembly is outsourced and scheduled, the due date of the FA line (level x+1) differs from the requirement date of the FA component (level x).

The due date of the FA components can be over-scheduled by entering the lead time shift.
Quantity Specifies the number of items to be produced.
Finished quantity Here you can see the already finished quantities.
Quantity in proposal line Indicates the quantity in the planning/purchase order worksheets.
If the procurement documents are triggered from this, then (provided that with the reservation is worked) autm. the field "Reserved quantity" is adapted accordingly.
Duration The duration is calculated from "End date/time" minus "Start date/time" of the FA operation and the FA line.

For FA components with procurement type = purchasing, the procurement time of the item is displayed.
Total duration The total duration is the cumulative result of the operations sorted in chronological order for one FA line.
Supplied by Indicates reserved demand deckers. If there is no reserved demand deck, the field is "empty".

In case of uniqueness the card is displayed directly and via lookup you can branch directly to the document.

If there are (several) demand coverers, you can branch to the reservation items via lookup.
Alternatively, you can branch directly to the documents via the line function Requirement originator (component).
Remaining time Indicates the remaining time. The output "hours", "minutes" or similar depends on the definition in the Design & Development Setup in the "Precision Duration" field.
E+D Change production type#

The production type of the selected item line is changed between make-to-stock production/order-related production. Substructures are set or deleted.

Outsourced manufacturingorder#

For an FA line with the E+D MRP type Production part, the option is offered to create a separate production order if the FA line is to be produced for the higher level on an order-related basis.

For a stock part a link to a FA line can be created. The FA line is thus the requirement cover of the component and the E+D MRP type is changed from stock part to production part.

E+D Order planning#

Order planning is called up specifically for the selected E+D lines. In the course of this, the demand cover is reserved directly for the originator of the demand.

Reserve (line)#

Calling the reservation functionality for the E+D line existing as FA line.

Reserve (components)#

Calling the reservation functionality for the E+D row existing as FA component.

Demand originator (line)#

Calling the demand originator functionality for the E+D line existing as FA line.

Requirement originator (component)#

Calling the demand originator functionality for the E+D row that exists as an FA component.

Transfer marked shipping units#

This function allows you to transfer the selected shipping units.

Show shipping units#

With this call you can display the shipping units for the respective line.

Article availability#

Displays item availability by event, period, variant, storage location or BOM level. For further information, please refer to the Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central1 Helpsite.

Reservation structure#

This function allows you to display the reservation structure of a selected document line.

Reservation item#

Displays the items for each reservation made manually or automatically. For more information, see the Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central1 Helpsite.


Display or edit dimensions. Further information can be found in the Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central1 Helpsite.


Depending on the line type: article, workstation, workstation group, the master data card is called directly.

Work plan#

Displays the E+D order operations for the selected E+D line. It is also possible to call up the E+D item.


Displays the E+D order components for the selected E+D line. A call from the E+D position is also possible.

Additional costs#

Additional imputed costs can be entered for preliminary costing. This item is relevant for the "Valuation & Costing" module.

Item tracking line#

Displays the item tracking assigned to the document row. For more information, see the Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central1 Helpsite.

Third-party work tracking#

Document navigation to the external work documents "Purchase order" and "Stock transfer".

Missing parts list#

Call the missing parts list for the selected E+D line.

E+D Proposed change#

Call the pending proposed changes to the marked E+D line.

E+D markup calculation#

Call the markup calculation for the E+D line with level 0.

Production book. sheet#

Post consumption and expenses. Further information can be found in the Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central1 Helpsite.

Inforegister scheme#

Field Description
Start date Specifies the start date of the E+D order.
Start time Specifies the start time of the E+D job.
End date Specifies the end date of the E+D order.
End Time Specifies the end time of the E+D job.
Planned time
(Current order)
Specifies the scheduled time for the current job.
Planned time
(Overall structure)
Specifies the planned time for the overall structure.
Time consumed
(Current order)
Indicates the time spent on the current job.
Time consumed
(total structure)
Indicates the time spent on the overall structure.
Remaining time
(Current order)
Specifies the remaining time for the current job.
Remaining time
(Overall structure)
Specifies the remaining time for the overall structure.
Time consumed %
(Current order)
Indicates the time used for the current job in %.
Time consumed %
(Overall structure)
Indicates the time spent on the overall structure in %.

Information register booking#

Field Description
Stock posting group Indicates the stock posting group of the production item. This value is preset with the value from the item card.
Product posting group Specifies the product posting group of the production item. This value is preset with the value from the item card.
Business posting group Specifies the business posting group of the production item. This value is preset with the value from the item card.
Global dimension code 1 The "Global dimension 1" is defined in the "Financial accounting setup". This can be the cost center, for example. The value is pre-assigned with the value of the respective dimension from the item dimension..
Global dimension code 2 The "Global dimension 2" is defined in the "Financial accounting institution". This can be the cost object, for example. The value is pre-assigned with the value of the respective dimension from the item dimension.
Location code Specifies the storage location code.
Storage bin code Specifies the storage location.

Functions in the ribbon#

Update structure#

The structure of the E+D order lines is updated. This function is executed manually if required, for example, if the status samples of the E+D order lines are to be checked again at the current time.


The availability traffic lights (dispositive + capacitive) are not automatically recalculated by the "Structure updated" function.

E+D Order planning#

E+D order planning is called up for the complete production order. In this overview, order-related procurement is carried out.

See the separate section E+D order planning.

Update E+D order...#

Has the same functionality as "Update production order..." in FA.


Reschedules the connected production order lines of the current FA. Other production orders connected to the FA lines are not updated.

If the lead time shift is changed in the FA components, a new due date of the reserved FA line follows.

Perform change comparison...#

The "Perform change comparison" function is used to compare production data, taking into account the change flexibility parameter on the E+D order line.

See the separate section "E+D Amendment proposal".

Perform re-comparison...#

The new comparison ignores the change flexibility parameter in the change comparison and thus takes all E+D order lines into account.

Change status#

You can use this function to change the status of this document to Fixed planned, Released or Finished.

Copy E+D document#

This function is similar to the conventional "Copy voucher" function. With this function you can copy the data from an already existing voucher into a new voucher to be created.

Calculate availability traffic light#

This function is used to calculate the availability traffic lights (dispositive + capacitive).

E+D Statistics#

Displays statistical data related to the E+D job.

Missing parts list#

Call the missing parts list as a table or also report.

Reservation item (component)#

Calling the reservation functionality for the E+D lines existing as FA component.


The following reports can be printed out:

  • Work ticket
  • Material requirements list
  • Missing parts list
  • E+D order

Cross country skiing articles overview#

With this function the long run article overview for the referenced production order can be called. In the case of the E+D order, it is the production order that is listed in the header of the E+D order.

For more information, see "Long-run items: Call for a production order / E+D order".

Update cost prices#

This function allows you to update the cost prices across all levels or one level.

Create putaway / picking / stock transfer#

With this function you can create picking and putaway / transfer.

Create bearing deposit request#

This function allows you to request an internal putaway request.

Create picking#

With this function you can create the picking.


You can view the following items by selecting "Items":

  • Item items
  • Capacity items
  • Value items
  • Storage bin items


You can enter remarks for the order via "Remarks".


Displays the dimensions.

Third-party work tracking#

The external work tracking function is called up for the E+D order planning line. This shows all associated orders and stock transfers (provisions).

Calculation proposal (E+D)#

Opens the E+D calculation proposal.


Opens the E+D order line card for processing.

Shipping unit#

Opens the shipping unit card.

Foreign workers shipping list#

In this menu item you can print the foreign worker dispatch list.

E+D Proposed change#

KUMAVISION factory365 offers the functionality E+D Change Proposal to compare the manufacturing data (FA routings and FA components) of the E+D order with the master data (routings and finished parts lists). If the data of the E+D order differs from the master data, the E+D change proposal suggests a change in the E+D order.


If the change flexibility of the E+D order line is set to "none", this line is ignored in the change comparison.

The mask can be called up both via the user search and directly via the E+D order using the functions "Execute change proposal" and "Execute new comparison".

Field Description
E+D Position Position number of the line in the structure of the assemblies.
Type Definition of the line, the options are:

• Article,
• Phantom Bill of Materials,
• Workstation Group,
• Workplace
No. The number is dependent on the type.
Working aisle no. Number of the operation, if the type is "work center group" or "work center".
Event message Indicates the corresponding event message.
Accept event message The "Accept event message" identifier is preset to "Yes" in E+D Planning if the "Planning - Accept event message" field in the "Design & development settings" is set to "Automatic". If the field is set to "Manual", the identifier is pre-assigned with "No".
Detail. Change notification Shows the description of the change.
Description Description depending on the type.
(e.g.: article description, operation description)
Age value Displays the value from the production order.
New value Displays the value from the finished parts list or routing.
Area Displays the area where the change is to be made.
FA status Displays the status of the production order in which the change is to be made.
FA no. Displays the production order number in which a change is made.
FA line no. Displays the line no. of the production order in which a change is made.
Change flexibility Identifier, which allows a line to be excluded from the proposed change.

The available options are "Unlimited" and "None".

This parameter is set manually by the production management per FA line and FA component.
Comparison date Displays the date of the comparison.
Variant code (to be manufactured) Specifies the variant to be manufactured.
Version code (to be fert.) Specifies the version to be manufactured.
Proposal version code (to be fert.) Version that would have to be made if the proposed change is executed.
Change notification Marks the line as a change and the type of change -.
• New,
• Change,
• Remove,
• Empty
Accept change message Here it can be decided line by line which change is accepted by the user.

The program will suggest you changes.
Item no. (component) If the change concerns a component, its article number is displayed here.
Variant code (component) If the change concerns a component and this has a variant, the valid variant of the article number is displayed here.
Work plan ref. no. Line number of the production order to which the routing is assigned.
Work plan no. Displays the job number of the FA line.
Routing version code Displays the version of the routing assigned in the production order.
Proposal work plan ref. no. Displays the line number of the production order in which the routing is to be assigned.
Proposal Work plan no. Displays the task list number that is entered after the change adjustment.
Proposal routing version code Displays the new valid version of the task list number entered after change matching.
Proposal work plan status Displays the status that the routing assumes in the FA when the change proposal is executed.
Finished parts list no. Indicates the production BOM found.
Finished parts list version no. Indicates the found valid version of the production BOM.
FA- Component line no. Specifies the component line number in the found production BOM.
Proposal Finished parts list no. Displays the found and valid production BOM.
Proposal Fert. version code Displays the valid BOM version that is transferred to the FA during a change comparison.
Proposal Finished BOM status Displays the status found with the current production BOM.

The change proposal lines only have an influence on the E+D order as soon as the Execute change message function is carried out for the selected proposal lines (Accept change message = YES).

Functions in the ribbon#

Get error log#

Opens the E+D error log.

FA work plan#

Opens the FA work plan of the FA line.

Calculate net change plan#

The "Perform change comparison" function is used to compare production data, taking into account the change flexibility parameter on the E+D order line.

Calculate regenerative plan#

The new comparison ignores the change flexibility parameter in the change comparison and therefore takes all E+D order lines into account.

Carry out action message#

The marked lines are accepted/executed with the "Execute event message" function.

Production order#

Opens the production order (standard view).


Opens the E+D order (similar to production order).

Production order components#

Opens the FA components (standard view).

E+D order work plan#

Opens the E+D order routing (analogous to FA routing).

E+D change proposal work plan#

Displays the routing lines of the E+D order line.

E+D change proposal components#

Displays the component lines of the E+D order line.

E+D order planning#

E+D order planning is called up for the complete production order. In this overview, order-related procurement is carried out. The person creating the requirement receives a direct reservation with a requirement cover. The following requirements coverers are possible: purchase order, planned/released production order, stock transfer order, assembly order and external work order.

Field Description
E+D Position no. This field maps the E+D position from the E+D order.
E+D Planning line type The following types are available: structure heading, stock section and external operation.
Type The article and workstation group types are possible.
No. Depending on the type, this field indicates the no. of the item or workstation group.
Description Depending on the type, this field indicates the description of the item or operation.
Requirement date Indicates the due date of the item/external operation.
Unit code Informatively specifies the units from the FA component.
Planning quantity The target quantity is shown here.
Planning completed If this identifier is set by the system, this means for the user that the article or the external operation already has a reserved requirements cover.
Procurement quantity This quantity defines the procurement quantity that is to be transferred to the requirements planner later in the process via the "Create orders" functionality.
Procurement method Indicates the procurement method of the item. Situationally, the procurement method can be manually changed to purchase, production order, stock transfer or assembly.
Deliver from Specifies the vendor from which the item/external work is to be obtained.
Reserve The "Reserve" identifier defines whether the demand cover to be created is to be reserved for the demand originator.
Accept event message Only E+D order planning lines that have this identifier set will be considered in the "Create orders" function.

Functions in the ribbon#

Update lines#

You can use this action to update the lines if changes have already been made in the background, possibly by other users.

Deactivate / activate structure#

If the structure is activated, the components are displayed in the building structure including the assemblies.

Deactivate / activate storage parts#

Controls whether stock items are displayed or not.

Deactivate / activate external work#

Controls whether external work is displayed or not.

Only unplanned lines all lines#

Controls whether only unplanned rows or all rows are displayed.

Accept event message#

Activates the "Accept event message" indicator for the selected line.

Reject event message#

Deactivates the "Accept event message" indicator of the selected line.


Calls up the reservation functionality for the selected line.

Create planning proposals#

You can use this action to transfer the marked lines ("Accept event message") to a planning worksheet.

Create orders#

You can use this action to generate purchase orders, production orders, stock transfer orders, assembly orders or external work orders for the marked lines ("Accept event message"), depending on the procurement method.

Reservation structure#

You can use this function to display the reservation structure of a selected voucher line.

Reservation item#

Displays the items for each manual or automatic reservation. Further information can be found in the Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central1 online help.

Order proposal lines#

Displays the respective order proposal lines.

External labor order#

Displays the respective external work orders (only for planning line type "External operation").

External work tracking#

External work tracking is called up for the E+D order planning line. This shows all associated orders and stock transfers (provisions).

Execution supervision#

Execution monitoring is used to get a quick overview of the execution status of the design and development process.

For this purpose, there is the design monitoring for the master data view and the disposition monitoring for the design + development order view (E+D orders). In both monitoring functions, the scope of monitoring can be defined specifically according to articles, sales orders and E+D orders and projects in the case of MRP monitoring.

The MRP monitoring also lists the finished parts lists and operation lines, but compares these with the components and operations of the E+D order or production order. Additionally, information regarding date and quantity as well as procurement is displayed.

Design monitoring#

Design monitoring allows you to monitor the status of your production master data. Design monitoring lists the finished parts lists and operation lines and displays their processing status.


Please note that the system takes into account the inventory data, if available, when determining the data.

You can call up the "Design monitoring" via the user search.


In the "General" area, you can first define what should be checked and how.

Field Description
Sales order filter If you want to check the production data for an entire sales order, maintain the order number here. The system determines all articles entered in the order.
Article filter Enter here the article no. of the article to be checked.
Calculate work plan Use this field to specify how the system should take the routings into account:

Routings are not taken into account in the calculation and are therefore not included in the result.

Show primary AG
Routings are included in the calculation, but secondary operations are not shown.

Display primary and secondary AG
Routings are fully considered in the calculation, primary as well as secondary operations are shown.
Structure check only Activate the switch if you only want to see items with notes in the result. This means that you will only see lines whose BOM levels are greater than the value in the "Max. finished BOM level" field in the Design and Development setup.


The main fields of the display lines are explained in more detail below:

Field Description
E+D position This field displays the E+D position.

The top level is filled with the "Order position no. " in case of an order reference. Otherwise, the value is initialized according to the Design & Development setup in the "Step size E+D item no. " field.

The other levels are calculated according to their definition in Design & Development.
Level Represents the BOM level.
Sales order no. In this field the possibly passed order no. is displayed.
Type This field shows the type of line:

It is a comment line

It is an item, the sources are production order line and components.

Please note that the variant code is maintained when displayed in blue.

Phantom Bill of Materials:
The component is defined as a phantom.

Workstation Group:
This is an operation of the "workstation group" type.

This is a "workstation" type operation.

Additional costs:
This is an additional cost item from the calculation.

Functional Level:
It is an attribute value according to your attribute definition in the Design & Development setup in the "Item attribute functional structure resolution name" field.

Logistical level:
It is an attribute value according to your attribute definition in the Design & Development setup in the field "Item attribute logistic structure resolution name".

Please note that the types Additional costs, Functional as well as Logistical level are not used in construction monitoring.
No. In this field, depending on the "Type", the "No. " field of the respective master data record is displayed.
Description Depending on the "Type" and "No. ", the description of the source data set is displayed here.
Finished parts lists Status For the types "Article" and "Phantom BOM", the status of the stored production BOM is displayed here.
Finished parts list no. For the types "Article" and "Phantom BOM" the production BOM no. of the stored production BOM is displayed here.
Routing status For the types "Article", "Workstation" and "Workstation group", the status of the stored production parts list is displayed here.
Work plan no. For the type "Article", the routing no. of the stored routing is displayed here.
Procurement method (master data) Here you are shown the procurement method from the article master for type=article.

For type=workstation group, depending on whether it is external work, at

Outside work: Purchasing
Internal: Production order


In the case of type=phantom bill of materials, "Stock transfer" is displayed.
Production type (master data) Here with kind=article with the procurement type "production order" the production type from the stockkeeping data is represented to you.

For items with the procurement type "Purchase", a reference to the re-procurement procedure, whereby:
• (empty) is displayed with " ".
• Order quantity with order production
• the others are shown with make-to-stock production.

For type=phantom BOM, " " (empty) is always displayed here.
Comment Here the system shows you irregularities of your master data.



With this action you perform the calculation according to your calculation settings.

Work plan#

Use this action to open the displayed routing(s).

Finished parts list#

With this action you open the displayed production BOM (version).


With this action you open the article card for articles.

Disposition monitoring#

The MRP monitoring offers a resolved tree structure of the production order. The required quantity and the availability balance of the components and capacities can be viewed here.

Visualization takes place with the dispositive and capacitive availability traffic light.

If there are reserved requirements coverers available for the requirements originators, these can be called up using the info box.


In the "General" area, you can first define what should be checked and how.

Field Description
Sales order filter A sales order filter can be specified. If there are sales lines for the sales order that are reserved with a production order, the reserved production orders are listed and resolved in the MRP monitoring.
Project filter The project filter acts here analogously to the sales filter. If production orders are reserved for project task lines, the production orders are listed in the MRP monitoring.
Article filter If an article filter is specified, the MRP monitoring searches over all production orders for the specified article filter and lists the production orders found in the MRP monitoring.
Production application filter Enter here a production order no. of the item to be checked.
Calculate work plan Use this field to specify how the system should take the routings into account:

Routings are not taken into account in the calculation and are therefore not included in the result.
Hide sec AG:
Routings are included in the calculation, but secondary operations are not shown.
Sec. AG Ads:
Routings are fully considered in the calculation, primary as well as secondary operations are shown.
Overall structure Activate the switch if you want to display the overall structure in the result.


Field Description
E+D position This field displays the E+D position.

The top level is filled with the "Order position no. " in case of an order reference. Otherwise, the value is initialized according to the Design & Development setup in the "Step size E+D item no. " field.

The other levels are calculated according to their definition in Design & Development.
Level Represents the BOM level.
FA Status Indicates the status of the stored production order.
FA no. Indicates the number of the stored production order.
Sales order no. In this field the possibly passed order no. is displayed.
Project no. In this case, the corresponding project number is displayed.
Procurement method (master data) Here you are shown the procurement method from the article master for type=article.

For type=workstation group, depending on whether it is external work, at

Outside work: Purchasing
Internal: Production order


In the case of type=phantom bill of materials, "Stock transfer" is displayed.
Production type (master data) Here with kind=article with the procurement type "production order" the production type from the stockkeeping data is represented to you.

For items with the procurement type "Purchase", a reference to the re-procurement procedure, whereby:
• (empty) is displayed with " ".
• Order quantity with order production
• the others are shown with make-to-stock production.

For type=phantom BOM, " " (empty) is always displayed here.
Dispositive availability traffic light Shows the availability of the component.

Assemblies inherit the "worst" result of the components.

see also:
-Availability traffic light
-Setting up the availability traffic light
Capacitive availability traffic light Shows the availability of the workstation (group).

Assemblies inherit the "worst" result of the components.

see also:
- Availability traffic light
- Setting up the availability traffic light
Type This field shows the type of line:

This is a comment line.

It is an item, the sources are production order line and components.

Please note that the variant code is maintained when displayed in blue.

Phantom Bill of Materials:
The component is defined as a phantom.

Workstation Group:
This is an operation of the type work center group.

This is a "workstation" type operation.

Additional costs:
This is an additional cost item from the calculation.

Functional Level:
It is an attribute value according to your attribute definition in the Design & Development setup in the "Item attribute functional structure resolution name" field.

Logistical level:
It is an attribute value according to your attribute definition in the Design & Development setup in the field "Item attribute logistic structure resolution name".

Please note that the types Additional costs, Functional as well as Logistical level are not used in construction monitoring.
No. In this field, depending on the "Type", the "No. " field of the respective master data record is displayed.
Description Depending on "Type" and "No. " the description of the source dataset is displayed here.
E+D Proposed change available icon Indicates whether an E+D change proposal exists.
Finished parts lists Status For the types "Article" and "Phantom BOM", the status of the stored production BOM is displayed here.
Routing status For the types "Article", "Workstation" and "Workstation group", the status of the stored production parts list is displayed here.
Requirement date Indicates when the item is needed.
Quantity required Indicates the quantity required.
Reserved quantity Indicates the reserved quantity if in stock or on order for this line.
Residual requirement quantity Indicates the demand of the quantities not yet withdrawn or produced.
Requested from Specifies the demand originator for this line.
Availability balance For items, the available quantity in stock and demand date is displayed.

For work center/work center group the available capacity of the FA work operation from start date/time to end date/time is displayed.
Reserved stock (base) Indicates the reserved quantity if in stock for this line.
Due date Date by which the production order should be completed.
Quantity Specifies the quantity of this line.
Finished quantity Here you can see the already finished quantities.
Duration The duration is calculated from "End date/time" minus "Start date/time" of the FA operation and the FA line.
Supplied by Specifies the demand cover for this line.
Comment Here the system shows you irregularities of your master data.



With this action you perform the calculation according to your calculation settings.

Production order#

With this action you open the associated production order.

Work plan#

Use this action to open the displayed routing(s).


Use this action to open the FA component row overview.

E+D Order#

With this action you open the corresponding E+D order

E+D Contract Work Plan#

With this action you open the E+D order routing.

E+D order components#

Use this view to open the E+D order component overview.


With this action you open the article card for articles.

E+D Proposed change#

Opens the E+D change proposal.

  1. Microsoft, Microsoft Dynamics, and Microsoft Dynamics 365 are trademarks of the Microsoft group of companies.