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Rolling Planning - Forecast#


The "Forecast" sub-module of rolling planning is presented below.

With the help of rolling planning, you can view the current status and progress of your project at a glance and at the same time have access to the further planning process in order to minimize planning uncertainties. The planning can be updated on an ongoing basis.

Versioning allows you to track project development at any time. Both the past and the expected future and, if necessary, the present can be compared and reconciled.


The forecasting sub-module can be used independently of the distribution sub-module, but the two complement each other perfectly.


"Rolling planning (forecast)" is an activation module that can only be used with additional licensing and activation.


Projects Setup#


Field Description
Forecast Active Activate the switch to use the forecast.
Style Addition Expenses Warning
Style Addition Expenses crit. Warning
Addition Expenses Warning (Percent)
Addition Expenses crit. Warning (Percent)
Addition Expenses crit. Warning (Percent)
Style Deficit Expenses Warning
Style Deficit Expenses crit. Warning
Deficit Expenses Warning (Percent)
Deficit Expenses crit. Warning(Percent)
These fields make it possible to define the coloring and percentage thresholds for cost overruns or underruns in the forecast views. This determines when and in which color the figures are displayed.

If the cost overrun is 5%, the cost values should be displayed in light red (= Style Attention) and in dark red (= Style Unfavorable) if the cost overrun is 10%.
Style Addition Expenses Warning
Style Addition Expenses crit. Warning
Addition Expenses Warning (Percent)
Addition Expenses crit. Warning (Percent)
Style Deficit Expenses Warning
Style Deficit Expenses crit. Warning
Deficit Expenses Warning (Percent)
Deficit Expenses crit. Warning (Percent)
These fields make it possible to define the colors and percentage thresholds for revenue overruns or underruns in the forecast views. This determines when and in which color the figures are displayed.
Allow edit Origin Values As soon as the switch is activated, the values of the original version may be changed in the forecast view, and thus also the original version.
Style First Version Colored representation of the values of the first WBS version to be compared in the forecast comparison matrix.
Style Second Version Colored representation of the values of the second WBS version to be compared in the forecast comparison matrix.
Style Third Version Colored representation of the values of the third WBS version to be compared in the forecast comparison matrix.
Style Additional Lines Colored display of transferred supplement lines (=WBS lines) in the original budget. This allows the transferred supplements from a WBS version to the original version to be distinguished from each other by color.
Comparision Sorting Specifies whether the comparison values in the "Forecast comparison view" should be displayed side by side or grouped in departments.

Side by side means that the same fields of each version are displayed directly next to each other (e.g. the actual quantities of all 3 versions).

Department view means that all fields of the "Quantity" department (of version 1 then version 2 then version 3) are displayed first, then all fields of the "Cost price" department (of version 1, version 2 and then version 3) are displayed, etc.
WBS Open Page After New Version Creation Options Specifies which version should be displayed automatically after executing the "Create new version" function. You can choose from the following options:- previous version
- original version
- new version

In most cases, it makes the most sense to select the "new version" as it can be used directly.
WBS Page After New Version Creation Specifies which page is to be opened with the version defined in the above field after the "Create new version" function has been executed. You have several pages to choose from.

Rolling Planning#

The other non-editable fields in the "Forecast" and "Distribution" groups show whether there are corresponding facilities. If facilities are available, this is indicated by "Yes". Clicking on "Yes" or "No" takes you to this facility. For the "Forecast" sub-module, the individual facilities are: "Comparison fields facility" and "New version facility".

Forecast Comparison Fields#

On the "Forecast comparison fields" page, you determine which fields are to be displayed in the comparison matrix of the "WBS forecast comparison view". A default configuration is created the first time it is used and missing fields can be added.

In addition, the fields can be assigned to a department; this is particularly relevant if the "Department" option has been selected in the "Forecast comparison sorting" field in the "Projects setup". In this case, the fields in the comparison matrix are grouped according to these departments.

The values in the "Sorting" column determine the order in the comparison matrix. This order is done in 10 steps so that new fields can easily be inserted between the existing ones. The lower the number, the further to the left the field is in the matrix.

The "Cross-version" checkbox is used to define fields that are not displayed per version, but are displayed once across versions. The "Description" field is a field that is well suited to being displayed across versions.

WBS new version report options#

On the "New WBS version option values" page, you determine which selection fields are to be displayed on the query page when the "Copy WBS" function is executed via the "Create new version" menu item.

It is recommended to keep the view as minimal as possible. Ideally, no fields appear on the query page, not even the field for selecting the WBS version (source version) to be copied. Without this selection, the active version is automatically used as the source.

User Setup#

Field Description
Allow Edit Origin Budget Controls that a PSP version marked as the original version may be modified, although this is not normally possible.
Allow Set Origin Budget Controls that a WBS version may be defined as the original version by setting the field with the same name on the WBS header. Original versions may no longer be changed.

Create project#

As soon as a project has been created, whether with or without a wizard, and optional budgeting has been carried out via the Distribution sub-module, there are two WBS versions: an unchangeable original version and an active version against which postings are made.

Forecast Views#

In the ribbon of the project card, there are two forecast views available, analogous to the two WBS views ("Work breakdown structure" and "WBS with budget view"). In addition, the "WBS forecast budget view" is also available as a filtered version for active WBS lines (WBS forecast with budget lines (open work packages)).

In addition to the familiar fields from the conventional views, these forecast views also contain additional fields that are specific to the forecast and are not available in the regular WBS views.

Field Description
Quantity Displays the budgeted quantity of the open WBS version (corresponds to the field in the regular WBS views).
Residual quantity Calculates the residual value from the budget of the currently opened PSP version minus the consumption incl. already accrued commitment (quantity - quantity ACTUAL + commitment).
Quantity (expected) Indicates the budgeted quantity of the original version.
Time commitment (quantity) Indicates the number of time bookings already entered that have not yet been transferred to the project items via the project book sheet (this corresponds to the corresponding field in the regular WBS views).
Consumption (base) Displays the consumption quantity from the project items (corresponds to the field in the regular WBS views).
Menge IST + Obligo Indicates the added quantity from the two fields "Time commitment (quantity)" and "Consumption (basis)".

The fields also exist for the purchase amounts. Settlement quantities and sales amounts can also be viewed.

Create new wbs version#

The "Create new version" function can be used to create a new version using "Copy PSP". Depending on the setup, the function is called up with a very reduced view of the selection page. A source version does not have to be selected, the active version is automatically the source version that is copied.


The new version is automatically set to active.

Open origin budget#

Opens the PSP version marked as the original version.

WBS forecast comparison#

The "PSP forecast comparison" allows you to compare up to three different PSP versions directly with each other. In the top section of the "Forecast comparison" page, you can select which versions are to be included in the comparison.

The "Show costs" and "Show revenues" radio buttons can be used to specify whether "only quantities", "only amounts" or "both" should be displayed in the comparison matrix for the costs or revenues.

The values from the WBS versions are compared with each other in the "Forecast comparison matrix" area. For better clarity, the values of each version are shown in a separate color (see Setup).

The comparison takes place at WBS line level.


The consumption values and obligation values are displayed at the time of validity of the individual PSP versions.


Version 2 remains valid until 15.06.25, as version 3 was created and released on this date ("Create new version" function). Up to 15.06.25, a total of 120 hours were booked, and from 15.06.25 to the present date, an additional 30 hours have been added to the commitment. A consumption of 120 hours is specified for version 2, while 150 hours are listed for version 3 under the column heading "Actual quantity + commitment".


Supplements in the project business must also be regularly taken into account in the budget. These are created in the current WBS version and can be transferred to the original version if required, where they are marked as supplements. Whether it makes sense to transfer a supplement to the original budget depends on the individual case.

New WBS lines are regarded as supplements, while new budget lines within existing WBS lines are regarded as planning changes. Therefore, supplements requested by the customer must always be represented by the creation of new WBS lines.

Transfer Addition#

The "Transfer supplement" checkbox on the WBS line is automatically activated when a new WBS line is created in a version that is not marked as the original version.

The "Transfer new WBS lines to original budget" function allows you to transfer these WBS lines together with the associated budget lines to the original version. There is also the option "Transfer selected WBS lines to original budget", which allows the targeted selection and transfer of specific new WBS lines.

Open original budget#

If the original budget is then opened, the WBS lines transferred there can be recognized by the filled supplement fields:

Field Description
Addendum on Indicates when the addendum was created.
Addendum from PSP description Specifies the description of the version from which this supplement was transferred.
Supplement to PSP Project budget name Specifies the project budget name from which this supplement was transferred.
Addendum from PSP version Specifies the WBS version number from which this supplement was transferred.

Supplementary lines are set off in color from the original budget (the original WBS lines). This color coding is defined in the "Setup projects" in the "Style supplement lines" field.

New WBS Version as original version#

Instead of transferring the supplements to the original version, the customized version can also be used as the new original version. This depends on the approach and the status of the respective versions.

WBS Versions in project controlling#

The "Project financial reports" offer the option of creating flexible project controlling overviews that can also take the project budget into account.

The WBS versions used intensively in rolling planning can be used flexibly by selecting from the "Active version", its "Previous version" or the original version as the basis in the column layouts under "WBS version". For example, a comparison of budgeting between the original version and the active version can be created. This setting in the column layouts is only effective if budget values are to be displayed in the column to be defined, i.e. if the "Project account items" option is selected in "Type of item".